Chapter 887, Insulting Imperial Order


Mrs. Xu lost all her face when Mrs. Wu said that, and she put her hands on her hips and cursed angrily, "You have the nerve to despise my son?"

“No matter how bad my son is, he will never get pregnant with a grown-up girl before she is married.”

“Unlike some people, being a wife is not as good as being a wife, and the daughter can’t take care of her. Just go out and run so far away, who knows why.”

“I’m coming back with a big belly now. I just want to get married quickly to hide my shame.”

“A girl like this would have the nerve to arrange a marriage, but if it were me, she would be buried in the pond.”

Mrs. Wu looked at her coldly, "Since you swore that my daughter is pregnant, then as you said, if my daughter doesn't have a child in six months, then I will settle the accounts with you."

 “If my grandson is not born on time, you have to compensate me, otherwise I will not let you go!”

Xu was stunned, never expecting that she would say this.

"Are you crazy? I don't know how many months your daughter is pregnant. How can I know if a child will be born in half a year? Are you deliberately digging a hole for me?"

Mrs. Wu looked at her as if she was mentally retarded, "I don't care. If I don't have a child in about half a year, I won't be done with you. I won't be done with your son either! Who let him have a retarded mother?"


 Xu almost wanted to vomit blood.

 I can’t understand Wu’s brain circuit at all.

How did she know how many months her daughter was pregnant? She was just talking nonsense.

 What will she do if her daughter does not give birth to a child after half a year?

Is it possible that Mr. Wu really wants to deal with her? To deal with her son?

Mr. Xu gradually panicked, feeling that Mrs. Wu was difficult to deal with, but she didn't know what to say to save face. "I"

 The other women saw it clearly.

The Wu family is upright and not afraid of slanted shadows, so naturally she is not pregnant. Mr. Xu, on the other hand, is really stupid. Why would he offend others for nothing?

Other women didn't even dare to say a few words to Mrs. Xu. After all, it would be wrong to talk too much about this matter. They were also afraid of being implicated, so they all came over to apologize to Mrs. Wu.

"Mrs. Liang, we were wrong. It was Xu who spread the rumor. We were wrong because we shouldn't have heard it. We won't do it next time. Please calm down."

Mrs. Wu glanced at Mrs. Xu indifferently, "Is it because I'm usually too down-to-earth and you mistakenly think I have no temper?"

"Mrs. Xu, you haven't read, but your son has at least read. Go back and ask him for advice. What's the crime for insulting the high-class Madam Gaoming?"

 After saying that, he rolled up his sleeves and left.

At this moment, everyone suddenly remembered that Mrs. Liang, who was usually down-to-earth, was actually a high-class wife. She was usually so kind that they all forgot that she was also the wife of a magistrate.

Ordinary people who insult officials for no reason will be arrested, so the women become afraid.

They glared at Ms. Xu with resentful expressions on their faces, "Mrs. Xu, if you want to die, don't drag us along. You dare to insult Mrs. Gaoming, and you dare to smear the prefect's daughter. You really deserve death."

 After saying that, he left angrily.

 When one person leaves, everyone else also leaves.

There were a few people who saw Mrs. Xu being unhappy and couldn't help but taunted Mrs. Xu, "Some people are going to be doomed now~ They probably won't even be able to save their son's future, that's right."

 After saying that, he left proudly.

Xu's forehead was already sweating. She was just thinking about venting her anger and didn't think much at all.

When Mrs. Wu mentioned this, she also remembered that this woman was no ordinary woman. She had a royal title and was bestowed upon her by the emperor.

Even without this imperial edict, she was still the wife of the prefect. Why did she suddenly forget this level. It’s also because Mrs. Wu is usually so arrogant and friendly to everyone, so she thinks she’s easy to bully.

Plus her son went to the Yamen to look for errands and was rejected, which is why she was so angry and wanted to scold him.

Especially when she saw Sister Yang getting married in a hurry, she seemed to have found a way to take revenge and said all the unpleasant things she wanted to say.

 It’s over now.

 She has said all kinds of unpleasant things. What if someone arrests her and her son?

Mrs. Xu was completely panicked. Liushenwuzhu ran back and tremblingly told her son about the matter.

When Xu Youcai heard that she actually insulted Mrs. Gaoming, he yelled angrily, "Mother! You are trying to kill me!"

His official career was already difficult, but this time his mother went to offend the prefect’s wife. Isn’t this harming him?

 “Mom, you are trying to kill your son!”

Xu Youcai felt that he was going to be finished. With such a stupid girl, let alone his future, he would be finished when the prefect came to arrest him.

Mrs. Xu was frightened when she saw what he said was so serious.

“Son, is it really that serious? Mom was just talking.”

Xu Youcai said, "Can you say this casually? Why are you so stupid!"

“Even if she is not Mrs. Gaoming, you can’t offend her just as the prefect’s wife. What on earth are you thinking!”

 Normal people would have no time to curry favor when they see the prefect's wife. Is her mother stupid? Why would she offend others when she has nothing to do?

"Then I also want to give you some vent. Who told Liang Jin not to do errands? You are obviously so good."

Many talented people are dying, "But they are officials, so what are we? I'm not even a civil servant, so how can I compete with them?"

Mrs. Xu said harshly, "You are also a scholar after all. Scholars don't have to kneel when they meet an official? Then there's nothing to be afraid of. Mother did this. If Mrs. Wu really wants to arrest someone, just arrest me." "

Xu Youcai was so troubled that he couldn't express his sorrow, "What good will it do to me if you are arrested? How can my son take the scientific examination if his mother is stained?"

 The court took into account Kaozi's behavior and the character of his family members.

If you have a mother who is immoral and immoral, your child's performance will also be affected.

Mrs. Xu was confused by what he said, "Why is it so troublesome? Then, what should I do?"

 She didn't know a few words, so how could she know so much.

They just moved here this year, thinking that there are many development opportunities here. They can let their son go to the Yamen to be a master to earn some money for the family. In the future, even if he fails to pass the examination, he will still have income.

Who would have thought that Xu Youcai was rejected on the first day he asked about this matter. He felt frustrated and complained to Mrs. Xu when he came back that the Yamen looked down on people, which made Mrs. Xu unhappy.

Xu Shilong gave birth to seven children in total, six daughters and one son, so she naturally regarded Xu Youcai as her treasure.

Who would have thought that such an outstanding son would be looked down upon by the government, so he was naturally furious.

In this anger, he wanted to cause trouble with the Yamen.

I happened to see Qi Yuanming going to Yang Jie'er's yard in the morning, so I used the topic to use it, trying to discredit Wu's daughter and make their family lose face, and they would not be able to get the best official position.

Who would have thought that instead of doing things well, he would cause trouble for his son.

Mrs. Xu didn't know what to do now. She fell to the ground and cried, "Son, what should I do now? How about mother go and plead for Mrs. Wu?"

 Xu Youcai was also very disappointed, "Your words are so unpleasant, how could Mrs. Liang ignore it?"

 (End of this chapter)

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