Chapter 886, Rumors

Sister Yang was convinced by him, "You have to ask every day."

 “I’ll let you know when the clothes are ready.”

 Isn’t it just a middle coat? As for looking forward to the stars and looking forward to the moon, is it the same?

Qi Yuanming grinned stupidly, "Have you finished the money bag for me?"

These are all precious gifts made by his wife herself. He doesn't even have time to be curious about them, so naturally he has to ask about them every day for fear that she will forget them.

Seeing how stupid he was, Sister Yang wanted to talk to him, but in the end she shook her head helplessly.

 “It’s being done, it’s almost ready.”

The money bag is easier to make, but embroidery is troublesome.

Qi Yuanming was afraid that she wouldn't do it, so he coaxed, "You can embroider whatever you want, or not. You can embroider words. Just embroider your name and mine."

 When the time comes, he puts it on his belt and it looks like the money bag his wife gave him. It feels beautiful just thinking about it, hehehe.

 He looked forward to it so much that Sister Yang was embarrassed to embroider casually.

She was sure that once the things were done, this guy would show them off everywhere. No one needs to mention it, he will definitely show it off himself.

 When the time comes, it will be embarrassing to death if everyone sees that she is such a bad actress.

Qi Yuanming was still looking at her stupidly, which made Sister Yang's ears feel hot. "Okay, go to the Yamen and help my father. Didn't you say that His Majesty has a mission for you?"

 The emperor is really a man who makes the best use of everything.

Qi Yuanming asked him to train new recruits when he was in the military camp. When he came to Jiangnan, he asked him to investigate cases. He never let him be idle at all.

Qi Yuanming sighed and said, "I'll go right away. I just came to see you before I leave."

 Although I see it every day, I still feel like I don’t see enough.

Their current state is like honey with sugar added, getting more and more sweet and greasy, and Wu even can't stand the sweetness.

 “You’re getting married next month, and you’re still so tired?” Don’t you think you’re panicking?

Sister Yang smiled with a red face, "Isn't this a feeling? It doesn't matter if it's not sweet."

 I liked him before, but not that strongly.

Now the feeling becomes clearer and clearer, as if I suddenly fell in love again, but doesn't it get sweeter and sweeter?

Mrs. Wu was really convinced by them, "Okay, hurry up and get your clothes ready. You are not allowed to go out with him until we get married."

Now the neighbors are watching. Everyone has received the wedding candies, and they are also curious about why Sister Yang is about to get married when she comes back.

Those with bad intentions would make random guesses, "The little girl is pregnant, right? Otherwise, why would she come back in such a hurry to get married?"

 A woman was startled by her bluff and quickly stopped her, "Don't talk nonsense. Magistrate Liang's family has always been clean and has excellent children. How could something like this happen?"

 Some of these women were favored by the Wu family, so they naturally helped the Liang family.

Some people can't take advantage, so they are jealous of Mrs. Wu's good life and speak very harshly.

"Why not? The third lady has been away for almost a year, and suddenly she came back in a hurry and got married in a hurry. She is pregnant."

“You dare to do such a shameless thing, and are you afraid of being criticized?”

 Some women felt that what she said was too unpleasant and took a step back.

“Aunt Xu, you can’t slander Magistrate Liang just because he didn’t let your son through the back door last time, right?”

“When Mrs. Liang hears this, we won’t be able to help you.”

When Mrs. Xu heard that they were scaring her, she sneered, "Isn't what I said the truth? Her third lady suddenly went away for more than half a year, and she got married immediately when she came back. Isn't it suspicious?"

"Furthermore, this morning I saw with my own eyes a grown man climbing over the wall into that girl's house, and it took him a long time to come out. I don't believe it if you say this is innocent."

 When the other women saw that she was so sure, they looked at each other and felt a little unconfident.

"You must have seen it wrong, right?" Mrs. Xu snorted, "Impossible. If you don't believe it, come here and squat here tomorrow to see if a man climbed over the wall and entered his lady's yard."

Although the other women were curious, they never dared to do this.

If a man really climbed into the yard of the prefect's lady, it would be very unpleasant to hear the news, and maybe the prefect would be implicated.

 They are all ordinary people, so it is best not to participate.

Mrs. Xu snorted proudly when she saw that although they did not dare to participate, they must have planted seeds of doubt in their hearts.

“Let me tell you, a lady shouldn’t go out and show off.”

“Although we are civilized, we can’t allow a girl who has not left the government to travel far and show her face. It’s embarrassing just thinking about it.”

“No, I hurriedly got married as soon as I came back. I would only believe it when I say everything is fine.”

 The more she talked, the more proud she became, as if she had taken revenge for Liang Jin not letting her son through the back door.

Mrs. Wu was out shopping and wanted to take this alley closer, but she didn't expect to hear these dirty words.

Her face was so angry that the fire almost burned to the top of her head.

 When the other ladies saw her, they all showed frightened expressions.

Everyone fell silent instantly, except Mrs. Xu who was still talking nonsense, saying how Sister Yang was shameless and crawled into the yard with men.

Seeing that the air was almost freezing, Mrs. Xu felt strange, "Why don't you say anything?"

Other women dared not say anything, so they used their eyes to signal her to look behind her.

 Xu turned around and saw Wu with an angry face.

She was so frightened that she almost fell to the ground. But he still said harshly, "You dare to do it, are you still afraid of what others will say?"

Mrs. Wu gave her a cold look, "Ms. Xu, right?"

Seeing that everyone was looking at her, Mrs. Xu felt that losing was not losing the battle, so she bit the bullet and replied to her, "Yes, it's me, what?"

  Wu Shi looked at her with a sneer, "You said my daughter got pregnant before marriage?"

Mrs. Xu was scared in her heart, but facing this beautiful face that still had charm, she was jealous, her face twisted and she said, "Isn't it right? Your third lady went out to show off, and she rushed back to get married. She didn't get married first. What is pregnancy?”

Mrs. Wu glanced at her coldly, "You said you got pregnant out of wedlock? Do you think you are the Guanyin who gave birth to a child?"

“Okay, since you said my daughter is pregnant, how many months is she pregnant?”

Xu was stunned for a moment, obviously not expecting her to ask such a question.

Originally, once such gossip spreads, shouldn't the matron of the house come out to defend herself and prove her innocence?

 Why did Madam Wu ask her how many months she was pregnant?

 How many months her own daughter is pregnant, doesn’t she know? Do you need to ask her?

Wu Shi sneered, "What? If I hadn't sworn you just now, you wouldn't be able to tell me for a few months now? Is it possible that you don't even have the ability to talk casually? Don't blame your son for being so useless."

“It turns out that the mother is useless, and the son is so useless.”


These words are heartbreaking. Mrs. Xu already resented Liang Jin because her son could not go to the Yamen to be a master, but she did not expect Mrs. Wu to dare to ridicule her.

"What? What I said is wrong? Your son is just a small scholar, and he is still ranked last. He didn't even win the exam and he wants to be the prefect's master?"

"You think the prefect is like a vegetable market, and any poor student can enter?"

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 (End of this chapter)

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