Chapter 874, Picky Eating

 On the second day.

 The couple both got up late today.

 Even Xiaomiguo got up late.

 Because of her fever, she rarely slept longer than usual, and she was still awake.

Jing Shirong was worried about her, so he got up first to check on her condition, opened the cradle curtain, and touched her little head.

 Fortunately, the temperature was normal, breathing was normal, and the heartbeat was normal, so he felt relieved.

“Daughter? Why aren’t you awake yet?”

 Normally this little girl would get up early and play with her feet.

Just as he said that, Xiao Miguo’s eyelashes moved.

 She twisted her little body, ate her little fingers, and woke up.

 When I woke up, I sighed and said "ha~". I don't know what I thought I was worried about.

Jing Shirong smiled lovingly, "Why are you sighing, my dear?"

Xiao Miguo recognized him, said "Ah~" and stretched out her hand towards him.

Jing Shirong picked her up and checked to see if the diaper was wet.

Sister Ying also got up, patted the bed and asked him to carry her over.

He took the child over, and Sister Ying opened her clothes and fed her, looking very lazy.

Jing Shirong laughed, "I told you not to flirt with me, but you didn't listen."

Every time he wanted to let her go, but she was just a flirt and a flirt. She wouldn't listen. In the end, she was so tired that she couldn't even say anything, which made people laugh and cry.

Sister Ying closed her eyes and hummed, "I'm happy, but you can't control it."

 She just liked teasing him anyway. Although she couldn't bear the consequences, she felt it was quite okay in the early stage.

Xiao Miguo groaned and stopped eating after two bites. She turned over and rolled aside mercilessly.

Sister Ying was stunned for a moment. Seeing her rolling so far away, she was very confused and asked, "Why don't you eat?"

 Don’t you usually have to eat for a long time?

Jing Shirong was also surprised, "Are you losing your appetite?"

"You shouldn't. You've been hungry all night, so you should be very hungry."

 She retrieved her daughter, turned her little head, and continued feeding her.

 I took a few symbolic bites of the small honey fruit and then stopped eating it.

Sister Ying was suspicious, "What's wrong with this child? Why is his appetite so bad today?"

Jing Shirong frowned, "How about I go get her some fruit puree."

 It’s better to have something to eat.

 “Okay, then go ahead.”


Jing Shirong was about to go to the kitchen to make fruit puree. When Xiao Miguo saw it, she immediately wanted to follow him.

 He looked back and saw her reaching out to him, and he was immediately happy.

 “Are you going with daddy?”

Xiao Miguo made two clicks and continued to reach out to him.

Jing Shirong smiled with fatherly love on his face and came over to hug her away.

 “Okay, daddy will make you your favorite fruit puree.”

 Speaking, he carried her to the kitchen.

Sister Ying saw Xiao Miguo walking away without looking back, and said, "Hey, you're a little girl, why did you leave just like you said?"

She usually sticks to her, even if she does n’t eat it, she has to carry her teeth.

Is it possible that you lost your temper because you had a fever yesterday?

She didn’t believe in evil, so after changing her clothes, she followed him to the kitchen.

At this time, Jing Shirong was holding the little honey fruit in one hand and choosing the freshest fruit for her.

 In the morning, the cook came back with some fresh fruits, some red and some green. The red ones can be eaten immediately, while the green ones can be kept for a few days.

Jing Shirong chose a soft and waxy peach, brought it to Xiaomiguo, and let her smell it.

 “Does it smell good?”

  Ripe peaches have a sweet aroma, which is particularly attractive.

 Xiao Miguo’s mouth started to water after smelling it.

Jing Shirong smiled and quickly asked the cook to wash and peel the skin and grind it into mud. After the peach puree was ready, Jing Shirong held the little honey fruit in his arms and fed her with a small spoon.

 “Come here, my dear, try some peach puree, it’s delicious.”

Xiao Miguo opened her mouth and took a sip, her eyes lit up.


 meaning delicious.

