The Group’s Favorite Cute Baby is One and a Half Years Old

Chapter 891: , steal the chicken but lose the rice

Chapter 891: Stealing the chicken will end up losing the rice.

 “Am I talking nonsense? Why am I talking nonsense?”

 “Could it be that I told you the central thing, otherwise why would you be angry?”

The angrier she gets, the more Qi Yuanming gets his way. .

“There is no rule that old women can’t steal sex. Previously, the old lady next door to the Lin family gave birth to a son in her fifties. Who knows if you will also give birth to a son next year.”

“You are the same age as the old lady who sells pearls, and we are neighbors. Maybe you two are the same kind of person.”

Everyone in that household has heard of it.

It is said that the old lady is already fifty and she always likes to recruit some young servants.

 At first, people didn't believe it, but one day a young and handsome boy came out and got a lot of reward, and everyone began to doubt it.

Especially because the boy's clothes are getting better and better every day, and he has money to spend every day, so he will be rewarded by the old woman.

Everyone said that the old woman was still shameless at such an old age, but some of them didn't believe it.

Until one day, it was suddenly reported that the old woman was pregnant, and the whole Jiangnan was shocked to know about it.

Qi Yuanming also heard about this incident. He wanted to laugh at first, but who knew that the bad luck would happen to Sister Yang today.

On the way here, he heard that Sister Yang was being bullied, and he was so angry that his lungs were about to explode.

 He sent someone to inquire about Mrs. Lin and immediately knew the whole story.

Mrs. Lin’s son is going to be an official in Jiangnan this year. When the incident happened with Sister Yang, she wanted to remove Liang Jin from power to make room for her son.

This is how he came up with such an insidious trick.

The mother-in-law who takes the body test is also ready. No matter whether Sister Yang is innocent or not, she will tell her whether she is.

 Anyway, she won’t give up until she achieves her goal today.

Qi Yuanming didn't like to deal with such dirty things about women. What he saw with his own eyes today really disgusted him.

This **** old woman should never have used her sinister tricks on Sister Yang. He would never let her go.

“Mrs. Lin, I think your belly is indeed a bit bloated, why don’t you also have it checked?”

“I’ll invite all the doctors in Jiangnan later to check the pulses of you and Sister Yang to see which one of you is pregnant. Do you think this is fair?”

“This way, your grandson doesn’t have to kneel, and he kills two birds with one stone, what do you think?”

Qi Yuanming looked calm when he said this, but everyone who knows him knows that he can only be so cold when he is extremely angry, otherwise he is usually a very enthusiastic person.

Sister Yang didn't expect him to come back so soon. She walked over and wanted to hold him, but he grabbed Mrs. Lin's hand and said to everyone.

“Since you want to see people innocent by talking nonsense, you have to lead by example. Doesn’t Mrs. Lin have any objection?”

Mrs. Lin is so popular that she can't bear this insult.

“I have been innocent all my life. I have been guarded by my master for twenty years, and I have a chastity arch to prove it. How dare you humiliate me like this?”

She gritted her teeth and glared at Qi Yuanming, wanting to eat him alive.

Qi Yuanming had never seen a bad person before, and he didn't even pay attention to her vicious gaze.

He said loudly, "Did I humiliate you? What I said just now are exactly what you said to Miss Liang San? I learned this from you, didn't I?"

“Furthermore, as an elder, if you want the younger generation to obey and obey, shouldn’t you set an example first so that the younger generation can learn from it?”

"Since you want to test her, you must test yourself first. In this way, she will be tested even if she doesn't test. After testing, she can't blame you. Isn't it killing two birds with one stone?" What he said was watertight, which made everyone feel very satisfied. It makes sense, but something feels wrong.

Young Master Lin was the first to react and retorted, "How can it be the same? My grandmother is already very old. She has no body test. Isn't that insulting?"

Qi Yuanming sneered, "What's so insulting about your age? An innocent little girl is forced to take a physical exam before she gets married. Who is more insulting?"

“Your grandmother has already given birth to several children, so it’s not a big deal to get tested. Miss Liang is innocent. If an unmarried little girl is taken for a physical test, will she survive in the future?”

“Or does your grandmother sincerely want Miss Liang’s life, and by removing her family from power, she can make room for your father as the prefect?”

As soon as these words came out, everyone was stunned.

“What do you mean? It turns out that Mrs. Lin made such a fuss to remove Magistrate Liang from power so that she could make room for her son?”

"I'm telling you, why did you do something so early in the morning? It turns out you were planning for your own son. It's too insidious. He's so shameless and vicious."

 Some of them are people who have been helped by the Liang family, so they naturally feel sorry for the Liang family.

Some people couldn't bear to see Mrs. Lin taking advantage of herself, so they came out to curse.

"Let me tell you, if Mrs. Lin is planning to do this, she must have found the body-exam woman, otherwise she can call her eldest grandson out?"

"Yes, for sure. She wants to save face so much. How could she call her grandson out? She must have prepared a backup plan. What a vicious old lady. It's terrible."

 Everyone has reacted and started to turn against each other.

"It is said that her Lin family's neighbors are more weird than the last. The old woman who steals pearls from clams is not a good bird. There are still some weird ones left. As expected, birds of a feather flock together."

Everyone said something to each other, and took a step back as if they were looking at stolen goods, for fear of being infected with something dirty.

Mrs. Lin didn't expect that things would turn out like this. Seeing everyone's disgusted expressions on her, she was so angry that she fainted without being able to breathe.


Young Master Lin was frightened to death. He looked at Sister Xiang Yang and said, "Miss Liang San, you don't care about the faults of others. Please save my grandmother."

Sister Yang sneered, "Saving her once before was already the most unforgivable thing I've ever done in my life. I won't be able to save her this time. You'd better hire someone else."

 After saying that, he turned around and went back.

Before going back, he saw Xu Youcai hiding aside, so he walked over and kicked him, "Go back and tell your mother that this debt is not over."

 Xu Youcai wanted to ask again, but there were so many people, and he was afraid of losing face, so he could only run away in despair.

 After Sister Yang returned, everyone was still watching Mrs. Lin's situation. Some were watching the show, while others were coming up with ideas.

“Young master Lin, you can carry your grandmother and go to the street to see the doctor.” Lying here like this is not an option.

Young Master Lin didn’t know, but his grandmother was so big, how could a weak scholar like him carry it?

Qi Yuanming watched from the side to see how long the old woman could keep pretending.

  She might have been really dizzy at first, but she recovered after a while. She just felt too embarrassed to get up, so she continued to pretend to be dizzy.

 The doctor will come after a while.

The doctor took Mrs. Lin's pulse and frowned, "Why does this pulse look like a happy pulse?"

 Everyone was stunned, "Happy pulse????"

 (End of this chapter)

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