Chapter 881, clean up

 “Why is it not necessary?”

 We met him briefly yesterday.

 Today is a good time to sit down and meet, so naturally it should be more grand.

 Besides, she also hopes that her daughter will appear beautiful in front of her husband's family.

So that they can see that their daughter is very good.

They must be perfect both externally and internally. In this way, no matter whether the marriage can happen or not, they will only be the one who is picky, not the one who is picked on.

Sister Yang is helpless and funny. She can't talk to her, so she can only let her go.

Mrs. Qi also got up early. She had to do business today, so she also dressed up grandly, and by the way, she grabbed Qi Yuanming to dress up.

Qi Yuanming saw that she was about to take off his clothes and refused.

“Mom, what are you doing? Why are you taking off my clothes?”

Mrs. Qi slapped him on the arm and said, "I'll bring you some clothes from the capital to try on."

Qi Yuanming covered his chest, "Then I'll just go back to the house and try it out by myself. Don't take off my clothes."

Mrs. Qi punched him twice angrily, "You are still my child, what can't you see?"

Qi Yuanming was shy, "No! How can I, a grown man, show it to others casually?"

Even if I want to see it, I will only show it to Sister Yang.

Mrs. Qi said disgustedly, "Okay, okay, put it on quickly."

Look at his dirty clothes. It looked like he hadn’t changed them in half a month. They stinked to death.

Qi Yuanming was wronged and shouted, "How can there be half a month? It's only seven days."

Mrs. Qi;

 “Are you still proud after seven days?”

Hurry up and say that my dear one is so unclean, so be careful of being disliked by Sister Yang in the future.

Qi Yuanming retorted, "Sister Yang will not dislike me. She likes me the most."

Mrs. Qi. “I don’t think so.”

Which beautiful girl would like a stinky man who is unkempt? She doesn't like a middle-aged woman, let alone a young girl.

Qi Yuanming was dubious, "Really? But Sister Yang didn't even scold me on the way."

Mrs. Qi rolled her eyes at him, "What did Mrs. Wu say about you?"

Even before they got married, they got involved, and it wouldn't be shameful to talk about it.

 Besides, there are people watching outside, so Sister Yang has no nerve to say anything to him, so she has to endure it.

“If you continue to be so sloppy, Sister Yang will definitely ignore you in the future. If you don’t believe me, just wait and see.”

Qi Yuanming didn't like hearing this and was even angry, "Why are you cursing me? If you don't do this again, I won't be with you."

Mrs. Qi snorted childishly, "Who cares? Girls like clean men anyway. If you continue to stink like this, no one can save you."

Qi Yuanming lowered his head and smelled the smell on his clothes. It was indeed very smelly.

 I remembered that I was going to propose marriage to Uncle Liang and the others soon, so I really needed to make some preparations.

So he took the newly bought clothes, washed his hair, took a bath, dried it, put on new clothes, and shaved.

 Finally, I put on some fragrant ointment.

Qi Yuanming looked in the mirror and saw that he was indeed more than ten years younger after shaving.

Paired with his dark and big eyes, he is simply not too handsome.

Mrs. Qi came over to check the results and looked at him up and down. She was quite satisfied.

“It’s okay. The clothes are a bit big. Have you lost weight?”

 Otherwise the size she bought would not be bad.

Qi Yuanming has indeed lost weight in the past few months in order to travel.

 Coupled with the bumpy road and no time to eat properly, I naturally lost weight.

Not only did he lose weight, Sister Yang and Mrs. Wu both lost weight from fatigue on the road.

Mrs. Qi said guiltily, "It's my fault. I didn't calculate the time well, so I made you run so far."

If she had not delayed and come here earlier, she might not have asked her son to run so far. Qi Yuanming was not worried and said generously, "It's okay. Anyway, I have to come over and see you, the same thing."

 Besides, proposing a marriage was a big deal, and he wished he could get married immediately to save himself from having to make another trip.

Mrs. Qi thought so too.

“You are now quite old. I hope the Liang family can help you get married as soon as possible this time, so that Sister Yang can go back with you, otherwise you will have to run back and forth again.”

Although Qi Yuanming also thought about it, he still respected Sister Yang's opinion.

 “Let’s see what Aunt Liang says.”

 His mentality is much better than before, and he is much more determined.

 No matter what decision Mr. Wu makes, he will definitely marry Sister Yang.

Mrs. Qi also noticed some changes in him and looked at him in surprise, "You seem to have matured a lot in the past year."

Qi Yuanming smiled proudly, "That's right, I am a man who has experienced ups and downs."

Mrs. Qi laughed when she heard this.

 Just like this, it’s just the same as before.

Mrs. Qi told him, "I have brought all the things for the marriage proposal and the betrothal, and they are in the yard next door."

She rented the yard. Before she came, she asked Jing about the process. Jing told her that she had to bring her things there in advance and just rent a yard to store them.

This way, it’s time to propose a marriage or apply for a job.

Qi Yuanming was very happy to see that she had made all the arrangements.

 “Have you prepared enough for the bride price?”

 In the end, I still want to give her more, but I am afraid that I won’t give her enough.

Mrs. Qi patted her chest and promised, "Don't worry, everything is ready. I bought the best things. My dowry is also included. I will give you a beautiful wedding."

Qi Yuanming was moved, lowered his head and hugged his mother.

 “Thank you, mother~”

Mrs. Qi patted him on the shoulder grandly, "It doesn't matter. I am happier than anyone else if you can get married."

 Otherwise, it would be the end of the world if you break it in her hands.

 Qi Yuanming;

Your mother is still your mother.

After Mr. Qi became drunk, Mrs. Qi immediately went over and pulled him up.

“Hurry up and drink the hangover soup, get up quickly, rinse your mouth, and take a shower, it stinks like hell.”

Mr. Qi was still trapped in the trap, and he was not happy to be pulled by her. "What's the hurry? This is the time."

 The genius is slightly bright, why should I wash it?

Mrs. Qi fired a bullet and said, "The in-laws are all back, and you don't hurry up to propose marriage. You still dare to be mean to me. Are you feeling itchy?"

Mr. Qi was confused and somewhat impressed.

 “Wu is back?”

Mrs. Qi nodded, "I'm back. The couple are here today, and the eldest son is also back. Please get up quickly and don't lose etiquette."

 It was about his son’s marriage, Master Qi got up after all.

Mrs. Qi took him to take a bath. She cleaned him up and down like a dog. The smell of wine in his mouth was also wiped away. She also let him drink some nectar water to make his mouth fragrant.

Mr. Qi was punished like this. Although he was in pain from being washed, he did not dare to get angry. He was afraid that the tigress would kill him, so he could only endure it.

 “Are you okay?”

Mrs. Qi was combing his hair, and he felt like his scalp was about to be pulled out, so he gritted his teeth and asked. "Is it almost ready?"

Mrs. Qi slapped her over and said, "Why are you so anxious? I'm a slave combing your hair and asking you to be cruel. I think you don't want to go through with it."


 This is all nothing.

It was obvious that she was too cruel and her methods were too rough, and he just said a word because he couldn't bear it. How could it be his fault again?

 (End of this chapter)

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