Chapter 879, Educating Children

Jing Shirong was so scolded by her that she didn't dare to speak out. She held her head and whispered, "Well, she's still young, so you can't hit her."

Sister Ying was even more angry, "Just hit the palm of your hand, not anywhere!"

 Besides, if the baby doesn’t teach her a lesson, she won’t have a long memory.

Today she went to the charcoal fire for barbecue and reached for the charcoal. If she hadn't noticed it in time, her little hand would have been burned.

How can we improve our memory if we don't educate ourselves on such a big matter?

Jing Shirong saw that smoke was coming out of her head when she was so angry that she had no choice but to relent, "Then tell her properly."

Sister Ying glared at him, "Can she understand if I explain it well?"

If she didn't get angry, she would have no idea why her mother was angry.

That day there was a barbecue party held at home, and the adults were all cutting meat and vegetables. The charcoal fire was also lit and set aside in the yard for later use.

Out of curiosity, Xiaomiguo broke out of the fence and climbed directly to the charcoal grill.

She was also smart and knew how to stand up on the chair beside her. She stared at the red charcoal fire with her round eyes, curiously reaching out to touch it.

Just when her chubby hand was about to reach in, Sister Ying screamed in fright, "Don't move!"

She rushed over immediately, took Xiaomi Guo away, and then told her seriously, "This is hot, don't touch it, it will hurt your hands if you touch it!"

Xiao Miguo doesn’t usually fall much, and she doesn’t feel any pain when she falls, so she doesn’t think the pain is a big deal, so she continues to watch the charcoal fire.

Sister Ying saw that she was so fearless, and her fear turned into anger. She took the little girl to the charcoal fire and taught her a lesson, hoping to make her remember.

Xiao Miguo, however, pursed her pacifier and looked unconvinced, feeling that her mother was making a fuss out of a molehill.

Seeing her unconvinced look, Sister Ying grabbed her palm and slapped it twice, "I told you not to go near the charcoal fire, do you understand?" She was so burned that she couldn't cry.

Xiao Miguo saw the anger on her face, as if she was about to explode, and slowly lowered her head, as if she understood.

 She understood, but it was the first time that her own mother had been so cruel. She felt a little aggrieved, and she cried "Wow" immediately.

Jing Shirong just came back. He saw his daughter crying so hard and wanted to hug her.

As soon as Xiao Miguo saw her biological father coming, she immediately threw herself into Jing Shirong's arms, holding Jing Shirong and moaning, feeling aggrieved.

Jing Shirong also said to Sister Ying, "Just tell her in a low voice. Why are you so fierce? The children are even frightened by you."

Sister Ying may have been frightened that day and couldn't control her temper.

Especially when I saw the child’s father being so careless, I was even more furious.

“When I educate my children, you’d better be united with me, otherwise she will think that she can escape if something goes wrong, and she will lose her memory.”

Jing Shirong still felt sorry for her daughter when she was scolded, "Then tell her properly, or take care of her and everything will be fine?"

 He felt that as long as adults took good care of their children, nothing would happen.

Sister Ying almost spat out a mouthful of old blood when she heard this, "I think we can look after her for a lifetime? What will happen when we get old?"

An accident to a child happens in the blink of an eye, even if the servants are watching, he or she will doze off. In the final analysis, you still have to be careful. There will always be times when your parents are not around.

For example, when she goes out to ride horses and practice swordsmanship, or when she studies and practices the piano, she has to pay attention to herself, and how can she be watched by others.

Jing Shirong knew that what she said was right, but he still felt sorry for his daughter being scolded.

Xiao Miguo hugged his neck and carefully looked at Sister Ying's face, which looked aggrieved.

Jing Shirong also felt aggrieved and felt sorry for his child. The father and daughter almost cried while hugging each other.

Sister Ying.

  She also obeyed them, but she was really frightened today.

It’s also my fault that she was busy crushing the fruit puree, thinking that she would be fine just by putting the berries in the pen.

Who knew that the little girl now knows how to open the small gate of the fence.

 The small fence is square in shape, and there is a small door with an iron buckle stuck in it. Just lift the button and the door will open.

Xiao Miguo learned how to do this by carefully watching her mother open the door a few times, and then she opened the door and climbed out on her own.

 This was also the first time she saw a charcoal fire, so she crawled over to it out of curiosity. Seeing her aggrieved look, Sister Ying also regretted it.

 After becoming a mother, it is especially easy to regret and blame yourself.

For example, if a child is almost in trouble, she will be afraid. When the fear turns into anger, she will want to educate her.

 But after the education, I started to regret when I saw my daughter’s pitiful little face. I regretted that I shouldn’t have been so cruel to her.

 She couldn't bear it anymore and even cried.

Her crying frightened both father and daughter, and they rushed over to comfort her.

 “Madam, why are you crying?”

  I was fine just now, but why did I cry all of a sudden?

Sister Ying also blamed herself for not being able to control her temper. She just cried a lot and then she hugged her daughter and started apologizing to her.

“Mother didn’t mean to hurt you just now. She was afraid that you would be burned by the fire. It won’t happen next time. Can you forgive me?”

Xiao Miguo frowned when she saw her crying, feeling a little distressed. She wiped away the tears from Sister Ying's face with her little fat hand.

Jing Shirong also came over to apologize to her, "It's my fault. I shouldn't have said anything to you. I'll apologize to you too."

Xiao Miguo also followed, "Ah da da!" She was also apologizing.

Sister Ying stopped crying when she saw both father and daughter apologizing to her.

 Jinghan knew about this and could understand her very well.

"This happened to me when I was giving birth to Brother Zheng. I was even more vicious than you at that time."

“But A Jing is much better than Brother Yun. That guy even quarreled with me at that time.”

Both husband and wife had bad tempers, and the one who was quarreling so fiercely made all the servants tremble.

 After that, she took the child directly back to her parents' house, not wanting to see him.

Now that she has had more children, she has become more proficient and less angry.

Sister Ying knows that she still has room for improvement, and thinks that she will need gentle education in the future.

 Otherwise, she would feel bad if the child was scolded and cried.

Jinghan chuckled and said, "Are you about to have your period? Are you so angry all of a sudden?"

Thinking about it, Sister Ying, her stomach did have a dull pain just now.

 But the pants were clean, and she wasn't sure whether she was going to have **** with her aunt.

 Eight months after giving birth to Xiaomi Guo, her period has not yet come.

Jinghan told her not to worry, "I came here more than a year after giving birth. This has its pros and cons, so don't worry."

 She did not get her period until fifteen months after giving birth to her first child.

 The second child came five months after giving birth.

 She is already used to it and is not in a hurry now that she has given birth to a baby of six pounds and has not yet had her menstrual period.

Sister Ying is not afraid now that she is here.

 At night, she checked and found that there was still no blood in her pants, so her aunt was not coming.

Xiao Miguo refused to sleep in the crib after having a night of milk.

 She was willing to sleep in the cradle when she was a child, but now she has become very clingy and is not willing to sleep by herself at night.

Sister Ying put her in the bed, and she crawled over, lay directly on top of her, and lay down on her mother's chest to sleep.

I didn’t like eating milk before, but now I love milk. I have to hold it in my mouth even if I don’t want to eat it.

Sister Ying touched her little head and lamented that the child was really the same every day, sometimes like this, sometimes like that. Even if she wanted to understand why, she couldn't keep up with the speed of her changing preferences.

 (End of this chapter)

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