The Group’s Favorite Cute Baby is One and a Half Years Old

Chapter 900: , serve tea to the newlyweds

 Chapter 900, the newlyweds serve tea

 But these words had a different meaning in Qi Yuanming's ears.

 “You want me to take off my clothes?”

 Speaking, he immediately sat up and took off all his clothes in one go.

Sister Yang’s eyes widened in surprise, “Can you still get up?”

Qi Yuanming thought she was worried that he wouldn't be able to enter the bridal chamber, so he immediately stood up to prove himself.

 “I can do it, I am a man who stands upright.”

 Speaking, he grabbed Sister Yang, picked her up and wanted to kiss her.

 But after the kiss, I couldn't help but close my eyes because I was so happy.

I felt so sleepy after closing my eyes that I tilted my head and fell asleep leaning directly on Sister Yang's shoulder.

   Yang Jieer;

Wang Bazi, also said that he was standing in the sky, and fell asleep in a sip, and made a fart.

She threw the man on the bed ruthlessly, covered him with a quilt resignedly, went to wash off the makeup herself, and then came over to sleep with him after finishing her work.

This is the first time that two people sleep in the same bed.

She was sleeping in the bed, turned over and looked at the guy in front of her.

Looking at him at such a close distance, I realized that his facial features were actually quite majestic and good-looking.

 Although he has a square face, his eyes and nose are very good, and he has thick eyebrows and big eyes. He is the image of a man that many girls like.

And his skin is really good. Although he is averagely tanned, he has no spots or acne on his face, and his pores are not large. His skin is too good.

Sister Yang stretched out her hand, gently scratched his nose, and touched his big earlobe.

  It is said that people with big earlobes are very lucky. It seems that this boy must be very lucky.

Finally, look at his waist. This guy just took off all his clothes and was shirtless. Now he is completely naked and covered in the quilt, which makes Sister Yang feel shy and want to laugh.

She secretly lifted the quilt to take a look, and then her face turned red.

Finally, he snorted, turned around and went to sleep without looking.

 At midnight, Qi Yuanming got up thirsty and drank water.

 After drinking, I remembered that tonight was my wedding night.

He lowered his head, saw his naked self, blushed, and said to himself, "No way, what about me and Sister Yang last night?"

 But if I recall carefully, I can’t remember anything.

 “No, can you forget this?”

Qi Yuanming was very upset, why did he forget it?

 He scratched his head, looked at the bed regretfully, and finally thought, "How about doing it again?"

So he got into bed, hugged Sister Yang like a thief, turned her over, and kissed her secretly.

Hmm, it smells so good~

 Then, continue with the second bite.

 He remembered that his father had given him a pamphlet last night, and his face suddenly turned red with embarrassment.

Finally, after thinking about it, this is the first step to becoming a husband. You have to be brave and keep gnawing at it like a pig holding a cabbage.

Sister Yang was sleeping in a daze, but he kissed her indiscriminately. She impatiently slapped her in the face, but was blocked by Qi Yuanming.

 She was completely awake now, "What are you doing?"

Qi Yuanming blushed and paused, "I, I, I'm kissing you."

Sister Yang felt drool on her face and wiped it in disgust, "You're not letting people sleep in the middle of the night. It's so annoying."

 The kiss is so drooling, I hate it so much.

Seeing how angry she was, Qi Yuanming sat in front of her and crossed his fingers, carefully trying to please her, "Well, we, you and me, do you have that?"

He had fallen asleep before and couldn't remember what happened before he took off his clothes. He could only hope that Sister Yang would tell him.

Sister Yang blushed immediately when she saw that he was naked and not wearing any pants.

 “You, you, you, you put on your pants first.”

   There is no one who talks smoothly.

Qi Yuanming saw her blushing, but stopped blushing, "You have seen me through, what else is there that you dare not see."

 He hasn’t even seen hers yet, what a shame.

Sister Yang's face turned red and she kicked her, "Hurry up and put some clothes on, don't you be ashamed?"

Qi Yuanming grabbed her little feet and said, "We are already husband and wife. Why are you so embarrassed? Tell me what we did before? I don't even remember it."

Sister Yang didn't know what he was asking. She looked innocent and said, "You're not doing anything. You just took off your clothes and went to bed when you were sleepy." Qi Yuanming said "Ah?" "No way. That's it? Nothing." Didn’t do it?”

Sister Yang nodded, "Yeah, I didn't do anything."

Qi Yuanming patted his forehead and said, "Am I so sleepy?"

Really, how can you get drunk after a good wedding night?

But forget it, it’s okay if you don’t do it, it will just start over.

So he rushed over and said, "Madam, it was my fault just now. Let's do it again now."

 Sister Yang.

 “You’d better go to sleep.”

  Although Mrs. Wu gave her a pamphlet, she was too shy to read it.

 I didn’t expect to have to face it.

Qi Yuanming is much thicker-skinned than her, and he gets into the topic as soon as he blows the lamp.

 Fortunately it was late at night and everyone was asleep, otherwise Sister Yang would be so shy.

 On the second day.

It was already broad daylight, but the two people in the house hadn't gotten up yet.

Mrs. Qi knew that they would get up late, so she didn’t ask anyone to wake them. Instead, she packed her things and prepared to return to Beijing.

They have to hold a banquet after returning to Beijing. They are very busy and don't plan to stay any longer.

Qi Yuanming also had to go back to the border. When he woke up, he got dressed and went to call Sister Yang.

“Sister Yang, get up. I’m going to serve tea to my parents soon.”

Sister Yang also thought of this moment, and then she forced herself to feel uncomfortable.

 Her waist was sore and uncomfortable. She glared at Qi Yuanming angrily, "Who told you to treat me like that? It makes me tired."

The bones are moving out of place.

Qi Yuanming scratched his head and smiled sheepishly. "Oh, you are inexperienced. I will serve you comfortably next time, I promise."

Sister Yang blushed and was too lazy to look at him.

   “Go, go, go, get me some water to wash your face.”

Qi Yuanming sighed and immediately went to get her face wash and bring her breakfast.

After Sister Yang had washed herself and had breakfast, she went to serve tea with him.

Mrs. Qi felt very relieved when she saw them walking together. The man and the woman looked so well matched.

Sister Yang knelt down with Qi Yuanming and offered them tea, "Mother, drink tea."

Mrs. Qi was very happy, "Okay, okay, let's drink it now."

After drinking, he gave me a big red envelope and said, "You two live a good life and try to give mother a fat boy next year."

Sister Yang smiled shyly and said, "Okay."

 Then came Mr. Qi.

 “Dad drinks tea.”

Master Qi was also very happy, "Okay, Dad, drink."

 After drinking, I also gave him a big red envelope.

 “When you become a daughter-in-law, you should be more tolerant and live a good life.”


 Then he told Qi Yuanming, "She is younger. Please take more care of her in the future so that no one will be wronged."

Qi Yuanming nodded, "I will."

 After drinking tea, the family had breakfast together and then went to rest.

When he returned home on the third day, Qi Yuanming took Sister Yang back on horseback.

The big and small bags I brought this time were all bought by Sister Yang with Qi Yuanming's money.

Qi Yuanming gave her all the red envelopes he received without keeping any of them.

Mrs. Wu was very relieved to see their loving husband and wife.

 “It’s good to be here, and I can buy so many things.”

Sister Yang smiled and said, "Everything you buy for your parents is what you should do."

 (End of this chapter)

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