Chapter 890: Proving one’s innocence

 Everyone was confused, "What do you mean?"

Miss Liang San has proven her innocence, why do you want their grandson to come out?

Sister Yang sneered, "Since you want to bet on my innocence, you have to bet on it. If I bet on my innocence, you have to bet on your most precious grandson. When I prove it, if I am not clean, I will kill myself for you." apologize."

“If I am innocent, your grandson will kneel here for three days and three nights to make amends for you ignorant elders!”

 The men have gold at their knees. If their grandsons were to come here and kneel for three days and three nights, it would be a shame if word spread.

So some people did not dare to gamble and rebelled.

“I think you are talking nonsense. I think Miss Liang San’s belly is flat, which is not a sign of pregnancy. You are just talking nonsense.”

Mrs. Lin was afraid that they would all rebel, so she stood up and said to Sister Yang, "Okay, this is your decision. Since you want to bet, you must show your sincerity."

 Having said that, let someone go back and call the grandson over.

 When other people saw this, they still didn’t dare to bet, but they wanted to see it.

Sister Yang sneered, "If you want to see it, go back and ask your son and grandson to come out as bets, or get out of here."

Being an official lady also has the disadvantages of an official lady. If someone sends people out to drive people away, people will say that she has a guilty conscience.

  If the parents come forward, people will say that their family is covering up.

Sister Yang didn't take these people seriously, but she was disgusted by Mrs. Lin.

 She has been living smoothly in Jiangnan, but this is the first time she has met such a disgusting old lady.

She will not be merciful if she is so viciously targeted at her today.

 Isn’t Mrs. Lin’s most precious grandson?

 His grandson will be called to embarrass her later, and if she faints from anger, she will not be kind enough to save her.

Mrs. Wu saw the scene outside on the second floor of the courtyard. Seeing that Sister Yang's eyes were getting colder and colder, she also wanted to see how she would deal with it.

But the maid is a little worried.

“Madam, can the third lady handle it well?”

 There are so many people, I’m really afraid that the third lady won’t be able to deal with them.

  Wu Shi shook his head, "I don't know if she can handle it. Let's just wait and see."

Mrs. Lin quickly called her grandson over, as if she wanted to fight Sister Yang to the end.

Young Master Lin had no idea what was happening.

The servant only told him that something happened to the old lady outside and asked him to come and take a look.

Who knows what will happen when I come here? "Grandma, aren't you a good person?"

Mrs. Lin did not answer his words, but looked at Sister Yang with a proud look in her eyes, "Miss Liang San, my most precious grandson is here, you can start."

Today, she called all her grandchildren. After a while, this dead girl was found to be innocent, and she won.

 Let’s see who dares to bully her Lin family in the future!

Young Master Lin looked confused, "Grandma, what are you doing?"

An insider told him in a low voice, "Your grandmother accused Miss Liang San of being inappropriate and said she got pregnant out of wedlock. She asked her to prove her innocence, otherwise she would not be qualified to be the prefect's daughter."

“Ms. Liang said that if she wanted to prove her innocence, she would have to gamble with something, otherwise she wouldn’t go for the test.”

"No, your grandmother called you here. If Miss Liang San is found to be innocent, you will have to kneel here to apologize to the Liang family."

Young Master Lin was deceived and couldn't believe it, "Grandma, are you crazy?"

The Lin family is also an official after all. Although they are only in the seventh rank, they are still officials. How could they do such a shameful thing in public.

If he is really innocent later, is it possible to really ask him to kneel here? Telling everyone to watch a joke?

  How can he survive if word spreads further?

If he doesn't do it right, he won't even have a chance to take the scientific examination.

Mrs. Lin, however, was very sure, "What are you afraid of? I am trying to establish prestige for our family."

The Liang family looks down on us, and today is the perfect time to destroy their prestige and make them lose face. Looking forward, who will still regard the Liang family as the prefect? If Liang Jin falls, maybe her son can take over.

As long as his son can be picked up, she will be the old lady of the prefect in the future.

Young Master Lin was stunned for a moment by what she said, "Dad is coming back, but for such a big job as the prefect, he was asked to take over it as soon as he was asked to take it over."

This kind of thing requires procedures and assessments. It is not as simple as just talking.

Mrs. Lin was very confident, "After all, your father has been working in the Hanlin Academy for so many years, so it is not difficult to come to Jiangnan to be a prefect. As long as you spend some money to clear things up, and then go to His Majesty to beg for mercy, it is still possible."

 But first, the Liang family must fall before her son can have this opportunity.

Young Master Lin thought she was whimsical.

If his father could be promoted, he would have been promoted long ago. How could he wait so many years?

Furthermore, "How are you so sure that Miss Liang San is not innocent? What if she is innocent? Do you really want me to kneel down to her in public?"

 After word spread, everyone would know that he knelt down to apologize to the woman, and whether he was still alive.

Mrs. Lin was very impatient when she saw him shrinking back.

"You are just too petty, just like your mother, timid and hopeless."

 “If a man wants to achieve great things, he must be strong-willed.”

“If you want your father to come back as the prefect, then give me more confidence.”

"As long as your father becomes the prefect, you will be the prefect's son, right? You still have to worry about the future."

These words moved Young Master Lin, but he was still afraid.


There is always a contingency in everything, right?

 together out out out out out out would be laughed at? He was still afraid, the Lin family wouldn't be able to survive in Jiangnan.

Seeing that he was not timid, old lady Lin said angrily, "You don't have to worry about this matter. Just listen to me."

After saying that, he stood up and said coldly to Sister Yang, "Miss Liang San, my grandson has been brought here. Do you need me to help you find the mother-in-law who will take the test?"

These words are harsh and unpleasant to hear.

Sister Yang frowned and was about to say something when the sound of rapid horse hooves came from behind the crowd.

 “Everyone, get out of the way!”

Qi Yuanming came over in a hurry on horseback, "Xu~~"

 As soon as he arrived at the door of his house and saw so many people, he was very angry.

He sat on the horse and glanced coldly at everyone, and finally his eyes were fixed on the face of Mrs. Lin with sinister eyes.

He is already very tall, and his face is particularly fierce when he is not smiling.

Especially because of his strong body and the tall horse he rides, he looks particularly intimidating.

Qi Yuanming rode up to Mrs. Lin with a fierce look on his face, "Did you bully my fiancée?"

Mrs. Lin suddenly received a fierce glare from him and instinctively retreated.

With so many people watching, she couldn't be frightened. She said bravely, "What's wrong with bullying? Miss Liang San wants to prove her innocence to everyone. Isn't it a good thing?"

"She is the prefect's daughter. Isn't she supposed to set a good example for everyone? How come she is old and can't do it anymore?"

Qi Yuanming watched her performance coldly, the corners of his mouth raised coldly, and he was very impatient.

"You said she was not innocent, so she was not innocent? Then I also said that you were not innocent!"

“Who knows if you, an old woman, have been stealing in the house for so many years?”

Mrs. Lin’s old face was almost chapped, “You reckless man, what nonsense are you talking about!”

 (End of this chapter)

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