She was very excited with her little feet flailing, and her little hands kept trying to grab the spoon.

Jing Shirong gave her the spoon, took another one, and continued feeding her.

 The little honey fruit tastes sweet, bite after bite.

Sister Ying came over and saw how delicious she was eating. She clicked her tongue and said, "So I want to eat fruit puree. No wonder I don't drink milk anymore."

But this won’t work, you still have to drink the staple food.

In the afternoon, Sister Ying took the little honey fruit to feed her, but she still stopped drinking after a few sips. When she saw Jing Shirong, she screamed, asking her father to hold her.

When Sister Ying saw that she didn't eat the fruit, she scolded her angrily, "It's delicious. You can only eat the puree when you are five times full. Otherwise, you won't be able to leave this house today."

Xiao Miguo couldn't quite understand it, but she could tell the angry tone and knew immediately that her mother was angry.

She pouted her little mouth, about to cry, and looked at Sister Ying with her big eyes, as if wondering why her mother was angry.

Sister Ying fed the pig into her mouth and said, "Eat!"

What a little brat, if you don’t eat well, you will almost rebel.

Xiao Miguo had no choice but to eat a few more bites with tears in her eyes.

When she was full, Sister Ying held her in her arms and kissed her a few times. "A good baby is a good baby who eats well. Don't be picky about food next time. Do you understand?"

Xiao Miguo saw her mother's face changing so quickly, and cried "Wow~".

The little pacifier is licking back and forth, which makes me feel aggrieved.

Jing Shirong was dumbfounded when he saw this, and hurriedly hugged her to comfort her.

  "Okay, okay, don't cry anymore, dad is here."

As soon as Xiao Miguo arrived in Jing Shirong’s arms, she shed a few tears of grievance.

 “Woo~” a meow like a cat, pitiful.

Jing Shirong immediately took her to the yard to look at the flowers and plants.

As soon as she came out, Xiaomiguo stopped crying.

 Xiao Liujin was also eating fruit puree at this time.

She didn’t like eating pureed fruit before, but she likes it today.

Jinghan complained to Jing Shirong while feeding him, "My little Liujin didn't like to eat pureed fruit before. I just warmed it up yesterday and the taste suddenly changed. It really amused me to death."

Jing Shirong didn’t quite understand, “Mi Guo also likes to eat fruit puree in the morning. Does it mean that my appetite will change if I have a fever?”

Jinghan nodded, "Children are just like adults. If they are not feeling well, their appetite will definitely change."

 Those who used to like to drink 黢 no longer want to drink it after getting sick.

Like adults, when you are sick, you want to eat something heavy or cold, which is completely different from usual.

After Sister Ying came out and heard it, she suddenly realized, "So that's it. I thought she was picky about food."

Jinghan smiled and said, "It's okay. When they get older, they will eat more and more and their nutrition will be balanced."

 This is the experience of people who have been there, and Sister Ying has learned from it.

Murong Yun went out early in the morning to be busy. Jing Shirong took the child to the evening and was about to leave.

Xiao Miguo was still awake at this time. When she saw Jing Shirong was about to go out, she immediately wanted to follow him.

Sister Ying hugged her and felt that she was struggling, as if she was trying to get up.

She smiled and said, "Look at your daughter, she still wants to go out with you."

Jing Shirong also smiled and came over to kiss his daughter’s chubby feet.

"Daddy is going to the military camp. He will come back to see you when he has time. You should be good at home."

Xiao Miguo understood that this meant leaving. She hummed twice and twisted her body, just to follow.

Sister Ying held her in her arms and sent Jing Shirong to the door, bringing him some fruit.

  "Wear a hat in this weather. A layer of your skin will be peeled off by the sun."

Jing Shirong shook his head, "The soldiers don't have any with them. How can I do something special? I just have to endure it."

  It’s been very cold these days, please keep warm everyone ((o^^o)



 (End of this chapter)

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