Chapter 898, Sister Yang gets married

Mrs. Qi is also dressed up. She is dressed particularly grandly today, and her face is full of joy.

She came over to see if Qi Yuanming was dressed up. As soon as she came in, she saw her son dressed in robes and a red crown. I suddenly sighed that time passed so quickly.

“I didn’t expect you to be so big in the blink of an eye.”

Before, she disliked him for not marrying a wife, but now that he suddenly wanted to marry a wife, she was still a little reluctant to let him go.

Mrs. Qi sighed and came over to fix Qi Yuanming's hair. "From now on, you will be someone else's husband and the father of their children. You have to support a good family. Do you understand?"

Qi Yuanming looked at the blue color under his mother's eyes, and his nose was slightly sour, "It's the son who has made the mother worry. The son is unfilial."

Mrs. Qi's eyes were also red, "No, you have always been very good. Mom has never thought you were bad. It's just that I feel a little emotional today when I see you finally getting married."

She feels annoyed when her son is at home, but she feels reluctant to let him go when they are getting married.

That's what being a mother is like, you have too many emotions, but you'll be fine after a while.

 She adjusted Qi Yuanming's collar and said, "Okay, the time is coming. Get ready to pick up the bride."

“When you two get married, maybe my mother will be able to have a grandson next year. Thinking about it, I suddenly feel happy again.”

Qi Yuanming also imagined what a family of five would be like in the future, and the corners of his mouth suddenly raised in happiness.

Xi Po came in with a smile and asked, "Madam, it's almost time, it's time for the wedding team to set off."

Mrs. Qi smiled and said, "Yes, yes, don't miss the time."

Qi Yuanming hurriedly went out, "Yes, hurry up, don't delay me from marrying my wife."

 After saying that, he immediately strode to the yard, got on his horse, and galloped away with a "drive" sound.

 Leave a wedding team behind;.

  This groom is too impatient.

Mrs. Qi was even more embarrassed, "Hurry up, hurry up, catch up quickly, don't fall too far behind."

Xipo couldn’t laugh or cry, so she hurriedly chased after her.

The wedding team had to run and play music, almost losing their breath.

Qi Yuanming didn’t think there was anything wrong at all.

He was afraid that he would miss Sister Yang if he missed the time, so he hurried over.

 As soon as I arrived at Liang's house, I saw the courtyard full of female relatives.

 Second Sister Wu and the others are adding makeup to Sister Yang in the room.

“I didn’t expect that in the blink of an eye, you would get married. When your sister got married, you were still a young girl.”

Time flies so fast, and the children are growing up.

Sister Yang also lamented how time flies and hugged them one by one. "From now on, when I'm not at home, my second aunt will help me see my mother more."

Second Sister Wu smiled and said, "Don't worry, we are close and we will come and go frequently."

"It's you, you can't be so willful after you get married. If you have anything to do, please discuss it with Brother Ming."

“When a couple lives together, they should discuss and communicate more about everything. Don’t hold anything back to yourself, as that won’t solve the problem. It’s better to communicate more.”

Of course, the premise is that your husband is willing to communicate with you.

Some men are like dead. They don't listen or care about anything you say. In the end, it makes people's hearts cold and they regret it.

In the end, the wife deserves it if she runs away with someone else. There is no need to feel sad for such a person.

Sister Yang nodded understandingly, "I know."

Now she and Qi Yuanming are getting sweeter and understanding each other better, and they will definitely live well after marriage.

Mrs. Wu also came in. She was very busy today. She just went to prepare things for the bride to go out, and now she had time to come over and see Sister Yang.

When Sister Yang saw her coming in, she called her affectionately, "Mother~"

Mrs. Wu looked her up and down, and her eyes suddenly turned red when she saw that the little girl who didn't like to eat and was boyish had finally grown into a girl and was wearing a gorgeous wedding dress. "You've grown up."

 She is no longer the disobedient girl she was before.

Sister Yang’s eyes were also red, “Mother”

She hugged Mr. Wu's waist as she did when she was a child. She would lean on Mr. Wu's arms when she acted like a spoiled child.

Mrs. Wu touched her ears and told her lovingly, "After you get married, you should be more mature, think more about your family and your children in everything, and set a good example for your children in the future. Do you understand?"

Sister Yang nodded with a sour nose, "I know."

"When that day comes, if you are lonely, go live with your sister. Do less heavy work after you are pregnant. You can't bend over all the time with a big belly. It is not good for the child. Remember?"

Sister Yang nodded, "Remember, you should take good care of yourself at home and don't be too tired."

Mrs. Wu hummed and took out a money bag from her arms, "You and Brother Ming don't have much money. Mom saved these for you. Save some money and open a shop when you have the chance to find some money for yourself." Income."

  If your expenses will be higher after you have children in the future, you still need to have an income to feel at ease.

Sister Yang nodded, "I understand, I can grow herbal medicine and open a pharmacy, so don't worry."

 As long as you have a skill, you can make a living anywhere.

With Sister Ying there, they can pay attention to each other, so Mrs. Wu can feel more at ease.

“Xiao Miguo is not yet one year old now. You can give birth to her earlier. In the future, the two children will have company and can play together.”

 When the children grow up together, and older sisters and younger sisters or older brothers and sisters play together, adults will also have a lot of peace of mind.

Sister Yang nodded, "I understand."

After Mrs. Wu finished speaking, Mrs. Liang also came in to add more boxes.

She took out a box from her arms and handed it to Sister Yang, "Take it. It's not very expensive. It's all my dowry back then. Your sister also has one."

Sister Yang took it and said with a smile, "You haven't saved up a small treasury for so many years?" She looked like she was poor.

Mrs. Liang snorted arrogantly, "What do I need that money for? It's enough for playing cards on weekdays. I don't need that much."

 She doesn’t do anything big, she eats and drinks at home, so she doesn’t need much money.

   Occasionally, money is needed to give out red envelopes to children during the Chinese New Year, otherwise they won’t be used.

Sister Yang smiled and said, "Yes, yes, you are very lucky to have a son and a wife to support you. Who wouldn't envy you?"

Mrs. Liang said proudly, "No, if you give birth to a son and raise him well, you will be able to enjoy the blessing of a son in the future."

These words made everyone laugh.

As a male dependent, Brother Kang couldn't come in, but Second Sister Wu saw him and waved to him.

 “Come in, we are all relatives, everything will be fine.”

 Kang Geer sighed and then came in with a gift.

 Normally, male family members would not add extra boxes, but Kang Geer and his younger sisters have a deep love for each other, and the brothers and sisters have a very good relationship with each other.

He secretly stuffed Sister Ying with gifts when she got married, so it was natural that she couldn't leave without gifts when Sister Yang got married.

“Now, your sister-in-law prepared this for you.”

 It is said that his wife prepared it, but in fact he also added a lot to it.

"Your sister-in-law has been suffering from morning sickness since yesterday and is not in good spirits, so she won't be allowed to come. My brother will see you off for her."

Sister Yang smiled and glared at him, "You want to give it to me for my sister-in-law? Can't you do it yourself?" Is he his brother?

Kang Geer raised his head and smiled, "Okay, okay, okay, can I see you off on my behalf?"

  Thank you Ni Meng for your vote(///▽///)



 (End of this chapter)

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