Chapter 895, Liang Jin is implicated

 She still had the energy to want to take revenge on others. Mrs. Lin slammed the table angrily, "That's enough! Don't you think it's not chaotic enough now?"

"Send the old lady back to the house! Don't let the old lady come out without my order."

  Meaning to put her under house arrest and release her after a period of time.

Mrs. Lin did not expect her son to say that to her, and she was angry and sad, "I, I am doing it for your own good."

 But seeing what happened to her son, it was indeed her fault and she had no choice but to accept her fate.

Mr. Lin didn’t want to stay in Jiangnan anymore. He had people pack his things overnight and planned to leave before dawn.

After the Lin family left, everyone speculated that they left overnight because it was too embarrassing.

Over the next few days, the noise gradually died down, and it didn’t take long for the incident to pass.


 This end, the Liang family.

When Sister Yang learned that her father was implicated in this incident, she felt very guilty. I regret that I was too impulsive in doing things, and my methods were not meticulous enough, and I ended up hurting my own father.

As soon as Liang Jin came back in the evening, she rushed towards him with an apologetic look on his face, "Dad~~"

Liang Jin saw that she was still the same as when she was a child. Whenever she did something wrong, she would hug her and ask for forgiveness.

 He smiled helplessly, patted her head, "It's okay, just settle the matter."

Now that Jiangnan is under his control, the bad atmosphere is indeed his problem and he will solve it properly.

Sister Yang said guiltily, "It's my fault, I forgot about this level."

After all, I am still young, but I am still a little behind in doing things.

 Just by focusing on counterattack, the overall situation is still not very comprehensive.

Liang Jin didn't blame her. The Lin family was responsible for this matter, and the rumors that are spreading now are the Lin family's own fault.

 He knew that the matter would spread, but he did not expect that it would reach the capital.

He connived at this matter, and he accepted it even when the emperor lectured him, but he did not regret it.

“It’s easier for them to just move away. Dad still feels guilty that he can’t avenge you.”

He is the prefect, and the whole Jiangnan is watching his performance. The fact that he can let the news fly shows that he is angry enough.

But the most he can do is make the Lin family go away in despair. It is not convenient for him to intervene in other matters. Since he is an official, it is not so convenient for him to do things.

Sister Yang knew that he was seeking revenge for her, so she hugged him affectionately, just like she did when she was a child.

"It's my daughter's fault. It would be nice if I could resolve it privately."

  At that time, I was too impulsive and was forced by Mrs. Lin to solve the problem head-on. This was the reason why I missed the opportunity to solve the problem secretly.

 Liang Jin thought she did a good job.

"You are so brave that you can face so many people. You are already very impressive. Even my father is impressed by you."

Sister Yang's eyes also lit up, "Really? Are you impressed by me?"

 This has never happened before.

 She always gets into trouble and is rarely praised by her parents. It was quite unexpected that she was praised suddenly today.

Liang Jin patted her head lovingly, "When you grow up, you can face the wind and rain alone. But Brother Ming is not bad either. With him here, he will be able to protect you."

He also heard from Mrs. Wu that Qi Yuanming came specially to help Sister Yang, and he liked the child even more.

“He is not as stupid as he appears, but he is quite capable and a little clever.”

Sister Yang also saw Qi Yuanming's performance for the first time and said with a smile, "It's not bad."

 She said it was okay, but her face was a bit proud, as if the person she liked was praised by her own father for being special and proud.

Liang Jin also smiled, "Your brother-in-law has been a good friend with him for so many years, which shows that Qi Yuanming is quite good. After you get married, live a good life with him and don't be too willful. Men also need to be coaxed."

Sister Yang saw his serious look and nodded obediently, "I know."

Liang Jin touched her head and told her, "You will have a wedding banquet in a few days. Then thank them properly."

Sister Yang was shy, "I know, I'll treat him to something good when the time comes."

 She is not a person who is good at sensationalism, especially towards Qi Yuanming.

 But he did help him, so he should be thanked. Liang Jin nodded with satisfaction and asked her, "It's very late, go back and rest early."

Sister Yang nodded obediently, "Okay. Daddy should also go to bed early."

Liang Jin hummed and continued reading the document.

Mrs. Wu came in and saw that he was still staying up late. She asked him worriedly, "The Holy Spirit criticized you for this matter and blamed me. It's because I didn't do everything well."

She was also furious, wishing that the Lin family would be flooded with dirty water. She had forgotten that people would use this matter to stab Liang Jin.

Liang Jin saw that both of them felt guilty and smiled.

 “It’s okay, everything has been solved, you don’t have to feel guilty.”

Just now his daughter came to apologize, and his wife came again. How could he be so stingy?

"It only takes a few days for the news to spread. I will formulate a new set of rules in the past few days. If they are implemented by then, the news will be suppressed."

Mrs. Wu sighed, "It seems that I will be more strict with the prefect's wife in the future."

After all, it is a high position in charge of government orders. Whether she is the prefect or the prefect's wife, she must set a good example, otherwise she will discredit them in Jiangnan.

 Liang Jin nodded, knowing that she would do a good job.

"You should go back and rest early, I have some important things to deal with."

 After becoming the prefect, things never stopped.

Mrs. Wu knew that he was busy, so she went back to sleep first.

 She slept with Sister Yang at night. Mother and daughter were lying on the bed, chatting.

“Brother Ming did a good job this time. I think he really cares about you.”

If Sister Yang hadn't stopped him, he would have wanted to throw **** at the Lin family.

 But the purpose of doing so was too obvious, so we had to give up.

Plus this is Liang Jin's fault, so he can't cause trouble to his father-in-law, so he can only endure it.

Sister Yang also saw that he was sincere to her and felt sweet in her heart.

 “He has that kind of temperament, and he protects his shortcomings.”

Mrs. Wu was quite satisfied, "It's good to protect your shortcomings. I will feel relieved that he will protect you from now on."

 When I saw Qi Yuanming before, I thought he was childish.

Now I feel that he is still very calm in big matters.

 After all, he has been a general, so he can still handle many things.

 Maybe he is naive in front of Sister Yang, it may vary from person to person.

Sister Yang also laughed, "This is the first time I've seen him with such an indifferent expression. He used to be silly and naive. Who knew he had this side."

Mrs. Wu was happy, "Men are naive in front of the people they like. From now on, you two will live a good life. Mom thinks he is quite suitable for life."

 Honest and reliable, he is a good candidate for son-in-law.

Sister Yang also laughed, "I know." The worst thing she can do is bully him less in the future.

Seeing that next month was coming soon, Sister Yang hurriedly speeded up her time to make clothes for Qi Yuanming.

This time Wu didn’t need to prompt her, so she did it seriously.

 After making the middle coat, just make him an outer robe.

Qi Yuanming finished his errands outside and rushed back to hold the engagement banquet.

On the day of the wedding banquet, the robe was finally ready.

Thinking that the guy would jump up and down with joy when he saw it, Sister Yang smiled sweetly.

Mrs. Wu came over early in the morning to wake her up and dress her up herself.

 Strive to make her the most beautiful in the audience today.

 (End of this chapter)

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