The Group’s Favorite Cute Baby is One and a Half Years Old

Chapter 880: , Mrs. Wu comes back to see Mrs. Qi

Chapter 880, Mrs. Wu comes back to see Mrs. Qi

 Another month has passed.

 Xiao Miguo and Xiao Liujin have been together for more than nine months.

The two little girls are crawling very fast now. They crawl around the house every day, and no one can stop them.

 Sister Ying received a letter from Jiangnan in the morning. Mrs. Wu said in the letter that they had arrived in Jiangnan in advance.

Mrs. Qi and Mr. Qi also arrived early.

 The couple arrived in Jiangnan first and were hosted by Mrs. Liang.

 Old Mrs. Liang has not been in charge of the family for a long time, and she almost forgot how to entertain guests.

 Fortunately, Aunt Xu still remembered how to treat guests, so she quickly arranged for a room, and arranged for food, accommodation and transportation.

Old Mrs. Liang took them out shopping and taking a boat ride every day, which was very pleasant.

Mrs. Qi likes the old lady's easy-going temperament very much, and thinks that it will be very comfortable to be her in-laws with them.

 She didn’t feel bored even after staying here for half a month.

Even came up with the idea of ​​coming to Jiangnan for retirement.

Who makes the water and soil in Jiangnan so good? Her skin has never been so dry since coming here, and it has always been hydrated.

And the streets here are so lively. Once you enter the streets, they are full of shops and vendors, and there is everything to eat, drink and have fun.

Even the flower boats in the river are interesting, and they are very different from the brothels in the capital.

Mrs. Liang saw that they liked it and thought of ways to play with them.

 Until there was no more fun to play, he took the two of them to Sister Wu’s house.

Second Sister Wu’s family has many children. When Mrs. Qi and his wife went over, they were overwhelmed by the children, making Mrs. Qi laugh.

Then Second Sister Wu stayed at home to greet them for more than half a month.

 It wasn’t until Ms. Wu hurried back that Sister Wu breathed a sigh of relief.

After all, this was her in-laws from the capital. She was afraid that they would not have the patience to wait, so she went back early and took them out to play in different ways every day.

Mrs. Qi didn’t even know they were worried about this, and instead had a great time playing.

  She never played with these things when she was young. Now that she is old, she has played with all the things that she had never played with when she was young. She feels that she has no regrets in dying.

Mr. Qi thought it was nonsense at first. He was so old that he could not draw a portrait.

 But when I actually drew it, I thought, "It's okay, but the waist is a bit too thick. My waist is obviously not that big."

Mrs. Qi looked at the waist of his bucket and said, "Your waist is not big yet? Your waist is almost as big as the bucket."

Mr. Qi;

 “How can anyone say that about his husband?”

What a swill bucket is, at best it’s a rice bucket.

He eats a lot, so his belly is inevitably a little bigger, but it’s not as big as a bucket.

Mrs. Qi felt that he refused to admit it. His belly was bigger than that of a woman who was ten months pregnant. He also said that his waist was not thick, which was ridiculous.

Seeing that everyone was looking at his belly, Mr. Qi snorted at her in disgrace, tossed his sleeves and went out to drink.

He didn't need anyone to introduce him. He remembered the way after going there a few times, and found a wine shop to drink by himself.

 After a while, I was having a good drink with a group of old men of about the same age.

When Sister Wu saw this, she was still a little worried, "How about I send someone to look for it?"

Mrs. Qi waved her hand indifferently, "It's okay. That guy has a good memory. He must have gone to a pub to drink. Let him go."

 The old husband and wife have already understood each other's attributes thoroughly, so they are not worried at all.

Second Sister Wu was still worried and secretly sent someone to take a look.

Sure enough, Mr. Qi was drinking at a wine shop not far from his home, and he didn’t lose anything.

Second Sister Wu couldn’t laugh or cry, secretly thinking that this couple was also interesting.

