Chapter 883: Destiny

Old Mrs. Liang was happy to see her shy look.

   "Young girls are not good enough to stay. Look at each of you. When it comes to marriage, you get married faster than anyone else."

 You had vowed never to get married before, how about now? When you see someone you like, don’t you just run away with them?

Sister Yang blushed and said, "How about if I don't get married? How many more years can I stay at home with you?"

Old Mrs. Liang glanced at her, "Go, go, let me use you to accompany me? You don't know how colorful my life is every day. Every day, the old sisters meet up to drink tea, play cards, and help others by the way. Every day I don’t know how comfortable it is.”

 Almost all the old ladies nearby are her sisters.

Especially those old ladies are sentimental people and there is a program every five days.

 Sometimes we go to the theater together, sometimes we go to someone’s house as a guest.

 Sometimes it’s someone’s birthday and everyone goes to buy gifts together.

 Even the grandchildren who are older also help to pull the strings, and life is relaxed and interesting.

Sister Yang was envious when she saw how comfortable she lived.

“You are really blessed in your old age. With my mother as your daughter-in-law, you don’t have to worry about anything and you still have pocket money. I wish I could be so blessed when I am old.”

Mrs. Liang raised her chin proudly and said, "I am blessed with a good son and a good daughter-in-law. I am the only lucky one among hundreds of old ladies, but not everyone can enjoy this kind of blessing." "

  "Your marriage has just begun. In the future, whatever son you have or whatever daughter-in-law you marry will depend on the talent of the person."

Looking at this triumphant tone, Sister Yang was amused, "I heard that you were not satisfied with my mother back then, but now you are proud of me?"

Old Mrs. Liang coughed and refused to admit it, "I don't have it. I don't have it. Don't talk nonsense."

Sister Yang looked at her guilty look and didn't know she was quibbling.

However, when a new daughter-in-law comes to the door, the mother-in-law will inevitably dislike her. This is a common problem among the older generation.

 If she becomes a mother-in-law in the future, she will definitely not be an evil mother-in-law.

  She doesn’t even have time to play by herself, so she doesn’t have time to be an evil mother-in-law.

Mrs. Wu invited them to have breakfast.

The breakfast was particularly rich today. Mrs. Liang knew that they were coming back, so she specially ordered the kitchen to make it more generous.

Sister Yang hasn’t eaten food at home for a long time, and she was moved to tears when she saw the table full of dishes.

 “It’s so fragrant.”

 Although the food eaten outside is also delicious, the food at home has a particularly good smell.

 It makes people physically and mentally satisfied.

Breakfast includes meat and vegetables, including roasted chicken, steamed buns and small pastries, as well as spicy soup and spicy chicken feet.

Sister Yang asked while drinking spicy spicy soup, "Does the kitchen still make spicy spicy soup?"

Mrs. Liang said proudly, "No. I was a guest at your Grandma Yang's house before. Her cook is from Henan and is best at making spicy soup."

 “I went to her house to drink twice, and the more I drank, the better it became.”

“But this soup needs to be sucked, so you can **** it with your mouth.”

Sister Yang sucked it with her mouth, it was really enjoyable.

  Wu and Liang Jin also drank a bowl.

Old Mrs. Liang asked them while eating, "What do you think about the Qi family?"

 After a month of getting along, Mrs. Liang felt that the Qi couple were pretty good.

He has a generous personality and speaks with dignity, unlike those who are petty and fussy.

Looking at the way they get along as a couple, they are very suitable for living together. One gives in and the other teases. The family atmosphere must not be bad.

  She was very satisfied, but the final decision still depended on Wu and her son.

Mrs. Wu thinks it's okay. Qi Yuanming has matured a lot now and is no longer as timid as before. He treats Sister Yang well. The most important thing is that Sister Yang likes him. There is no doubt about this. The rest is up to Liang Jin.

Liang Jin put down the bowl and thought, "I once sent people to the capital to ask about the reputation of the Qi family. Most of them said that their family is not bad. Some said that Mr. Qi is a reckless man and Mrs. Qi is a tigress."

 But he had seen these two people with his own eyes. They were both open-minded people and did not look like bad people.

Second Sister Wu observed for a while and told him, "This couple has good personalities. The man knows how to let his wife go. The woman also knows how to think about the man. At first glance, they are a couple who miss each other."

 The old ones are like this, and the young ones are definitely not bad.

 So Liang Jin also agreed.

 The only shortcoming is, "these two sisters are both married outside."

According to his opinion, it would be better for both girls to marry near their natal families, why should they marry so far away?

Ms. Wu was also helpless, "When they were little, they would hold chopsticks very far away. It was destined to happen."

 They deliberately keep their daughters by their side so that they can take care of them more easily.

However, they were destined to marry far away, and there was nothing they could do as a couple.

Liang Jin also sighed, "That's all. Although Sister Ying is marrying far away, her husband's family is good, and Brother Rong loves her, so it's not necessarily bad to marry far away."

 As long as the husband’s family is good and the man is good, there is nothing to fear about marrying far away.

 If the husband's family is not good and the man is not good, he will suffer the same consequences as if he married outside the family.

Mrs. Liang thought the same way, "In the past, I also hoped that they would marry close to each other, but when it comes to marriage, it mainly depends on the man and the husband's family."

The Jing family is particularly good.

  Every now and then, whenever there is a holiday, good things are sent over in advance.

 Every year during the Dragon Boat Festival, Winter Solstice, and Chinese New Year, the Jing family’s gifts must be delivered in time, which shows their thoughtfulness.

 Mother-in-law can have this attitude towards her natal family, but how can she be any worse towards her daughter?

Especially because Mrs. Jing did not urge Sister Ying to have a second child, Mrs. Wu was very satisfied. She felt that the Jing family was a generous family and their thoughts were much more enlightened than those of ordinary mothers-in-law.

And I heard that Mrs. Qi and Mr. Jing are good friends, so that doesn’t mean that Mrs. Qi is not bad either.

Like things flock together, the Jing family is a good person, and Mrs. Qi is not bad at all.

 Thinking about it this way, there is no problem.

Mrs. Liang also said, "This is good. Brother Ming and Brother Rong are good friends, and Mrs. Jing and Mrs. Qi are good friends. It seems that Sister Yang is destined to enter the Qi family."

 In this way, we can still be neighbors with Sister Ying.

After all, the two sisters’ in-laws are both in the capital. If they go out to the border, they will all go together. It is an incredible fate.

After the family had finished eating, Mrs. Qi came to the house with her husband, son and matchmaker.

 The first step is to propose the marriage.

Mrs. Qi’s attitude was very sincere, completely opposite to her previous cheerful attitude.

"Sister Wu, I really like Sister Yang. When she gets married, I will not only treat her as my daughter-in-law, but also as my best friend! I will never treat her like a mother-in-law, I swear."

 She does not like to make things difficult for others, so naturally she would not bully a junior.

In addition, Qi Yuanming is already so old and has not yet gotten married. It is rare for him to meet someone he likes, so the mother will naturally cherish it.

“Brother Liang, don’t worry. As long as Sister Yang comes to your door, she can grow herbal medicines and open a pharmacy if she wants. I will fully support her and will never object to her doing what she likes.”

“If I tell a lie, God will kill me.”

These words startled Wu, "No, no, no, don't say such things."

 (End of this chapter)

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