The Group’s Favorite Cute Baby is One and a Half Years Old

Chapter 884: , Mrs. Qi came to propose marriage

Chapter 884, Mrs. Qi came to propose marriage

Mrs. Qi smiled when she saw Mr. Wu stopping her.

"Sister Wu, I am dissatisfied with what you said. I have brought all the dowry gifts and put them in the empty yard next to your house."

"If you agree to this marriage, I hope the two children can get married as soon as possible."

"Come here, you see, brother Ming came out in a hurry, so he has to rush back, otherwise he is afraid of being blamed by your majesty."

“Secondly, when Sister Yang goes there, Sister Ying will take care of her. The two sisters can live together, so you can rest assured.”

"Also, I have written Sister Yang's name on all the land deeds of shops under Brother Ming's name. If Brother Ming makes a mistake in the future, you will kill him directly and I will never stop him. All those properties will be taken away. "To Sister Yang."

 In ancient times, it was rare for a mother-in-law to write her daughter-in-law's name on the title deed of a shop, and it was almost unheard of.

 In addition, no one had this awareness, so Mrs. Wu was also very surprised after hearing this.


She never expected Mrs. Qi to be so playful, and she didn't know how to answer the question.

Mrs. Qi was stunned when she saw her. She thought she was not sincere enough and didn't know what to say.

 The two families stared at each other, and the scene suddenly became quiet.

Seeing this, the matchmaker secretly thought that her opportunity to speak had come, and she immediately came over with her handkerchief waving, "Mrs. Magistrate, I am not exaggerating, but Mrs. Qi seems to be an open-minded person. With this kind of personality, it is most comfortable to be a mother-in-law."

  It is much better to be willing to say anything you have to say than to keep silent about putting on small shoes for your wife.

“Besides, these two children look like a perfect match. They are both talented and beautiful. It would be a pity to miss them.”

 Although there are many good men, not many are suitable for getting married.

 Especially two children who like each other are even less likely to like each other.

Mr. Wu originally wanted to hold it for a few days, but asked them to wait.

 But Mrs. Qi is right, the two children are very busy, so procrastinating like this will not do them any good.

So she nodded in agreement and said, "For the sake of my in-laws in the capital, and seeing that your family is also a kind person, I will trust you for the time being. I hope your family can treat my daughter well."

Mrs. Qi was happy, "That's natural. If I dare to treat her badly, let alone you. Brother Ming will be the first to stop."

Qi Yuanming stood up in agreement, "Yes, Aunt Liang, if my mother bullies Sister Yang, I will definitely not be happy, so don't worry."

 His wife must be protected by herself, and no one can bully her.

Mrs. Wu asked him, "What should you do if your sister-in-law or a relative of your elders bullies her?"

Qi Yuanming didn't even think about it, "Then I would definitely retaliate on the spot. If I were not there, I would definitely retaliate the next day."

He is not a soft persimmon, how can he let others bully his wife. Not even relatives.

If you want to say that Sister Yang has made a mistake, it is okay to give her a few words of education.

 But he couldn't bear to bully her for no reason.

Mrs. Wu nodded with satisfaction, "That's more or less the same, but the elders should also be respectful to avoid being criticized."

After all, this is an era where loyalty, filial piety and etiquette are emphasized. One word of filial piety can crush many people to death. Mrs. Wu does not want Sister Yang to make many mistakes on the surface, so that others can take advantage of it.

Sister Yang nodded understandingly, "Don't worry, I will do a good job on the surface."

Just because she doesn’t like those twisty things doesn’t mean she doesn’t know how to do them.

Mrs. Wu saw that they had grown up a lot and nodded happily.

“Okay, since this is going to happen, you should go back and get ready first.”

Mrs. Qi was overjoyed, "Okay, okay, let's go back and get started right away."

“By the way, which month do you think is suitable for the date of the wedding?”

Even though you are in a hurry, you should take your time and look at the auspicious days.

Mrs. Wu was very satisfied with her good etiquette and said, "You go back and check the date. Just let us know if you decide."

 At the end of the day, people are marrying a daughter-in-law, so it’s okay to let them take care of their lives.

Mrs. Qi nodded movedly, "Thank you so much, in-laws. Then I will go back and ask the master to pick an auspicious day and discuss the details of the marriage with you when I come back."

  Wu smiled and nodded, "Okay, we also need to prepare on our end."

 Three years ago she started preparing a dowry for Sister Yang, which was the same as that for Sister Ying.

 Fortunately, they are all prepared in advance. All you have to do is go and take inventory, otherwise it will be too late.     Two grown men were drinking tea at the side, but neither of them seemed to be of any use.

Mrs. Qi and the matchmaker hurriedly went to choose the auspicious day of the zodiac, while Mr. Qi stayed to drink tea with Liang Jin.

 Drinking was changed to drinking.

 Kang Geer happened to be back. When he came back, he saw his father drinking, so he went over to say hello.


Liang Jin smiled and waved to him, "Are you back?"

 Kang Geer hummed and asked, "Where is my mother?"

Liang Jin pointed to the warehouse, "I'm busy counting the dowry. Where is the immortal? Why didn't I come back with you?"

Kang Geer smiled shyly and said, "Xianxian is pregnant. It's been three months. I came back to announce the good news."

Liang Jin was stunned, "Pregnant??"

Oh my god, the Liang family is going to have another descendant. I’m really happy to hear it.

 “Hurry, hurry, hurry, tell your mother.”

 Kang Geer smiled and said yes. "Go right now."

 He went to the warehouse to find Mrs. Wu and told him the matter. Mrs. Wu was so happy that she couldn't close her mouth from ear to ear.

 “Really? Is it really happening?”

Kang Geer smiled and nodded, "Really, today is exactly three months."

Wu Shi glared at him, "Why didn't you say anything before?" It made her worry for so long.

 Kang Geer said sheepishly, "I didn't even react to the immortals before. It tasted delicious, so I didn't notice it."

I had stomach pain in the back and I thought it was menstruation when there was bleeding.

 Finally, when the menstrual period didn't come for a long time, I started to wonder if I was pregnant.

The doctor came over to check my pulse and confirmed that I was pregnant.

 The couple were both surprised and excited. They didn't expect that they were going to be parents.

  When they heard that Sister Ying was pregnant, the couple were very envious, but they did not expect that they would also have a child of their own.

  Wu was so happy that he was stunned.

I didn’t expect that there would be two great events in one day. It was like a double happiness.

“Have you gone to talk to the Lu family?”

Kang Geer shook his head and said, "I'm about to leave. Why don't I come to tell you the good news first?"

Mrs. Wu smiled and said, "You have a conscience. Go to the Lu family to announce the good news. Mrs. Lu will definitely be very happy."

Kang Geer sighed and passed away.

Mrs. Wu looked at her son going out, and then thought about the happy event that her daughter was getting married, and she felt completely happy.

Old Mrs. Liang said happily at the side, "What, you are confused after two happy events were smashed at once?"

 Wu Shi smiled, "No."

Who wouldn’t be confused if two great happy events suddenly happen to them?

 Actually, Mrs. Liang herself was confused for a while.

But she loves face and is just holding on.

Kang Geer has a child, doesn’t it mean that the Liang family finally has a heir.

 She had been looking forward to it for so many years, and finally saw with her own eyes that the Liang family had a daughter, and she would be able to explain it to her parents-in-law even if she went to the underworld.

 Especially since all the life-long matters of her three children have been resolved, she feels even more relaxed.

 The only thing I'm worried about now is Seng Geer.

“What’s going on with that kid? I’m away from home every day, so the case is so important?”

 (End of this chapter)

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