The Group’s Favorite Cute Baby is One and a Half Years Old

Chapter 904: , Xiaomi Guo turns one year old

Chapter 904, Xiaomi Guo turns one year old

Sister Ying smiled, "They grew up together and played together every day. It's normal for them to stick together."

In particular, Xiao Liujin is very proactive. She goes wherever Xiao Miguo goes, and plays whatever Xiao Miguo plays.

Even the food he eats must be the same as that of Xiaomiguo, and he must wear the same clothes, otherwise he will cry and cry.

Jinghan has nothing to do with her. From now on, he can only buy double copies of clothes and toys to prevent her from crying.

 But Xiao Miguo has a lot of personality. As long as Xiao Liujin doesn't miss Sister Ying, she doesn't care about anything.

If Xiao Liujin wanted to be carried by Sister Ying, she would immediately crawl over and hang directly on Sister Ying, and she was not allowed to carry anyone else.

 She was so clingy to Sister Ying that Jing Shirong was jealous.

 He came back two or three times a month. Xiaomiguo didn't remember him at first, but now she remembers him.

She knew this was her father and was close to Jing Shirong, but she was no more clingy than Sister Ying.

Jing Shirong sometimes feels particularly envious of Sister Ying, looking at her eagerly with a look of resentment on her face, "She doesn't seem to stick to me~~"

He also wants his daughter to stick to him, otherwise he won't get close to her.

“Teach me what you can do.”

Sister Ying pointed to the soft spot under her collarbone and said, "This is enough."

Jing Shirong was lost all of a sudden, "I don't have any"

 Actually, there is, but it’s neither fragrant nor soft, but rather hard.

Sister Ying laughed and said, "Then come back and play with her more often. Children are always busy."

 She is clinging to her mother this month, and she will definitely be clinging to Jing Shirong next year.

 When the time comes, she will definitely not let Jing Shirong go to the military camp.

Jing Shirong's eyes widened with curiosity on his face, "Really? Will there really be such a day?"

Will my daughter really cling to him and not let him go without crying?

 This is something he never dared to dream about.

Sister Ying smiled and said, "Yes."

 When she was one year old, she was clinging to her mother, and when she was two years old, she started to cling to her father. She had read a booklet before, and it was described in this way. She will find out next year.

Jing Shirong was looking forward to it after hearing this, and would play even harder with her daughter when she came back.

 Xiao Miguo also likes her father, but her father is always away from home, so her mother is the best, so she clings to sister Ying again.

Sister Ying held her and rocked her for a few times, and the little one fell asleep.

 She and Jing Han went to sort out things for tomorrow’s week.

Looking at a box of small skirts, Sister Ying smiled, "There are so many clothes, they are almost catching up with me."

 At only one year old, she only has so many clothes. It’s no wonder that she and Jing Han like to buy them too much.

Jinghan smiled, "I can't help it. It's my first time giving birth to girls, so I always want to buy things for them, just like buying them for myself."

 Small skirt, small handkerchief, small shoes, small beads and flowers, get a copy of them all.

Especially since the two little girls have grown their hair, the two old mothers are now trying different ways to style their hair every day.

 On the second day.

 The kitchen at home is already cooking, and Sister Ying also got up early to put on a beautiful dress for Xiao Miguo who was sleeping.

 Get her a nice braided hair.

 Finally, go and set up the Zhouzhou catching scene and wait for the guests to arrive.

Jing Shirong came back quickly, and Young Master Zhong and the third princess also came.

The third princess is pregnant now, but she can't tell it at all, and she still looks very good.

 Little Piggy was very happy when she saw her two little sisters celebrating their birthdays and went over to give them gifts.

“Sister Miguo, sister Liujin, this is the gift I bought for you.”

 It is two bunches of candied haws.

 Daddy said that the little sister now has teeth and can eat candied haws. Xiaomi Guo and Xiao Liujin had not eaten candied haws before, so they looked at it curiously.

Xiao Liujin was so curious that he picked up the candied haws and took a bite without thinking.

Four small teeth were embedded in the sour hawthorn, shaking her sore shoulders, "Ah~ sour~".

She put the candied haws back into the box in a sour mood and wiped her mouth.

 Seeing how unpalatable the little honey fruit was, I immediately put the candied haws back and stopped eating.

 Little Piggy doesn’t like them, which is a pity.

 “You don’t like such delicious food? What a pity.”

 It's obviously delicious.

Xiao Miguo saw the regret on his face, and patted his shoulder with her chubby hand to express comfort.

Little Piggy was comforted and instantly happy, "After your birthday today, you will be a one-year-old child. When you can leave in the future, I will take you out to play."

Seeing how sincere he was, Xiaomi Guo hummed, her little head moving bit by bit as if she was agreeing.

 Everyone was amused by their little appearance and asked them to start scratching Zhou.

Jing Shirong looked on with sour eyes. He immediately took his daughter back and whispered in her ear, "Boys are all big bad wolves. You can't get so close to them, you know?"

  Since she was a child, she had to take precautions so that no brat could take advantage of her.

Sister Ying;

 She clicked her tongue at Jing Shirong and told him to stop talking nonsense.

"She is only a few years old. How can she understand? Don't teach her bad things."

 Boys can be good or bad and cannot be generalized.

Jing Shirong snorted, "Anyway, getting close to my daughter is bad."

Sister Ying was really convinced by him, "It's time to get pregnant, put her on the red carpet.

Jing Shirong then said oh, put the little honey fruit on the carpet, and told her, "Girl, look at those things, grab whatever you like, go ahead."

Xiao Miguo sat on the carpet, glanced at Sister Ying, saw her nodding, and crawled over.

 She crawled up to the red carpet and looked carefully at the circle of things in front of her with her big eyes.

There are four treasures of the study, a four-piece red suit for women, kitchen utensils, silver and jewelry, abacus seals, and even swords.

There are so many things that Xiaomi Guo is spoiled for choice.

 Finally, I thought about it and finally set my sights on jewelry.

 She chose a sparkling gemstone necklace, which Jing Shirong got from a Persian noble. It was priceless.

Jing Shirong didn’t expect that his daughter would immediately choose the jewelry he picked, and he was immediately overjoyed.

 “Look, my daughter has really good taste.”

That necklace is worth a lot of money and can buy several large villas in the most prosperous areas of the capital.

Jing Shirong spent a lot of money for this necklace.

Sister Ying knew at first that this necklace was so expensive, and she said to him, "There will be many places to spend money in the future, so don't always be lavish."

  Before, I was lavish when giving her things, but now I am buying even more outrageous things for my daughter and spending even more money.

If you buy it at this price, you will go bankrupt.

Jing Shirong smiled and said, “No, I’ll just buy this one thing a year.”

 He has already thought about it, and he must give his daughter something valuable in the first year of her life.

From now on, he will give her expensive gifts every year until she is eighteen years old and can get married. These things can become her personal property.

No matter who she marries in the future, as long as she has these treasures, she will have no worries about food and clothing.

Sister Ying sees that he has a fatherly heart, so she has the nerve to talk to him.

In fact, she also bought her daughter a two-piece set of heavy pure gold bracelets, and planned to give her daughter the same pure gold jewelry for her birthday every year. When she comes of age, she can take these things with her as a dowry.

 Or you can start a small business that you like.

   It will be very cold these days, please keep warm everyone^_^



 (End of this chapter)

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