Chapter 888, coming to make trouble

Xu's face turned stern, "If she dares to deal with you, I won't let her have an easy time even if I risk my life."

So what if it's Mrs. Gaoming? I poured a basin of dirty water on her, I don't believe she can come back in vain.

Since Mrs. Wu has been away from home for so long, some people will believe her if she even gossips about them. It’s up to her to see how she can clear her name.

Hum, she’s just a restless woman, nothing special.

Xu Youcai saw the bursts of sourness and distortion on her face, and advised, "Don't mess around. I'll come to you in person to apologize for this, so don't cause any more trouble."

 It’s also his fault that he complained to his mother when his self-esteem was hurt, which is why so many things happened.

Had I known that my mother was so jealous, I wouldn't have said anything.

Xu Youcai regretted it. After changing his clothes, he wanted to go to the house to apologize in person.

Mrs. Xu didn't like it, "Son, shall I go with you?"

 She was the one who caused this matter. The worst she could do was kneel down in front of Mr. Wu and settle the matter.

Xu Youcai did not dare to let her go, lest she get into trouble again.

"No, just wait at home. I'll be back as soon as I go."

As long as he sincerely apologizes, Mr. Wu will definitely make things difficult for him.

After all, it was his mother who cursed, and he apologized on behalf of his mother. People who saw her would only say that he was filial, so Mrs. Wu was naturally embarrassed to blame him.

If you let his mother go, she won't be able to let her go because we haven't reached an agreement for a while and will offend someone.

Seeing that he refused to follow, Mrs. Xu said politely, "Then you come back early."

 But after Xu Youcai went out, she immediately followed him out secretly.

Mrs. Xu felt that her son would definitely be bullied by Mrs. Wu because he was so simple and kind, so she naturally wanted to take a look.

Xu Youcai didn't know that she was following her, so he went to buy a bag of snacks, and went to Liang's house to knock on the door with trepidation.

Mrs. Wu was already angry when she returned home, but when she heard Mrs. Xu's son was looking for her, she naturally didn't want to see her.

But the maid said, "Xu Youcai is kneeling at the door right now. If you don't go out, others might see him and think we are using the title of prefect to embarrass him."

Wu could only let it go if he didn't want to do it for himself or for Liang Jin to be stigmatized as using officials to bully the people.

Sister Yang heard this as soon as she came out and asked strangely, "Who do you think is kneeling outside?"

The maid asked, "This is Xu Youcai, son of the Xu family."

I have an impression of Sister Xu Shiyang as a woman with triangular eyes and a very sour tone.

But she had little interaction with the other person and was not familiar with him, so she asked curiously, "What is that person doing here?"

The maid said angrily, "Madam went out shopping this morning. When she came back, she heard Mrs. Xu throwing dirty water on our family, saying that Madam was not a good wife and that you were exposed to the public and got pregnant before marriage. The angry Madam quarreled with her. One."

 Originally, Mrs. Wu wanted Liang Jin to handle this matter.

 After all, what Xu said was too dirty, and it was impossible for her to damage Sister Yang's reputation at this juncture.

If she didn't do something and ended it hastily like this, everyone would definitely think she was guilty and that Sister Yang was really messing around outside. Otherwise, why would her family be so quiet and dare not make a sound?

 So Mrs. Wu originally planned to tell Liang Jin about this matter when he came back, and asked him to arrest Mrs. Xu and give a warning, lest everyone really think that her daughter was easy to bully.

Unexpectedly, Xu Youcai came first and knelt in front of his door before she came to Liang Jin.

This is an obvious way to force her to let Mr. Xu go.

The maid also saw Xu Youcai’s scheming and said angrily.

"There are already people watching at the door. Xu Youcai is apologizing on behalf of his mother. All I know is that he is filial. If Madam doesn't forgive him, it will make our little family angry." As expected, they are mother and son, one is stupid and the other is calculating.

After hearing the whole story, Sister Yang slammed the table angrily.

 “I hate him to the core, he really thinks that our Liang family is easy to bully!”

 “Let’s go and meet him.”

When the maid saw her coming forward, she followed her out boldly as if she had found someone to back her up.

Mrs. Wu also wanted to see Sister Yang's ability in dealing with things, so she followed behind to observe.

Sister Yang walked to the door first. As soon as she came out, she saw Xu Youcai kneeling on the ground and the people watching the excitement around him.

Someone didn't know what happened and asked curiously, "Who is this man? Why is he kneeling at the prefect's house?"

Passenger A: "I don't know, I haven't seen it before. Maybe you have committed something and come to plead for mercy?"

 Otherwise, if you kneel in front of someone’s house in the middle of the day, you’re not seeking bad luck for them.

An insider whispered, "It is said that the scholar's mother insulted Miss Liang San and also insulted Mrs. Liang, which led to this incident."

“Our wife, the prefect, has a royal decree. I don’t know whether it is the fifth or third grade. Anyway, she is of high rank.”

The ordinary people will be punished for insulting the officials, so the Xu family really doesn't know how high the sky is.

Among them, Xu stood up and couldn't help but speak up for Xu, "If someone doesn't insult someone, then Xu is a country boy. Country people speak loudly, so it doesn't count as insulting."

“Look at it, it’s clear that the prefect’s wife is too pretentious. Everyone knows about the little things she does, and she still makes it difficult for a big man to kneel down for her at noon. It’s really not a good standard for a prefect’s wife.”

 The woman who knew the details couldn’t stand listening.

"Mrs. Lin, what you said is one-sided. I was at the scene this morning. It was true that Mr. Xu insulted Mrs. Gaoming. Those words were unpleasant, and I am embarrassed to imitate them."

“You weren’t even present at the time, so you had the nerve to confuse right and wrong. Don’t you still resent Mrs. Liang for refusing to marry her daughter to your grandson?”

Mrs. Lin's son is also an official. It is said that he is an official in the capital, so she thinks that it is enough for her grandson to marry a daughter of the prefect's family.

Wushi rejected the offer without even thinking about it, which made her lose face.

Originally, she was so boastful about her daughter-in-law. Who would have thought that Mrs. Wu looked down on others so much and rejected her without even thinking. She was someone who disliked poverty and loved wealth.

Some women knew about this, so they criticized her like this.

Mrs. Lin held her crutch and said, "It's true that her daughter always shows up when she travels far away! Are you getting benefits from others by speaking for her like this?"


 Seeing that she was unable to refute, Mrs. Lin immediately felt that she was justified and opened her mouth.

“Then Mrs. Xu is right. The young lady from the prefect’s family shows up at a young age, leaves for more than half a year, and suddenly comes back and gets married in a hurry, which will inevitably make people suspicious.”

“Mr. Xu is just asking a few questions out of curiosity, so it would be unkind to let the prefect’s wife torture her son like this.”

“If her daughter is really innocent, why not let her come out and prove her innocence to everyone? It’s really inhumane to have to torture other people’s sons.”

 The more she spoke, the more outrageous she became, and some people couldn't bear to listen.

"Old Mrs. Lin, you can eat randomly, but you can't talk nonsense."

"Miss Liang San is innocent, how come she is said to be so dirty by your mouth? I don't know, I thought you saw it with your own eyes or something."

“I see that you are not too young now, and you are blind both in mind and eyes. Miss Liang San had treated you before, but she unexpectedly rescued a day-old white-eyed wolf. How ungrateful!”

 (End of this chapter)

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