Chapter 899: Picking up the bride

Sister Yang smiled heartily and said, "Okay, you are my brother, whatever you say is fine."

 Kang Geer smiled and sighed, feeling very emotional, "I didn't expect you would be getting married in the blink of an eye. Time flies so fast."

 There is not much difference between the siblings. In ancient times, people could get married at fifteen or sixteen. Time does fly by quickly.

 After a while Liang Jin also came.

He was still a little emotional as he became his father-in-law for the second time.

“Dad doesn’t have much money, so I gave you a sickle to cut herbs. I hope you won’t dislike it.”

Sister Yang was too late to be moved when she saw her old father's sentiments, and how could she dislike him.

  Pounced over and hugged his biological father, "Thank you, Dad~~"

Liang Jin touched her head and said with some reluctance, "Okay, the auspicious time is coming soon, so we pack up and set off."

Soon, the sound of horse hooves was heard outside the door.

Everyone went out to take a look out of curiosity, only to find that the groom's official arrived first, but the sedan chair did not arrive.

Qi Yuanming saw everyone looking behind him curiously and looked back, only to realize that the wedding team had not caught up yet.

He scratched his head and smiled, "They are behind. They will be there in a minute."

 Speaking, he dismounted first, wearing a big red flower on his chest and smiling silly.

 “Sister Yang, I’m here~”

Everyone hurriedly stopped him and said, "Stop, stop, how can it be so easy for you to go in and pick up people? Sing us a song first to see your sincerity."

Qi Yuanming could not sing, but he would be embarrassed when picking up the bride, so he simply let go of his voice and opened his mouth to sing randomly.

“Hey~~ Hello bride, I’m here to pick you up, ah~~”

This was something he learned randomly when he went to the mountains and saw people singing this way when they were getting married.

 His tuneless tune made everyone laugh till they died.

 Some older female relatives asked him to demonstrate a set of boxing techniques for everyone to add to the fun.

In order to get a wife, Qi Yuanming was very talkative and practiced boxing when asked.

 He showed good posture and showed everyone a set of boxing skills in a heroic manner.

When he was about to break in after practicing, everyone wanted to embarrass him, but the wedding team came outside.

Po Xi came in and saw that the groom was in trouble, so she immediately came over to help.

“Everyone, it’s almost time, so don’t embarrass the bridegroom. He is so tired and sweating.”

 The female relatives laughed loudly, "It's good to practice your health, so that you can have a good wedding night."

 Others laughed after hearing this.

Qi Yuanming also chuckled, "Can I go in then?"

The female relatives smiled and said, "Go ahead, go ahead, I see you are in a hurry."

As soon as Qi Yuanming received the release order, he ran in and said, "Sister Yang, I'm here~"

Seeing him coming, Sister Yang turned around and ran over, but was caught by Mrs. Wu.

“Why are you so anxious? I haven’t covered my head yet.”

Sister Yang stuck out her tongue and said, "I forgot."

 See how anxious she is.

Mrs. Wu and the other young wives all laughed, "Look at us, the bride, we are more anxious than the groom."

These words made Sister Yang blush, and she was about to cover her head with a red hijab.

Mrs. Wu personally put the red hijab on her and hugged her again, and then she had the door opened.

As soon as the door opened, Qi Yuanming ran in excitedly.

“Sister Yang, I’m here to pick you up.”

Sister Yang hummed shyly.

Po Xi even sang excitedly, “The bride is going out~~”

 The other female relatives even sent them out with a smile.

Mrs. Wu and Mrs. Liang looked on and couldn't help sniffing.

Liang Jin was also very reluctant to leave, but he comforted them, "It's okay. She and Sister Ying will marry together. We can help each other in everything in the future, so we can rest assured."

Mrs. Wu nodded, "Yes, I feel relieved that the two sisters can be together."

Qi Yuanming happily picked up Sister Yang, stepped over the brazier, and then went out and put her on the sedan chair.

Xipo happily shouted, "The bride is getting up in the sedan chair~~" Then the suona team started playing happily.

The children were laughing and running behind, and Qi Yuanming took the lead with a beaming look on his face.

Firecrackers were set off lively all the way. When they arrived at the yard where Mrs. Qi was, Po Xi shouted, "The bride is coming in~~"

As soon as Mrs. Qi and Mr. Qi heard that the newcomer had arrived, they hurriedly sat down.

 Hsipo led the newlyweds to the high hall and began to preside over the ceremony of worshiping heaven and earth.

Qi Yuanming pulled the red satin rope and stood with Sister Yang. Xipo sang, "Bow down to heaven and earth~~"

 The two of them worshiped the heaven and the earth together.

 “Two bows to the high hall~~”

The two of them knelt down to Mrs. Qi, Mr. Qi, and bowed together.

 “Husband and wife bow to each other~~”

Qi Yuanming turned around to face Sister Yang and bowed together.

 “Sent into the bridal chamber~”

Xipo led the way and hosted them in the new house.

 After arriving at the new house, they have to say blessings to them, and then drink Hexin wine.

 “The bride and groom have a drink at the bar.”

Qi Yuanming poured two glasses of wine, crossed his arms with Sister Yang and took a sip.

After drinking, Xi Po asked Sister Yang to eat dumplings and asked her if she was pregnant.

Sister Yang was eating an undercooked dumpling and said "raw" without thinking.

Everyone laughed when they heard this.

 After finishing all the procedures, the women went out to sit down.

Today, the Qi family has invited a lot of people, including those who are friends with the Liang family, as well as all the neighbors of the Liang family.

The relatives in the capital had to be invited again, and the number of cards here couldn't be less, so I invited them all.

Qi Yuanming was having a drink with everyone outside and was about to enter the bridal chamber.

Seeing how impatient he was, everyone stopped him and refused to let him in so early.

“Master Groom, it’s still early, please accompany us to have a few more drinks and then go in later, lest the bride say you are too impatient.”

Qi Yuanming was not happy in his heart, but he still drank a few more drinks with them.

Anyway, he could drink, and he had taken sobering pills in advance, so he could drink them as they pleased.

 But the wine today was very strong, and even though he took anti-alcohol pills, he still drank too much.

 By the time he drank until evening, he was already so drunk that he was shaking when he walked.

After everyone drank and fell down, he stumbled to the hut.

Sister Yang had already taken off her red hijab when they were eating, ate some of the food brought by Mrs. Qi, drank something, then lay down and continued to sleep.

 When I woke up at this moment, the sound of punching outside was muted.

Qi Yuanming stumbled in, his face flushed from drinking.

 “Sister Yang, I’m here~”

He came in looking drunk and walked very slowly.

Sister Yang saw that he had drunk too much, so she walked over to help him.

 “Why are you drinking like this?”

 Aren’t you quite drinkable on weekdays? My eyes are squinting from drinking today.

Qi Yuanming laughed drunkenly, "I didn't drink too much, and I wasn't drunk either. I can still drink."

 After saying that, he fell completely on top of Sister Yang.

Sister Yang felt a heavy weight on her shoulders, and she couldn't bear it anymore. She took only two steps and fell onto the bed with him.

Once on the bed, she pushed Qi Yuanming away and went down to take off his shoes.

  While taking off my clothes, I thought to myself, "I've been waiting for you since I walked in. You are so beautiful."

Qi Yuanming chuckled and said, "You are my woman and my wife."

Looking at how beautiful he is, Sister Yang smiled and said, "You're so beautiful. Get up and take off your clothes by yourself. Don't let me serve you."

How could she have the strength to undress him when he was so drunk?

 (End of this chapter)

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