Chapter 905, A Dutiful Daughter

 The couple had a motherly and fatherly heart, which moved everyone.

Xiao Miguo looked back at her parents and saw their loving faces, smiling at them with a small grin.

She held the necklace in one hand, then looked at the swords, and finally chose a very beautiful sword.

Then he crawled back and gave the jewelry to Sister Ying and the sword to Jing Shirong.

Jing Shirong and Sister Ying were moved to tears after seeing it.

“Wow, my daughter is so kind. I didn’t expect that she wanted to give the jewelry to me. She is such a filial daughter. Wow, I’m so touched~”

Jing Shirong was also very moved, "She actually remembered that daddy liked swords, which shows that she still has me in her heart."

His eyes were wet. Although he didn't cry, his expression was more moved than if he had cried.

Seeing that they all liked it, Xiaomiguo grinned with her four-toothed mouth and said "hehe" in a silly way.

 Everyone was moved to see how loving the whole family was and gave them gifts one after another.

 When she weighed six pounds, she obviously wanted to show off.

●Just seeing how popular Xiaomi Guo was, she immediately crawled up to Zha Zhou’s things.

 I followed Xiao Miguo’s example and grabbed the jewelry, and then tried to grab the sword, but found that there was no sword at all.

She looked carefully and found that there was indeed no sword. She immediately crawled back angrily, grabbed Murong Yun's pants and stood up, "Da da da!"

 The round, fat face seemed to be asking him why he didn’t have a sword.

Murong Yun was convinced by her.

“It’s other people’s business to catch swords. You can catch what you want. Don’t learn everything from Xiaomi Guo. You are still my sister.”

It was the first time Xiao Liujin heard her being called sister, and suddenly she felt a little carried away.

 “Die Die?” Sister?

 It turns out she is my sister.

  She turned her head and glanced at Xiao Miguo, who was thinner than her, and suddenly felt that she was awesome, she was her sister.

So she crawled back again, this time with a clear goal. She grabbed a box of gold leaves and crawled back.

Jinghan grinned, thinking she was grabbing gold leaves for him, so he knelt down to hug her.

 But halfway through the climb, he suddenly changed direction and crawled towards Xiaomiguo.

Jing Shirong put Xiaomiguo down to see what the two young ladies wanted to do.

Xiao Miguo sat on the ground, looking at her with big round eyes, wondering what Xiao Liujin was going to do.

Xiao Liujin climbed up to her, with a proud look on his face, "Hey~"

 Give her a whole box of gold leaves without batting an eye.

Xiao Miguo was stunned, obviously not expecting that she would bring something to give to him, and was a little surprised.

 The most surprised ones should be Jinghan and his wife.

Originally, they imagined that their biological daughters could catch things for them.

I didn’t expect that she would give the golden leaves to Xiaomi Guo without even thinking about it, and just forget about them. She was simply unfilial.

Jinghan was heartbroken and said, "Brother Yun, let's not give up on this child."

Murong Yun, who was also hurt, said, "I don't want it anymore. Whoever wants it can have it."

There were so many gold leaves, each piece of exquisite carving, it was difficult to buy it for any money. He spent a lot of effort to ask a master to make it for him. Who knew that the little girl just gave it away, which really hurt an old father's heart. .

 Xiao Liujin looked back at his parents, seeming to see disappointed expressions on both of them.

She ate her chubby hands and slowly came to her senses, feeling as if she had left something behind.

Xiao Miguo returned the gold leaf to her and waved her little hand, saying she couldn't take it.

When Xiao Liujin saw that she didn't want it, he took it back, turned around and went back to find Jinghan, stood up along her trouser legs, and handed the gold leaf to her.

 “Mother~Die~” give it.

Jinghan snorted, "No."

Who asks the little girl to give it to others first, and if they don’t want it before giving it to her, then she doesn’t want it either.

Seeing that she didn’t want it, Xiao Liujin was very puzzled, “Da?” Why don’t you want it? She loved the beautiful gold leaves.

 In fact, she liked gold leaves as early as the first sight.

 But seeing Xiao Miguo grabbing a sword, she wanted to learn it too, so she picked one she didn’t like.

 Otherwise, her favorite thing is gold leaves. Murong Yun made such a box just because he knew she liked gold leaves, which shows his care.

But the little girl abandoned her parents and ran to her best friends, making them so jealous that they didn't want to talk to the little girl.

 Xiao Liujin realized that he seemed to have made his parents unhappy. He rolled his eyes and immediately crawled to Xiao Miguo and exchanged gold leaves with her for jewelry.

"Da da."

Xiao Miguo saw that she wanted to change, so she shook her head, "No, no."

 The meaning does not change.

Xiao Liujin pointed at his parents and said, "Change."

 This sentence was said easily and everyone understood it.

 But I don’t know what she wants to do in exchange for jewelry.

Xiao Miguo thought she was out of curiosity and wanted to see the jewelry. She thought that she had given her the gold leaf just now. After thinking about it, she handed the jewelry over and said, "Borrow it."

 Meaning to lend it to you and pay it back later.

Everyone laughed.

 Two little girls who have just turned one year old are not very good at speaking. They only know one word, but it is simple and clear.

Seeing that she lent the jewelry to him, Xiao Liujin happily handed her the gold leaf, then climbed up to Jinghan and handed the jewelry over, "Mom~"

 meaning to give it to her.

Jinghan then turned his anger into emotion.

 “Given to me?”

 Xiao Liujin smiled sweetly, "Here~"

Jinghan was really moved now, "Bad girl, you still have a little conscience."

 Before, I asked for Xiaomiguo every day, but I didn’t want her.

 I didn’t expect that I would spend a lot of money to buy something for myself today.

Jinghan was moved, and Murong Yun looked envious and came over to please him, "What about daddy's?"

Xiao Liujin was stunned, almost forgetting that he had a father.

She thought for a while, walked over, and borrowed Xiaomiguo's sword. She handed it over and said, "Here."

Murong Yun was very happy to see her giving the method for free.

"Okay, okay, daddy will be relieved if you have this intention."

He could see that his daughter was open-minded and had the arrogance of a daughter of a wealthy family. She squandered the money as if it was free. She really didn't feel bad at all. She had his shadow.

 He was never stingy with money, he was willing to spend whatever he earned, and he never wronged his family members.

 Three children and only a small one, Liu Jin, is a bold and generous person who gives everything generously and has his shadow.

Unlike Brother Zheng and Brother Yuan, they learned to be careful with their budgets at a young age and did not ask for money when they were given money. Maybe it was because they managed their own money and knew that making money was not easy, so they became more careful with their calculations.

But this is fine, boys can be frugal, and they can be so lavish that they spend all their money.

Just because they were frugal, they also gave gifts to Xiao Liujin and Xiao Miguo.

   are two cute little toys.

 The brothers gave away the same toys, mainly at moderate prices that they could afford.

 Plus the toy is novel, I bought it and my two sisters will definitely like it.

 Sure enough, Xiaomi Guo and Xiao Liujin really liked the toys when they saw them.

 Dada said thank you to Brother Yuan and Brother Zheng.

 After finishing cooking, the food in the kitchen is ready.

 Everyone went to eat together.

 The house has not been so lively for a long time, and we even invited some neighbors over.

 Everyone ate barbecue together, talked and laughed, and it was very lively.

 (End of this chapter)

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