Chapter 896: Come and hire me

Mrs. Liang also got up early to help with the decoration.

 Today's engagement banquet was attended by neighbors, including Second Sister Wu, who also came from home with her children.

 Many subordinate wives also brought their daughters to congratulate him.

 The house was very busy early in the morning.

When Qi Yuanming came back from his busy work, Mrs. Qi took him to dress up.

 I shaved, washed my hair and took a bath, and put on beautiful clothes.

“Today I will make you the most handsome young man in the room, and you will be the envy of other girls.”

Qi Yuanming smiled silly and looked in the mirror, "Sister Yang, will you like it?" She was dressed in such a flashy dress.

Mrs. Qi affirmed, "Yes, it's the first time you dress so well. Sister Yang will definitely like it."

 The clothes are navy blue, with exquisite embroidery on them. The fabric is very handmade, and it is worth a lot at first glance.

Qi Yuanming was already mature, and when he dressed up like this, he became even more cold-blooded, like a steady man.

Mrs. Qi looked satisfied, "You are tall, and you look so majestic in this kind of clothes. You could be a general at first glance."

Qi Yuanming gave a silly smile and said, "It's good if Sister Yang likes her."

 He doesn't care and doesn't pay much attention to dressing up, but he still wants to give Sister Yang some face today.

 After all, the guests will definitely comment after seeing it.

If he dresses well, everyone will praise Sister Yang for her good taste.

He is happy if Sister Yang can be praised.

Mrs. Qi laughed angrily, "Sister Yang, sister Yang, you keep shouting wherever you go."

Qi Yuanming retorted, "We are about to get married, so of course we have to miss her, so don't be so jealous. If you want, go to my father, huh."

Mrs. Qi;

 What is the use of having a son?

  It is unlucky to go with someone else’s daughter after giving birth, huh.

Qi Yuanming laughed loudly, just like the big fool before.

Mrs. Qi was too lazy to pay attention to him, and went to give orders to Mr. Qi.

After the family was tidied up, Mrs. Qi went to count the betrothal gifts. She took the betrothal troops and the matchmaker to the Liang family happily.

They carried a lot of betrothal gifts, and the family packed up in a dignified manner. As they walked on the road, they attracted many people to watch.

“I heard that the family I hired is from the capital, and they seem to be good friends with Miss Liang’s husband.”

“Well, I’ll just say, this man looks quite mighty, so he’s from the capital.”

Passenger A, "Some people said before that Miss Liang San got pregnant before marriage. I think it's just nonsense."

"That's not the case. This matter was deliberately planned by the old lady of the Lin family so that her son could become the prefect. We all already know about it. But we can't discuss this matter anymore, otherwise we will be arrested."

The other party nodded, "Yes, let's just talk about it ourselves. Of course we can't tell anyone."

Those women who had doubted Sister Yang before saw Qi Yuanming's majestic appearance and felt very shameless.

Talked to his companion, "I didn't expect that the husband I found was so good. Fortunately, we didn't talk nonsense, otherwise we would have been embarrassed."

"That's not the case. Fortunately, we didn't talk nonsense that day, otherwise we wouldn't be able to hang out here in the future."

Liang Jin re-established a rule: you are not allowed to speak dirty words about others unless you have witnessed the facts with your own eyes. Otherwise, you will be fined money, and in severe cases, you will be arrested and imprisoned for three days.

Everyone is not afraid of being locked up, but is afraid of being fined, so they naturally restrain themselves.

From now on, if you have anything to say, you will hide and say it quietly, and you will not dare to throw dirty water on others in front of them, otherwise you will be punished.

Qi Yuanming rode a red horse and entered the Liang family gate with high spirits and a betrothal gift.

 Other ladies who were friends with Mr. Wu were very fond of his handsome and tall son-in-law. "Sister Wu, you have such good taste. Your eldest son-in-law is so good and your younger son-in-law is so strong. How did you find him?"

Mrs. Wu smiled and thought about her words, "Hey, I found her. Her sister introduced her. This younger son-in-law is also a good friend of my eldest son-in-law."

 This statement is easier for everyone to accept, and they are immediately envious.

"Look, your eldest son-in-law is still thinking about his in-laws' family. Unlike mine, he doesn't know how to bring my daughter back to see her all year round. If I didn't urge him, he would be eager to come, but I'm so angry."

 Not all sons-in-law are filial, and some do not take their natal family seriously at all.

These women are all daughters, so they naturally envy their sons-in-law's filial piety.

Seeing their melancholy, Mr. Wu nodded in agreement, "Otherwise, choosing a son-in-law must be done over and over again. His character must be ranked first, and his courtesy must be second."

 Some sons-in-law don't have much respect for their mother-in-law's family, and their facial etiquette is very perfunctory, which Mrs. Wu can't stand.

 She is so perfunctory with her elders and mother-in-law, and she is not sure how she will treat her own daughter when she returns home.

The main reason why she could agree to Qi Yuanming being her son-in-law was that Qi Yuanming was very filial to her, Liang Jin and Mrs. Liang, and he looked like he was filial to the elderly.

Moreover, he not only honors his parents, but also honors his father-in-law and mother-in-law. He cares about his father-in-law and mother-in-law, and he is naturally not bad to Sister Yang.

All the ladies were envious and said, "If there is a good son-in-law in the future, please introduce him to us."

“Or if your son-in-law has any friends, please introduce them to us, and we can kiss them together.”

 Everyone else laughed after hearing this, "Yes, I still have three daughters at home, and I still have worries about marriage."

“No, I still have three daughters at home, so don’t forget me when the time comes.”

 “And I, and I, and my family also have two girls who are waiting to be married.”

Seeing how enthusiastic they were, Ms. Wu smiled and said, "Okay, okay, I'll ask you questions when I have time. But most of my son-in-law's friends are from the capital. Are you willing to marry your daughter so far away?"

 The other ladies smiled and said, "Nowadays, shipping is convenient, and the capital is not far away. You can get there by boat."

Mrs. Wu saw that they were sincere, so she nodded, "Okay, I'll ask you questions tonight."

Qi Yuanming asked people to bring in all the betrothal gifts and spread them all over the yard, making everyone envious.

“Hey, the betrothal gift is so much, it seems that the younger son-in-law has a good family background.”

  Wu smiled helplessly, "I was given too much, and I feel embarrassed."

The Qi family is far less wealthy than the Jing family, so giving such a large betrothal gift is obviously too much.

The Wu family was also afraid that the Qi family would empty out their wealth, so they wanted to give him some money back.

Qi Yuanming was surprised at first when she saw so many betrothal gifts. She asked her mother in a low voice, "When did our family become so rich? We actually prepared so much?"

Mrs. Qi said proudly, "That's not true. In order to find a wife for you, my mother has learned how to do business."

The gold, silver and jewelry given by the emperor before were all given to Qi Yuan Mingpan by Jing Shirong.

The shop was left to Mrs. Qi to take care of, and the business was tepid. There was income, but not that much.

Mrs. Qi thought that it would definitely cost a lot for her son to get a wife in the future, so she went to do some research with Mr. Jing.

Jing saw that she was serious, so he naturally taught her seriously.

Mrs. Qi studied hard and really improved the business of the shop a lot.

 When she made her first double profit, Mrs. Qi smelled the fragrance of money and began to crazily want more.

So he worked hard and made an extra fortune, which was just enough to give his son a wife.

Another book, the daily life of a group pet dressed as a cute baby, if you are interested, you can read it.

There is also a book where the bosses cried and begged me for forgiveness after being transformed into cannon fodder. You can read it if you are interested~



 (End of this chapter)

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