 I think the future life of Sister Laiyang and Qi Yuanming should be like this, noisy, but very warm.

 When Mrs. Wu came back in a hurry, she hurriedly came to pick her up from Sister Wu’s house.

She came back quickly, and as soon as she got home, she quickly washed up and tidied herself up.

 Then he gave Sister Yang a good order and dressed her up beautifully, and then he took Sister Yang to pick her up from Second Sister Wu's house in person.

 Second Sister Wu was also very happy when she heard that she was coming.

Mrs. Qi was also very happy that Mrs. Wu was back and stood up quickly, "I'll go too."

The two of them happily ran to the door. As soon as they opened the door, they saw Mrs. Wu, whom they hadn't seen for a long time.

 “Ah, in-laws!”

Mrs. Qi was excited and immediately hugged Mrs. Wu into her arms.

 Wu was almost out of breath after being hit;.

“Ahem, what’s that, Mrs. Qi, I’m really sorry. I didn’t expect you to come so quickly. It’s really my fault for keeping you waiting for so long.”

Mrs. Qi looked at her up and down. Seeing her beautiful face, the more she looked at her, the more envious she became.

 “No, no, it’s my fault. I should have told you earlier.”

It's all because she was busy preparing the betrothal gift and wasted time, so she came late.

If you come here in advance, you might be able to meet Mrs. Wu before going out.

Mr. Wu was also very embarrassed to make people wait for so long.

Mrs. Qi waved her hand magnanimously, "Actually, it didn't take long, just more than a month."

  And during this month, she simply didn’t have too much fun.

“I really want to thank Mrs. Liang and Second Sister Wu. I have been treated so well by them this month that I can’t bear to go back to the capital.”

Wu Shi smiled and said, "Are you still used to living here?"

Mrs. Qi nodded, "I'm used to it. I'm very used to it. I'll come back next time when I'm free."

Mrs. Wu smiled and said, "Okay, you can come here often when you are free. I will entertain you personally next time."

 “Okay, okay, I like getting together with you too, it’s fun.”

Qi Yuanming waited at the side until they had enough chatting before coming out.

 “Mom, where is my father?”

Mrs. Qi had not seen her son for a long time, and she was not very enthusiastic. She pointed outside and said, "He is drinking outside. Go and bring him back."


 Qi Yuanming hurriedly went out to find his father.

 Otherwise, being late will delay his marriage.

Mr. Qi;

After Mrs. Qi finished chatting with Mrs. Wu, she looked at Sister Yang behind her.

 Excitedly, "Oh, my sister Yang, I didn't expect you to grow taller again, come with me."

She wanted to say that he was a perfect match for my son.

But Mrs. Wu was still here, so she was embarrassed to tease her daughter like this, so she could only change it to, "The little girl is really tall, similar to my children. They are all tall and slender, and they are lovable just by looking at them."

Sister Yang smiled and said, "You are not bad in stature, and you still have charm."

Mrs. Qi burst out laughing after being praised by her future daughter-in-law.

“Oh, little girl, your mouth is so sweet. I like you so much.”

 She liked Sister Yang before, but she was still young at that time.

 Now that she is so old, she looks more and more like a daughter-in-law. I just love her.

Sister Yang was looked up and down by her. Although she was shy, she let her look at her generously.

 After all, Mrs. Qi is enthusiastic and she is used to it.

Dinner was at Sister Wu’s house, just for a reunion dinner.

After eating, Mrs. Wu took Mrs. Qi back.

 The next day, Wu got up early to get dressed.

Sister Yang was also picked up and dressed by her.

Mrs. Wu braided her hair and picked out beautiful clothes and jewelry for her, just to give her a good impression on her future in-laws.

Sister Yang felt embarrassed looking at herself in such a pretentious manner.

 “Are you exaggerating too?”

Didn’t I just meet you yesterday, is it necessary to dress up like this?

 (End of this chapter)

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