Chapter 889: Looking for trouble

Mrs. Lin was so shameless by what she said that she hit the ground with her crutch angrily, "Who are you calling a wolf?"

Xiao Tiantian was not afraid of her at all, and angrily confronted her loudly with her hands on her hips, "Isn't it true? Last year, you almost choked yourself to death because of your gluttony. Miss Liang San was not afraid of being dirty and gave you air, otherwise you would have died long ago. Can you still be ungrateful here?”

Speaking of rescuing people, many people in the crowd had been saved by Sister Yang, so they also spoke for Sister Yang.

“That’s right, Miss Liang San is a righteous person. She treats poor people every month and gets medicine for free.”

 The emperor even awarded her a certificate for this.

That's it, this old guy has the nerve to slander others.

Mrs. Lin didn't expect the wind direction to change suddenly, and said, "It's all about saving people, but it's wrong for her to be pregnant before marriage. Could it be that you think it's honorable to be pregnant before marriage?"

“If this were placed in an ordinary person’s home, it would sink into the pond.”

"Is it because she is the daughter of the prefect that she can be easily exposed? If this is the case, in the future girls will imitate her and be shameless, and the world will be in chaos?"

 She heard about this from Mrs. Xu, and when she saw that Mrs. Xu was so sure, she came up with it.

Since Mr. Wu looks down on her, she will not let it go lightly and must teach her a lesson.

Everyone was a little surprised when she said this.

 “What about getting pregnant out of wedlock? It’s impossible, right?”

Sister Yang usually gave them the impression that she was a very decent person, and she didn't look like she would get pregnant out of wedlock.

 But the old woman said it with such certainty, could it be true?

Mrs. Lin was afraid that they wouldn't believe it, so she continued, "Why else would she get married in such a hurry when she came back? She wasn't afraid of being discovered because she was pregnant."

 Everyone knew about this marriage and began to doubt it.

“Is it possible that Miss Liang San really got pregnant before marriage? This is too shameless.”

 In the past, being visible in public could be said to be a way to cure illnesses and save lives.

But nowadays it is really outrageous to get pregnant with someone without getting married.

"She is still the prefect's daughter. If you girls learn this, you will cry."

These words were unpleasant to hear, but the people listened.

"No, the prefect's wife must come out to handle this matter, and the people must be given an explanation."

If the daughter of a prefect is really so shameless, how can she serve as their role model and representative? It's outrageous.

Sister Yang heard this as soon as she left the house and sneered in her heart.

Normally these people have been favored by her, but when they hear some news, they change their direction and want to denounce her. They are really a bunch of white-eyed wolves.

 Luckily her mother didn't come out, otherwise she would have been furious to death.

  Actually, Mrs. Wu heard it. She didn't come out just because she wanted to see how Sister Yang would solve it first.

 When she can't solve the problem, she comes out again, just in time to see if there are any enemies in the crowd who want to harm her family.

Sister Yang stood up coldly and glanced at everyone with her eyes like swords.

 “I heard that you are looking for me?”

As soon as Mrs. Lin saw her coming out, she snorted coldly, "Huh, you have the nerve to come out? Where is your wife? Is it possible that she feels too shameless to hide in the house and dare not come out?"

She thought she was too old to deal with a little girl, and her tone was very arrogant.

Sister Yang looked at her with a sneer, "Mrs. Lin, what did you say about me just now? I got pregnant out of wedlock? How did you know that I got pregnant out of wedlock? Could it be that you were watching from the side when I got pregnant?" "

 “Or is this child yours?”

These words shocked everyone. Mrs. Lin was even more angry and said, "What are you talking about? This child is naturally the son of an adulterer. He is talking nonsense."

Sister Yang sneered, "It turns out to be an adulterer. Who is the adulterer? Could it be your eldest grandson? Lin Chengtian?"

Mrs. Lin glared, "You. What are you talking nonsense about?"

Is it possible that the grandson took care of this smelly girl behind her back?

 Otherwise why would she say that?

Everyone was confused, "Mrs. Lin, what's going on? You just scolded me for being shameless, and the adulterer is actually your grandson?"

 “Isn’t this too shameful?”

 “That’s right, it’s so shameless.”

 The direction of the wind was changing so much that Mrs. Lin was confused.

"Don't listen to her nonsense. My grandson is innocent and would not do such a thing."

Sister Yang sneered coldly, "How do you know that your grandson is innocent? Could it be that when he goes out to the brothel, he will ask you to watch? That is not suitable either."


Some people in the crowd couldn't help laughing.

"Who would take an old woman to a brothel? It's so funny."

Old Mrs. Lin was so angry that she was laughed at, "Miss Liang San, don't change the subject. Do you dare to swear that you didn't get pregnant out of wedlock or do anything immoral?"

Sister Yang laughed and said, "Who are you to want me to swear to you?"

"You can't just because you are shameless and I have to obey you, right? You are shameless and I still want to be shameless."

"And you, did you see with your own eyes that I was pregnant with other men? Otherwise, how could you tell the truth?"

"If an ordinary woman was told this by you, would she hang herself? Does killing people make you so happy? Are you still human?"

If she hadn't had a different temperament from ordinary girls and wouldn't be autistic due to other people's gossip, other girls with fragile hearts would have hanged themselves long ago.

Mrs. Lin didn’t believe in this evil and was sure that she was pregnant before changing the subject.

"If you are really innocent, let someone come and test it. Otherwise, you are not worthy of being a prefect, and you are not worthy of setting an example for the people."

"Not even your parents are worthy of being magistrates, so I ask you if you dare."

These words even implicated her parents, and Sister Yang’s face became even colder.

“You say it’s a test? I dare to test it, but do you dare to bet?”

"If I were an innocent and innocent daughter, what would you use to compensate for my innocence and grievances, my life?"

Mrs. Lin said with a sinister look, "It's for your own good to let you prove your innocence. Otherwise, if you become the prefect's daughter as an innocent person, people might say that your parents don't know how to teach children."

“We are doing your best, but you still want our lives? That’s not putting the cart before the horse.”

Sister Yang sneered, "You said it so nicely, otherwise you would pay for me to do the test together? Otherwise, how would I know if you, an old woman, found other old men after your husband passed away?"


Mrs. Lin didn't expect that she would dare to humiliate her like this, and said angrily, "Don't you dare to test? If you don't dare to test, it means you are not innocent."

Sister Yang sneered, "Why don't I dare? I can test it, but you have to pay a corresponding price."

"Otherwise, as a prefect, how could I tolerate your gesticulations?"

“Since you want me to test, bring your grandchildren here. If you want to test my innocence later, let your grandchildren kneel here and apologize to this girl!”

Hum, if you want to embarrass her, then let’s go to **** together. No one wants to have an easy time!

 (End of this chapter)

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