The Group’s Favorite Cute Baby is One and a Half Years Old

Chapter 882: , Mrs. Liang misses Xiaomi Guo

Chapter 882, Mrs. Liang misses Xiaomiguo

 Qi Yuanming looked at his father who was in pain but was too angry to speak. He covered his mouth and suppressed laughter.

Mr. Qi glared at me and said, "Don't laugh at me. When you marry a wife in the future, your ending will be similar to mine."

 Still want to laugh like this?

 It’s just half a catty.

Qi Yuanming didn't believe it, "My sister Yang is very cute, so she won't be like my mother." A tigress.

Mrs. Qi grabbed her husband's hair with her hands. She didn't have time to kick her husband directly. The kick made Qi Yuanming hiss, "You are too cruel. I am your son."

Mrs. Qi snorted disdainfully, "What's the use of a son? In the end, it's better not to let my daughter-in-law abduct her."

 Besides, "Who told you to call me a tigress?"

“Be careful that one day your son will be snatched away by a tigress.”

Qi Yuanming didn't believe it, "Anyway, I, Sister Yang, wouldn't be so rude."

She loses her temper at most, but she still looks cute and cute, so she is not as rough and savage as my mother.

Mrs. Qi was so angry that she wanted to kick him, so she let him run away.

 “Come back here!”

 Qi Yuanming ran outside "luoluanluoluo" and wanted to climb the wall to get to Sister Yang's yard.

Sister Yang was dressed up and waiting in the room when she heard the sound of climbing on the wall.

She ran out to take a look and saw the big man lying on the wall, "What are you doing?"

Qi Yuanming scratched his head, a little shy, "I miss you."

Sister Yang blushed, "You go to eat first and we'll talk later."

Qi Yuanming looked her up and down, the more he looked at her, the more amazed he became, "Sister Yang, you look really good today."

 In the past, I saw her wearing a simple long Chinese skirt or coarse linen clothes, and it was rare to see her dressed up.

Now wearing such a bright red outfit, she really looks good.

Especially since she had her hair braided, wore hairpins, and applied lipstick, she looked as pretty as a young girl.

Sister Yang gave her a cute look and said, "What are you talking about? I am a young girl."

 Qi Yuanming scratched his head and smiled stupidly.

 “You look really good with rouge, please put on more rouge in the future.”

 Speaking, he took the money bag from his belt and said, "Take it to buy rouge."

Sister Ying looked at his tattered money bag and smiled, "Where's the money bag I bought for you before?"

Qi Yuanming took it out from his arms and said, "Here it is."

Sister Yang bought this for him, so he couldn't bear to use it and kept it in his arms.

Sister Yang smiled sweetly and said, "Just use it. I'll buy it for you when it wears out."

 It’s not something expensive. If it breaks, just replace it with a new one.

Qi Yuanming was reluctant to part with it, "No, I won't be willing to use it unless you find one for me with your own hands."

Sister Yang’s children are all average, but he has spoken, so it’s okay to find one of them for him.

“Okay, I’ll give you two and let you use them interchangeably.”

Since I have nothing to do at home, it would be a good idea to make him a money bag.

Qi Yuanming smiled happily, "You are so kind~"

Sister Yang also laughed, "No~"

 The two faced each other and smiled silly.

Mrs. Wu came out and saw it, coughed, and asked them, "Go and eat first."

“Brother Ming, let’s go out to eat with your parents.”

Since we are going to propose marriage soon, we can no longer have dinner together.

 After a while, the family of three had to come in from outside with the matchmaker.

Qi Yuanming said oh and left obediently.

Liang Jin also hurried back.

 He has been busy outside these days. Yesterday he learned that Mrs. Wu was coming back, so he hurried back overnight.

As soon as he arrived, Wu heard the sound of horse hooves and hurriedly went out to look for him. The couple hadn't seen each other for more than half a year, and they missed each other very much when they saw each other.


Liang Jin was outgoing and ran over to hug Mrs. Wu.

 “I think I miss you so much.”

 The couple only separated when they were young and could study for exams. The rest of the time they were together.

Liang Jin thought she couldn't bear to be separated for so long this year.

 “You’re back, you’re not allowed to leave next time.”

Mrs. Wu also missed him, hugged him and patted his head, "Okay, let's meet again in the evening. Let's go wash up first. The Qi family will be here soon."

Liang Jin sighed and hurriedly went to wash up.

 Wu shaved him and found him some nice clothes to put on.

 The couple got ready and went to dinner together.

Old Mrs. Liang was also dressed very energetically today and even put on some lipstick.

Sister Yang laughed and rushed over to hug her.


Yesterday I was too tired and fell asleep directly. Today I am energetic and happy to see Mrs. Liang.

Mrs. Liang was also happy, "You little girl, if you haven't come back for so long, I thought you didn't want me anymore."

Sister Yang hugged her and acted coquettishly, "No way, I miss you so much."

Old Mrs. Liang snorted and said arrogantly, "Don't you think I'll come back to see you earlier? You stayed so long. It shows that you, a little liar, are trying to coax me."

Sister Yang laughed loudly, hugging her waist and acting coquettishly, "No, I have missed you for a long time. It's just that the journey is far away and it's hard to come back." In fact, she didn't want to come back so early, but she really missed her family. .

Old Mrs. Liang gave her a snort and asked her, "How is your sister? Can Xiaomi Guo crawl now?"

Sister Yang nodded, "My sister is very good. She eats well and drinks well there."

 “The little honey fruit is much bigger, quirky, and has a stubborn temper.”

Every time she wanted to hug her, the little girl would struggle, as if she was dissatisfied with her aunt's hugging posture.

Sometimes when she wants to kiss her, she will protest with "ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh", as if she doesn't like the medicinal taste in her mouth.

She didn't like it, so she insisted on kissing her on purpose. The little girl was so angry that she screamed.

 Sister Yang would laugh to death every time she made her laugh, and she especially liked to tease her.

 “But that girl is very cute, her eyes are very big, and she’s very juicy. She’s so cute.”

“It also smells good on me, and it smells like milk. It smells good.”

 Old Mrs. Liang was particularly yearned for it by her vivid description.

“Sister Ying sent me a portrait before. When I took a quick look, the little girl looked exactly like Sister Ying when she was a child.”

“The big eyes are similar, and the small mouth is similar, but I don’t know if the skin is white or not.”

 If she had white skin, she would be a smaller version of Sister Ying.

Sister Yang praised her, "Bai, that little girl is extremely white. She is red in the white, and her mouth is red and full of water. She is a natural beauty."

 Old Mrs. Liang's heart melted when she heard her describe it like this. She especially wanted to see the little honey fruit.

“Oh, what you said makes me want to see my great-granddaughter so much that I miss me so much.”

Sister Yang smiled and said, "Don't worry, I will bring Xiaomi Guo back to you if there is a chance."

Mrs. Liang is also looking forward to it, "Okay, let's not talk about this for now, we have to entertain the in-laws later."

Sister Yang blushed and said, "You haven't even written a single word about your birth date. Why don't you marry someone from the same family?"

Mrs. Liang looked at her blushing face and teased her, "What? You don't agree with this? I thought you agreed."

"If you don't agree, I will push them away after a while and let them go back to where they came from."

Sister Yang knew that she did it on purpose, and replied shyly, "I won't tell you anymore." It was rare to show the shyness of a little girl.

Have you all started going to work and school?



 (End of this chapter)

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