Chapter 903, Jealous Baby

Xiao Miguo grabbed the bag to prevent her from grabbing it.

 “Ah da da!” Let go!

 Small six pounds, "No, no, no, no!" Don't let it go.

Xiao Miguo got angry, "Da da da da, I'll hit you~"

 Then he really slapped him on Xiao Liujin’s arm.

 Xiao Liujin was frightened by the sound of "pop".

 Then he opened his little mouth and cried with a "wow" sound.

Xiao Miguo saw her crying, sighed, and finally gave in and handed the bag over.


 meaning to give.

 Xiao Liujin sniffed when he saw her giving the toy to him, and stopped crying immediately.

 In fact, she didn’t really want to grab the toy, or she was bored alone and wanted Xiaomi Guo to play with her.

 But Xiaomiguo always refused to play with her, as if she disliked her childishness.

 That’s why she often made childish actions like grabbing toys to try to attract her attention.

At this moment, Xiao Miguo let her take the toy away, and she immediately opened her mouth with four small front teeth and smiled "hehe".

 She did not play with the toy when she got it, but handed it to Xiaomi Guo and said, "Dah~".

 Smiling silly, as if trying to please her.

Xiao Miguo was helpless and sighed like a little adult, feeling that this young lady was really too childish.

 She took the toy and saw that it was covered in saliva, so she didn’t want it anymore.

So she turned around and crawled outside, hoping to find Sister Ying to wash her hands with.

Sister Ying is applying a facial mask at this time.

 Yesterday, the maternal and child store received a batch of new goods. She went over to inspect them. After a busy day, she had time to rest today.

At this moment, she was lying in the room applying a facial mask, and heard the sound of her daughter crawling in.

She listened for a while, and then heard Xiao Liujin's gasping sound as he chased after Chichi.

 She smiled knowingly and said to Jing Han, "These two little ones seem to be unable to climb enough every day."

 She made knee pads for the two children and put them on the ground on weekdays so they could crawl on them.

 Xiao Zi is also pregnant now and has no time to take care of her.

Sister Ying didn’t ask anyone to watch over her, and just let them play on the ground by themselves.

As long as the well at home is locked, they can crawl anywhere else.

 The two little guys have unlimited energy every day. They exercise all the time except sleeping.

 She will be worried at first and follow her behind every day.

After observing for a while, I found that they were not stupid. They knew where there was danger and where they couldn't go, so they didn't care anymore and just crawled away.

The maids at home like them very much and play with them whenever they have time.

 The two little girls have become much bolder as they grow up, and they can play with each other without any stage fright.

Xiao Miguo crawled in, stood up along the chair, then climbed onto Sister Ying's lap and lay directly on her soft chest.

Sister Ying saw her coming and said with a smile, "Why don't you play in the toy room?"

 There is a toy room specially built for them at home. Neighbor children also play in the toy room, so the whole main house is filled with toys.

Xiao Mi Guo clacked twice and looked at her chest, wanting to eat it.

Sister Ying coaxed her, "You are a big baby now and are about to start weaning. Can you stop eating?"

Xiao Mi’s fruit clacked twice, and her big eyes looked at her pitifully, “Mom~~”

Look, my mother screams so sweetly when I want to eat.

Sister Ying was very happy and said, "You are so sweet-mouthed now." After all, it was only twelve months. She wanted to wean off her **** naturally, so she was not weaned off right away, but slowly reduced the amount.

 She took the little honey fruit and washed it first, and then she lay down to feed her.

  The little honey fruit is still relatively sticky to her. Once it lands on her body, it won't come off. She eats it like a piglet.

Sister Ying stroked her soft hair and said kindly, "I don't even eat pigeons anymore, why do you still eat them?"

Jinghan said that every child is different. Some need to eat until they are two or three years old, and some stop eating at six months. It depends on the situation.

 Xiao Liujin suddenly stopped eating a few days ago and only wanted to drink sweet juice. Jinghan laughed so much that she said, "I thought it would be difficult to quit, but she suddenly stopped drinking, which made me feel uncomfortable."

  Previously, the eldest son refused to give up and cried heartbreakingly.

 Fortunately, things went well for the second and third children.

Sister Ying looked at the little honey fruit eating in her arms and wanted to test her reaction.

She stretched out her hand and tried to pull it out. The little girl immediately felt a sense of crisis, holding it in her mouth and biting it tightly.

Sister Ying hissed in pain, "Don't bite it. If you bite it, you won't eat it."

Xiao Miguo's eyes turned red, she pouted her mouth, and wanted to cry, but she held it back and looked at Sister Ying pitifully.

It would be okay if she cried loudly, but she was so cautious, with tears in her eyes, so pitiful that Sister Ying couldn't bear it.

 “Okay, okay, I won’t talk about you anymore, just eat.”

Xiao Miguo sniffed and looked like a pitiful little cat, and the cat ate it in her arms.

Sister Ying sighed, thinking that it might be fine in two months.

 There are many people who are almost two years old and want to stop breastfeeding, but there is no rush.

Especially if the little girl is too thoughtful, she will think you don't love her if you act too big, so it's appropriate to take your time.

Jinghan smiled when she saw how doted he was, "Your Xiaomi is really good at it. Every time I touch you, I'll hold you tight."

Even though the little guy is young, he is smart and knows every move his mother uses, and he can hit the target every time.

Sister Ying didn’t believe it, “No way, she’s not even one year old yet.”

One of the little milk baby, still eats it, it can't be so fine.

Jinghan laughed and said, "If you didn't tell me that this is your first child, you would be very naive."

 “Xiao Miguo looks exactly like Rong Geer when he was a child. He has a cute appearance, but he is actually very smart.”

Jing Shirong was very jealous when she was a child. In order to steal her mother, she would use any method. The thief would die, but her aunt couldn't see it.

 But what she saw was that the guy was very clingy and refused to leave his mother at all.

Especially if Jingshi hugs her or other nephews, he can pretend to fall, pretend to cough, and use any means to pretend to be pitiful, making Jingshi feel distressed, and immediately hold him tight.

 The same goes for Xiaomiguo now.

 She is particularly clingy to Sister Ying, and usually follows her wherever she goes.

Even when she goes to the toilet, she doesn't mind the smell and has to watch from the sidelines.

 Just being able to play with toys by myself for a while.

 When I get tired of playing, I will go to Sister Ying as soon as possible. I want to kiss, hug, and eat, so that I can be my mother's daughter.

Sister Ying laughed after hearing this, "Children, don't they all cling to their mothers? It's normal~"

Jinghan gave her an example, "Last time Xiao Liujin asked you to hold her, she fell to the ground. She cried so loudly that it scared you half to death. She had to be coaxed for three days in a row before she dared to put her down."

She saw it very seriously. The little guy obviously had nothing wrong with him. He was just jealous and would not allow other babies to get close to his mother, otherwise he would be angry.

Especially when Sister Ying takes the initiative to hold other babies, she is even more jealous.

Sister Ying smiled, "Babies this month are very possessive. Just wait. When they get older, they will be eager to leave us and go out to play. They will no longer be the clingy babies they are now."

Jinghan is a little bit convinced, "Xiao Liujin doesn't cling to me anymore, so she only comes to see me when she sleeps at night. At other times, she prefers to cling to Xiaomi Guo."

 (End of this chapter)

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