The Group’s Favorite Cute Baby is One and a Half Years Old

Chapter 878: , the toughness of Xiaomiguo

Chapter 878, Xiaomiguo’s resilience

  Brother Yuan looked at his mother's triumphant eyes and secretly thought that his business circle was indeed too limited, and it was so difficult to earn these few pennies.

 In the future, he will have to expand his customer circle and collaborate with more people so that he can have more choices.

Otherwise, the circle is so small and I have no choice. Isn’t it just a matter of being a coward among the difficult guests?

Jinghan laughed and said to himself that it was good to listen to Murong Yun talk about business.

 Look at her being able to negotiate with her son.

Sister Ying also laughed at the side.

  However, Xiao Miguo listened with a serious face, her round face looked like she understood, and she nodded seriously.

Sister Ying almost died laughing, pinching her round face, "What are you nodding to? Do you understand?"

Xiao Miguo shook her head. She didn’t understand, but she found it interesting, so she nodded.

 The baby is more than eight months old and very quirky. You can find a lot of laughter in her every day.

Sister Ying fed her minced meat porridge with a spoon. After she took one bite, she wanted to grab the spoon.

Sister Ying quickly gave her a new one, "Na, take this."

 The little honey fruit wants to scoop it up when it gets a spoon.

Sister Ying put a small bowl in front of her, poured a little minced meat porridge into it, and asked her to scoop it out.

Xiao Miguo concentrated on learning how to use a spoon, but she couldn't scoop it up.

 Fortunately, she was patient, and if she didn’t do it once, she would do it twice.

 When Xiao Liujin saw this, he also wanted to scoop it up himself.

Jinghan always followed her and put a plate for her and gave her a spoon to help herself.

Xiao Liujin enthusiastically scooped up a few spoons, but couldn't lift them up. He suddenly made a pig noise angrily, "Ahhhh~"

Jing Han lectured her, "It's so noisy, please keep it down."

“Look at my little honey fruit, I can’t scoop it up and it doesn’t even scream.”

As soon as he finished speaking, Xiao Miguo became angry and said "ah da da". The little fat finger pointed at the wooden bowl and cursed.

Sister Ying chuckled and said, "So don't speak too early, hahaha."

Jinghan herself was happy, "Although your little Miguo barks, she will still persist. I believe this."

 It was her Xiao Liujin. She gave up after trying a few times without success. She was really not good at it.

Sister Ying wanted to say a few words to Xiao Liujin, but she had already thrown the spoon to the ground and never tried again.

He was still angrily cursing, and looked like he would never scoop up rice again.

Sister Ying;

 Well, just pretend she didn’t say it.

 Xiao Miguo is very focused.

 Even if you fail, you have to try again.

 Her temperament is that she will not give up until she succeeds, and will throw away her hands once she succeeds. She is very similar to her father.

She would take the spoon and slowly put it into the wooden bowl. She looked at it with her round eyes very seriously, her little mouth pursed tightly, and her chubby hands slowly put the spoon into the bowl.

 Everyone watched quietly, not daring to disturb her.

Sister Ying, on the other hand, wanted to give her a little frustration and deliberately gave her a "cough" to scare her.

This disturbance scared away all the rice grains she finally scooped up.

Xiao Miguo looked at her mother in disbelief and curled her lips, "Wow!!" She cried sadly.

 Crying with anger.

 “Da da da da!!”

The big eyes were crying, accusing the old mother of being bad.

Sister Ying laughed, hugged her and kissed her, "Okay, okay, it's just a small setback. Do you want to try again?"

Xiao Miguo twitched twice, obviously still wanting to try it.

Sister Ying put her back and put the small spoon in her hand, "One more time, baby."

Xiao Miguo squeezed her pacifier tightly, but this time she was really not focused on anything else, and it was useless for anyone to quarrel with her.

Her big eyes were staring at the millet porridge, her chubby hands slowly shoveled the spoon over, and soon she scooped it up.                                           Policy

 It means to tell Sister Ying to look quickly.

Sister Ying’s expression was very exaggerated, “Wow~~It’s great~~”

 “Super invincible, great~~My daughter is so awesome.”

 Speaking, he hugged her and kissed her twice.

Xiao Miguo smiled with her two baby teeth and instantly became happy.

Jinghan praised, "It's awesome. He has such a tenacious temperament and will be able to succeed in whatever he does in the future. It seems that my six-pound family will hug your Miguo's thigh tightly."

Sister Ying was also very pleased, "There are good and bad things."

 Looking at my daughter’s tenacity, I will go all out in doing things in the future.

 But if you care too much about successful results, you may not be able to bear the blow of failure.

 That's why she would let her fail from time to time, and finally try again with her.

 Over a long period of time, she will know that she will not succeed every time, and she can try again after failure.

Jinghan praised her, "I said before that you had no experience in raising children. Now it seems that you have no experience in raising children, but you are very experienced in educating children. I can't compare with you in this regard."

 She may be more experienced in life, but not in education.

Sister Ying was modest, "I'm just trying to trick her into stumbling upon her. If Brother Rong sees it, she'll probably feel bad, hahaha~"

 In the future, Shi Rong said that he would be a strict father and would not allow Sister Ying to overindulge her child.

 But look now, he is the one doting on the child.

Every time I come back from vacation, I hold my daughter in the palm of my hand and buy her everything she wants. A room full of toys is not enough.

Even if they wanted to ride horses and shoot arrows, he would personally take her to watch.

 As long as Xiao Miguo wants, his father will agree to it.

Jing Han smiled, "A Jing and Brother Yun both have such bad morals. They say they will never spoil their children, but in fact they have a much lower bottom line than us."

 At least if the children make mistakes, they must be educated.

 If it’s serious, slap her palms, or increase the volume of decibels or yell at her.

Children are best at looking at adults’ faces. When they see an adult angry, they know they have made a mistake.

When they make a mistake, they feel guilty and want to cry. When they cry, they secretly observe the attitude of the adults to see if they will come to hug them.

 Sister Ying and Jing Han would never hug each other at this time.

 It’s a pity that I still have pig teammates at home.

For example, Murong Yun usually doesn't like to take care of children, but once the children make mistakes and Jinghan wants to beat or scold them, he will stand up and be the children's protective umbrella, protecting the children from being beaten.

The children are so smart. When they see their father protecting them, they are no longer afraid of their mother.

Jing Han was so angry that he even beat Murong Yun together.

 Seeing their father being beaten, the three children became more honest and did not dare to resist anymore.

 But the image of their mother as a tigress also fell into their hearts.

"I get angry when I think about this. I usually refuse to ask him to play with the children for a while, but when I want to educate the children, he jumps out and becomes a good person, which makes me a perfect foil."

 Just thinking about it made her angry.

Sister Ying nodded in agreement, "Educating children really requires a united front, and my cousin-in-law really deserves a beating."

Jing Shirong also wanted to protect the child at first. When Sister Ying wanted to scold Xiao Miguo, he felt distressed and had to come over and take Xiao Miguo away.

Sister Ying was furious when she saw it. She jumped up and scolded Jing Shirong.

"I'm educating my child, what are you doing? I'm teaching her to remember. Can fire come close to me?"

“If I don’t teach her a lesson this time, what will happen next time she goes to the fire?”

“It’s okay if you don’t unite with me and come to help her. If you want to **** me off, you still want to harm her!”

Angrily, he put his hands on his hips and scolded Jing Shirong for a long time.

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 (End of this chapter)

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