The Group’s Favorite Cute Baby is One and a Half Years Old

Chapter 873: , birds of a feather flock together

Chapter 873: Birds of a feather flock together

It would be lonely enough to marry far away without relatives, but it would be even more lonely if you don’t even have friends.

 Even though she has children, she still wants friends nearby.

 Because I have friends, I have a lot more fun.

Jing Shirong saw that she was getting more and more afraid of loneliness, so he hugged her and kissed her cheek, "Don't worry, they will have to stay for at least half a year."

 Murong Yun cannot leave until the gold business from neighboring countries is settled.

This is to make money for the emperor, while guarding the financial actions of neighboring countries, and cannot just leave.

Sister Ying was curious and asked him, "How is the financial situation of neighboring countries? How are the princes doing now?"

From the time she was pregnant until now, she has never been to the streets of neighboring countries, and she doesn’t know what’s going on there.

Jing Shirong held her in his arms and explained to her in detail.

“Those princes are all very ambitious. They won’t give in to anyone, and they fight fiercely in secret.”

 Coupled with the uneven distribution of money, the brothers all became enemies.

 Although they were born to the same father, they were born to different biological mothers. For the sake of profit, there was not much brotherly love at all.

On the surface, they appear to be in love with each other, but secretly they have hurt each other countless times.

The third princess sent people to keep an eye on these things in secret, and Jing Shirong also knew about it.

 In these days of peace and prosperity, it is naturally a good thing for the neighboring princes to be at odds with each other.

The emperor never wanted to attack the other party, but he also prevented the other party from attacking, so the three princesses never relaxed their surveillance of neighboring countries.

Now that the third princess is pregnant with her second child, she goes to the military camp as usual. No one in the military camp knows that she is pregnant with her second child.

Jing Shirong was also surprised that she was pregnant with a second child, and asked Sister Ying, "What does she think? Didn't she swear not to have another baby before? Why did she give birth again?"

Sister Ying wanted to laugh when she said this, "Maybe she doesn't need to take care of the baby after it's born. She feels that the task is over after the baby is born, so she won't find it troublesome."

 Maybe it was because of the relationship between Xiaozhuzhu and Mr. Zhong that the third princess thought it would be good to have another child, so she got pregnant.

Jing Shirong was very happy, "The third princess is still so courageous."

  Marry when you say you want to get married, and have two children when you say you want to have two children. You are extremely brave.

“But why is she not pregnant at all this time?”

 When she was pregnant with Piggy, her face was so pale that he didn't even dare to recognize her.

 But this time it was obviously much better, and there was no reaction at all, and he was bouncing around.

Sister Ying guessed, “Perhaps the reaction of each pregnancy is different.”

Like when she was pregnant with Xiaomiguo, she couldn't eat anything at first, but she got better gradually.

If you give birth to a second child in the future, your reaction may be different.

Jing Shirong was afraid, "If a child with a bad temper comes, he will probably make trouble for you."

 So let’s wait for this matter, don’t rush.

Sister Ying chuckled, "Why are you more scared than me?"

Most husbands would like to have a second child as soon as the first child is born, but he is strangely afraid of having a second child.

Jing Shirong lowered his head and bit her, "Isn't that because I'm afraid you will suffer."

  Anyway, now that you have Xiaomiguo, you can be considered a heir, and it doesn’t matter whether you want a second child or not.

Sister Ying was surprised, "Why do you think so differently from people in ancient times?"

She was surprised that her mother had avant-garde ideas, but her husband was even more avant-garde.

Jing Shirong laughed, "Maybe it's because I came out too early to work hard."

 When he returned to Beijing as a teenager, he went to the military camp for training.

 After training, he went to study to take the top prize. He has been independent and self-reliant outside, and he is self-sufficient mentally and materially. There is still a difference between him and a young master who supports his family and is influenced by his parents' traditional ideas.

 In addition, he has experienced life and death, seen many different cases, and witnessed many bad and good people, so his ideas are much different from those of his age.

 Before, he was afraid that if he could not give birth, it would delay Sister Ying's motherhood.

Now that they are able to give birth, it proves that they are both fine, and they don’t care whether they have a second child or not. Although life is wonderful for having a second child, the pain of Sister Ying's childbirth is still vivid in his mind, and he is a little scared.

 Perhaps he cares about her too much and is too afraid of losing her, so he doesn't dare to let her take risks.

Sister Ying was moved to tears, "Oh, don't be so affectionate. It made me cry."

How lucky she is to meet a man who cares so much about her life and death.

They say birds of a feather flock together, and I felt that the people she met were all kind and grateful.

  Occasionally, there are a few bad people, but they are not bad-hearted to the core. I am really grateful that she can meet these good people in this life.

Jing Shirong also felt that it was his honor to meet her.

If he hadn't met her, he might be like other young masters, obeying his parents' orders, finding a well-matched woman, and then living with each other as guests.

With his personality, if he is not emotionally moved by others, it will be difficult for him to resonate with them, and there is no such thing as the warmth of love.

 So he was also grateful to have met her.

"Okay, don't thank me anymore. Go and draw portraits for your parents."

 They send portraits to their parents-in-law in Beijing every month.

Jing Shirong has three days off every month, and every time he comes back, he has to draw a portrait of Xiaomi Guo.

 He is capable of both literary and military skills and is very skilled in craftsmanship.

Xiao Miguo is asleep now, so she can just lie down and let him draw.

Sister Ying brought him paper and pen and helped him grind them.

Jing Shirong looked down at his daughter and wrote very skillfully.

 After all, I draw every month, and I am already familiar with my daughter’s demeanor.

 The little girl’s chubby body is now bigger than when she was born, and she looks chubby.

 She always **** her mouth and makes sucking movements when she sleeps, which is very cute.

 Because she was turned over to sleep during the confinement period, her little head was round and very pretty.

My little hair has grown a lot, and the ends are slightly curled, and can be tied into little buns.

Her chubby little face was because she slept on her side, and her little mouth was pouted, like a little goldfish.

Jing Shirong unconsciously fell in love with her, and a smile appeared on her lips.

 Every time he painted, he painted two paintings, one for himself and one for his parents.

Occasionally, I have to send it to the Yue family. The Yue family also likes this granddaughter.

 After painting, let it dry first, and then start writing the letter.

 It writes about trivial daily things, mostly about Xiaomi Guo, and the elderly of both families love to read them.

 After writing the letter, Xiao Miguo woke up once. Sister Ying fed her and then patted her to make her fall asleep.

This time I can sleep until the next day, and the couple can finally sleep.

The two of them lay on the bed. Sister Ying crossed her legs and hugged him. She felt that this position was the most comfortable.

Jing Shirong snorted, "Don't do this to me, I can't stand it."

Sister Ying, like an old woman, flirted with him deliberately, "You can't stand this, a little thing, you can't help teasing me, do you have no woman?"

Jing Shirong narrowed his dark eyes, pretending to be a sheep, "Isn't it clear to my wife whether I have a woman?"

Sister Ying raised his chin like a madam, "How can I tell if you are lying just by looking at it?"

Jing Shirong pretended to be a sheep, "What should I do? How can I prove it to my wife?"

Sister Lao Se Piying said, "How about you show your behavior to me? If you behave well, I will give you a reward."

Jing Shirong glanced at her and said, "Since Madam gave you money, I will show my shame."

 Speaking, he lowered the curtain and blew out the candles.

 (End of this chapter)

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