The Group’s Favorite Cute Baby is One and a Half Years Old

Chapter 897: , evil people will have their own trials and tribulations.

Chapter 897: Evil people will be punished by evil people

Sister Ying also received the news that Sister Yang was getting married at the border.

Feiying brought her the letter very quickly. After reading it, she was very happy and hurriedly told Jinghan and the others about it.

When Jinghan heard this, he said, "That girl is getting married to Brother Ming? It's a good thing, but it's a pity that we can't go over for a drink."

 I take care of my children every day, and I haven’t attended a wedding in a long time.

Sister Ying also wanted to go there and have a look, but the journey was too far, so she had to give up.

Mrs. Wu wrote in the letter about what happened recently, and Sister Ying was very angry after seeing it.

 Fortunately, the matter was resolved successfully, otherwise she would have killed him.

Jinghan didn't expect that there was such a vicious old woman in Jiangnan, and she had no regrets at all for causing harm to others. It was said that after the Lin family left, Mrs. Lin cursed her all the way.

Qi Yuanming sent someone to follow her. Hearing her cursing, he damaged their carriage that night, making it impossible for them to ride in the carriage.

 In the end, I could only walk to the place where I took office.

 Because of Mrs. Lin, the Lin family became increasingly unlucky and began to complain about Mrs. Lin.

Mrs. Lin was furious when she saw that her daughters-in-law dared to squeeze on her, and they quarreled with her that day.

Those daughters-in-law have been oppressed by her all year round, and they dare not speak out when they are angry.

 Although I dare not refute on the surface, privately I completely hate Mrs. Lin.

  When Mr. Lin arrived at the place where he took office, his wife at home ignored Mrs. Lin.

 She doesn’t want to worry about whether she likes to eat the food or not.

Mrs. Lin was bullied by their gang and was so angry that she wanted to hit someone. Finally, she fell down and fainted.

 When I woke up, I couldn't move, but my mouth could still move, and I scolded the wives one by one.

Because she cursed harshly, none of the daughters-in-law wanted to serve her, so they hired an old woman to take care of her.

 The old woman was found locally. Seeing that the wages her family gave her were low, she naturally didn’t give her all.

In particular, Mrs. Lin has a bad temper and often curses. This woman's service is even more perfunctory.

Sometimes Mrs. Lin peed on the bed and she didn't care, causing the room to stink.

Once the room smelled bad, the wives didn’t want to come in, and eventually stopped coming.

But whenever Mr. Lin is not around, the daughters-in-law will not come to see her.

Only when Mr. Lin was there, the wives asked the mother-in-law to clean up the house, and then let Mr. Lin take a look at it and then continued to leave her alone.

Mrs. Lin looked at their two faces and cried angrily in front of Mr. Lin, "Son, you don't know that these vicious wives actually abuse my mother. She only has cold meals and cold dishes on weekdays. They want to kill me." ah."

Mr. Lin didn't believe it at first, but seeing how pitifully she cried, he scolded his daughters-in-law.

But the daughters-in-law all said, "After my mother-in-law became ill, her temper became worse and worse. She scolded us very badly when we came here, and that's why she didn't come so diligently."

"As for whether the food is cold or not, that doesn't matter. Every time the kitchen prepares a meal, I am the first one to bring it over. I ask my mother to let it cool if she doesn't want to eat it."

Old Mrs. Lin said angrily, "What I don't want to eat? It's obvious that you want to kill me. You must want me to die so that you don't have to serve me. What a bunch of vicious women. My son, you should divorce them all soon. These guys My wife is not filial."

Mr. Lin saw that they all had their own opinions and didn’t know who to listen to.

The daughters-in-law were afraid that he would not believe him, so they cried and complained that he was wronged.

Mrs. Lin also cursed and said they were lying.

Mr. Lin felt a headache when he was surrounded by so many women crying and crying, so he moved directly to the Yamen to live out of sight.

Mrs. Lin became more and more disliked because of her complaint. Her daughters-in-law completely gave her a cold shoulder. They even resigned from the cleaning maid, and the courtyard became quiet.

Mrs. Lin didn't even want to find anyone to talk to. She looked at the ceiling and cried, secretly thinking that if she hadn't done that before, now that her son was also an official in Jiangnan, she would also be able to enjoy the blessings.

   I really regretted it before I thought of this because I couldn't think about it.

 This matter was sent by Qi Yuanming to observe.

 He not only told Sister Yang, but also wrote a letter to Jing Shirong.

After Jing Shirong saw it, he naturally came to tell Sister Ying.

Sister Ying was angry at first, but when she saw Mrs. Lin’s ending, she didn’t say anything else. What you sow and what you get are all determined, so people can’t be too evil-minded or they will be punished.

Sister Ying wiped her hair and said to Jing Shirong.

“Counting the days, it’s time for them to worship heaven and earth. I think they will come back to us soon.”

Jing Shirong nodded, "Maybe tomorrow is the day to get married."

 The day when the letter was sent, the auspicious day for them to get married was tomorrow.

 This head.

 After the wedding banquet that day, everyone drank and ate until very late.

The colleagues Liang Jin invited were all drunk and lost their usual restraint.

Neighbors also came over to drink. After getting drunk, they went crazy and refused to go back. In the end, they were dragged back by the woman.

 The other women also drank some fruit wine. After drinking it, they went to talk to Mrs. Qi.

“Mrs. Qi, you have come a long way, why don’t you go shopping with us tomorrow?”

Mrs. Qi smiled and said, "Okay, it just so happens that I will be returning to Beijing soon. I will spend another day with you tomorrow."

 Everyone liked her when they saw how friendly she was.

They all started talking to her, "Do you have any unmarried sons in your family? If so, I still have several daughters in my family."

“I have one in my family too. My family is very pretty, proficient in music, chess, calligraphy and painting, and has a big butt. I’m sure she’s better than their daughters.”

This pride made the other ladies laugh.

“Just brag, your little girl’s **** is big, but it’s not beautiful, at best she’s just a fat Xishi.”

 “That’s right, hahaha, it’s so stinky.”

 Everyone was drunk and began to speak unscrupulously.

Mrs. Qi was also amused by them, secretly thinking that these people were interesting.

Other ladies also think that official wives from the capital are not bad, they are not as serious as the legend says, and they are still very down-to-earth.

After Qi Yuanming drank a lot with his father-in-law, he blushed and wanted to go find Sister Yang.

At last Mr. Wu saw him and coughed before he stopped.

As an unmarried bride, Sister Yang naturally cannot come out.

 But when I saw his affectionate eyes through the window, my face turned red.

Mrs. Wu laughed at her, "We're going to get married in a few days. Will you be ashamed now?"

Sister Yang snorted shyly, "You don't understand, I won't tell you anymore."

 A girl in love blushes so easily and her heart beats faster, and she doesn’t know how to express it.

Mrs. Wu is someone who has been here before, so she doesn’t understand anything, but she won’t talk about it so as not to make her shy.

 A few more days.

 The auspicious day has finally arrived for the wedding.

 Mrs. Qi got up early in the morning to check the house.

They live in the courtyard that Jing Shirong bought before. Today it is specially used as a wedding room, and it can also be used for worshiping heaven and earth later.

 The courtyard was decorated very festively, with lanterns and colorful lights, and it was ablaze with red.

 At this time, the wedding team is ready, and the sedan chair is also ready.

Even Qi Yuanming got up early and wore the red groom's official uniform.

 (End of this chapter)

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