Chapter 902, Xiao Tiantian

Xiao Tiantian saw him frowning while eating and asked him, "Is the food cold? Can I heat it up for you?"

 Seng Geer waved his hand, "No, it's all warm."

As long as you are at home, the food will be hot, no doubt about it.

Xiao Tiantian hummed, curious why he frowned?

 Are you thinking about something?

“Brother Sen, are you still leaving when you come back this time?”

 She really hoped he wouldn't leave, otherwise it would be difficult to see him.

 Sen Geer looked at her coldly, said "Yeah", said nothing more, and continued to eat.

Xiao Tiantian felt a little disappointed when she saw that he was still so cold to her.

Like a little white rabbit, with red eyes, she looked at him pitifully, "Brother Sen, do you hate me?"

 Otherwise why was he so cold to her, with no enthusiasm at all.

Brother Sen looked up at her and simply said, "No." That was an explanation.

Xiao Tiantian was immediately happy when she saw that he was willing to explain.

“Really, I thought you hated me.”

It really scared her to death. What if he hated her.

 It's okay, okay, he may just have a cold temper, but as long as she is hot enough, she will definitely melt him.

“Brother Sen, how long do you plan to stay when you go home this time?”

 If he was at home every day, she would definitely come every day.

 Brother Sen saw her looking at him longingly, and remembered that his grandmother said that this little girl liked him, and he suddenly felt a little dizzy.

"what do you like about me?"

Leng Buding asked bluntly, and Xiao Tiantian was startled.



 Because it came suddenly, Xiao Tiantian was temporarily stuck.

Seeing that she couldn't answer, Brother Sen didn't wait and lowered his head to eat again.

Xiao Tiantian was afraid that he would stop asking after just one question, so she quickly said what was in her heart, "I like your person, your face, and your figure."

 “The most important thing is, I want to marry you.”

"Brother Sen, what kind of girl do you like? I will definitely work hard to become the person you like. Please give me a chance."

 Seng Geer paused his hand holding the meat, looked up at her, and said calmly, "I don't like you."

 Little Tiantian;

Just this sentence almost broke her heart into pieces.

 She clutched her chest with heartache, feeling very sad.

 “Why? Why don’t you like me? Is there something wrong with me?”

 Seng Geer shook his head, "No, I don't want to talk about the relationship between men and women right now."

He is busy investigating cases every day and has no time to fall in love.

 Besides, he didn't feel any affection for this yellow-haired girl at all, and he didn't want to delay her.

Xiao Tiantian saw that his face was calm, and it was obvious that he wasn't speaking impulsively. Could it be that he really didn't like herself at all?

She held back the urge to cry, sniffed, and said sadly, "Then what kind of woman do you like? I really want to know."

  If she could know the type he likes, she could learn from it.

 Seng Geer frowned, not thinking about what he liked, so he said, "No."

His words were simple, and when Xiao Tiantian heard it, she suddenly felt no longer sad.

 Since he doesn’t have a woman he likes, it means he doesn’t have a sweetheart.

 She doesn’t have a sweetheart, which means she still has a chance.

So she smiled happily and said, "It's okay. If you don't like it, forget it. Let's take our time."

 Sen Ge'er didn't understand what she meant, but he didn't ask. After eating, he went back to his room to rest. Xiao Tiantian followed him like a tail, and it wasn't until Brother Seng was about to close the door that she waved and said good night to him.

“Brother Sen, go to bed early and I’ll come see you tomorrow.”

 After saying that, he ran back happily.

Brother Sen looked at her bouncing back and shook his head, secretly thinking that this girl is really stubborn.

But he didn’t take it to heart and went back to sleep.

 This head.

 Xiao Miguo and Xiao Liujin will be one year old in a few days.

Sister Ying and Jing Han have already bought things for the two little girls.

I have bought all the things for the first birthday, including the one-year-old skirt.

 The two old mothers worked hard to organize it and wanted to give their daughters a perfect first-year banquet.

 Twelve-month-old Xiao Liujin has slowly been able to walk two steps.

But because he is chubby, he can’t stand for long before falling down, and he feels tired after walking a few steps, and he has to be hugged by Jing Han at every turn.

Jinghan's hands were sore from holding her, so he said to her, "Can't you practice more by yourself? You look fat."

 Obviously I lost weight during the crawling period.

 Now that he is one year old, his appetite has increased and he has become chubby again.

Xiao Liujin knew that her mother said she was fat, so she snorted unhappily, "Tao Tao Tao."

 She was talking about being annoying, and Jinghan understood.

She chuckled and said, "Look at Xiaomi Guo. He eats more than you, but he is not fatter than you. You'd better take a few more steps."

Xiao Liujin looked down at his round belly and muttered angrily.

Xiao Miguo on the side was calmly playing with her little toy. When she heard her name, she looked up and said, "Da?" You mean, who is calling me?

Jing Han was happy, "It's okay, you can do what you want."

Xiao Miguo said oh, lowered her head and continued playing.

Jing Shirong bought her many strange toys, including nine-ring rings and other building blocks, which are all toys that use her brain.

 Miguo is smart and likes to challenge these more difficult toys. She can’t stop playing every time.

If Sister Ying wants to have some quiet time, give her a toy and she can play with it for half a day.

But once she learned it, she basically stopped playing.

If you can't learn it, you'll be so angry that you'll be "ah-da-da-da" for a long time, as if you're competing with yourself, which will make Sister Ying happy for a long time.

Xiao Liujin has a loud voice. Every time Jinghan says something, she has to retort a few words, and she keeps talking.

Jinghan saw that she was so impatient and was always angry, so he said to her, "Why do you always lose your temper? Look at Xiaomiguo, she is quiet, can't you learn from her?"

  Clicking and cursing all day long, just like cursing in the street, not ladylike at all.

Xiao Liujin was compared with Xiao Miguo by his mother every day, so he was naturally unhappy, so he pursed his lips and glared at Xiao Miguo.

Xiao Miguo was stared at inexplicably, but she still lowered her head and played with her toys, not caring at all.

Seeing that she was ignoring him, Xiao Liujin crawled over and snatched her toy. "Dah!" He meant not to play with it and talked to me.

Xiao Miguo frowned, clicked her tongue, stretched out her hand and said, "Da da." Give it back to me.

Xiao Liujin refused to give it to him, and even ran away with the toy in his mouth like a provocation.

 After climbing a long way, he smiled and said, "Da da da da." I wanted to grab it.

  Small honey fruit;

She crawled over angrily, moving very quickly, reaching out her little hand to get back her toy.

Xiao Liujin saw her hand speed and it was too late to grab it.

The toy was successfully taken back by Xiaomi Guo, and Xiao Liujin chased after him angrily, "Ah da da da~" meaning to stop.

Xiao Miguo put the toys in the small bag, grabbed the small bag and crawled away.

Xiao Liujin quickly chased after her and grabbed her bag, "Da da da!" Meant for me.

The temperature is starting to drop, please keep warm (▽`)



 (End of this chapter)

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