The Group’s Favorite Cute Baby is One and a Half Years Old

Chapter 906: , biological father and daughter

Chapter 906, biological father and daughter

 The adults sat at the dining table to eat, while Xiao Liujin and Xiao Miguo sat on the baby chairs.

Sister Ying served them two portions of minced meat porridge and asked them to scoop it up themselves.

 The two little girls have been eating by themselves since they were half a year old, and now they can eat by themselves.

 Although food is everywhere, I can still feel full.

Sister Ying and Jinghan both let them eat by themselves, and then they would clean it up for them.

Today, the minced meat porridge seemed a bit soft. The two little guys didn't like to eat it. The little fat finger pointed at the barbecue and wanted to eat it.


Xiao Miguo pointed at the meat, obviously greedy.

Sister Ying cut off a small piece of barbecue and put it in her bowl, "Blow it before you eat it, and it will be hot."

Xiao Miguo blew on the barbecue obediently and waited until it was no longer hot before picking it up and eating it.

Sister Ying wanted to teach her how to hold chopsticks, but she felt awkward after learning it several times, so she just used her hands.

 Just use your hands, as long as you can eat them.

Sister Ying is also open-minded in raising her children, and she is willing to let her children try anything.

 Whether Xiaomi Guo likes it or not, let her try it first to see what method she likes, and then teach her according to the method she likes.

Xiao Miguo doesn't like to hold chopsticks now, so don't hold them for now. Wait until she can hold them later, and then teach her slowly, and she will learn faster.

 There is no need to be tough and teach her all of a sudden, as this may lead to a rebellious attitude.

Xiao Miguo was eating the barbecue, but she didn't forget to feed it to Sister Ying first.


Sister Ying smiled, "Okay, mother, eat it."

 The little girl always gives it to Sister Ying as soon as she gets something delicious. Sister Ying is always touched.

 Xiao Liujin follows suit, and also feeds Jinghan.

Jinghan didn’t know whether to laugh or cry, saying that she was a good scholar and wanted to imitate Xiaomiguo in everything.

 But children are like this. Whoever you like, you should learn from.

Jing Shirong came over after roasting the meat, cut the meat into slices for the mother and daughter, and made juice for them.

When Sister Ying takes two bites, she feeds him two bites, and the couple eats together.

 They have always been like this. When they are busy, they feed each other a bite, and the children eat by themselves, so no one gets hungry.

Unlike the third princess’s house, Mr. Zhong was very busy cutting barbecue for the children and supervising the third princess not to drink.

Every time the third princess wanted to drink, he would stare back at her and she could only eat meat.

Jinghan’s family is also different.

 They can be regarded as division of labor and cooperation.

Jinghan was responsible for feeding Xiao Liujin, and Murong Yun was responsible for the two sons.

 Although the couple will not feed each other, it is good that they do not increase each other's workload.

Each family has a different way of getting along with each other, but they all consider each other, and they are all good.

Xiao Miguo has to wash her hands after eating barbecue. She won’t accept any greasy food.

Sister Ying took her to wash her hands and laughed at her, "Why didn't you dislike the greasy food when you ate just now? It's not kind to dislike others when you're full."

Xiao Miguo smiled, not blaming herself at all, but lying on her father's lap very comfortably.

When she washed her hands, two people served her. Her father held her as a bench, and her mother used soap to wash her hands.

She just sat there leisurely and enjoyed herself.

While washing her hands, Sister Ying said to Jing Shirong, "My mother sent a letter, saying that Sister Yang and the others have already set off. I think they are on their way."

 When Sister Yang arrives, the days will become lively again.

Jing Shirong nodded, "I heard from Young Master Zhong that His Majesty asked the third princess to go back this year."

However, the third princess was pregnant and was not suitable for traveling long distances, so she refused.

 The emperor did not expect that she was actually pregnant with a second child, and was very surprised. But the chance to see my grandson was ruined again.

However, it is a good thing that an unfilial daughter is willing to have another child, so I won’t be angry with her.

 But he was still very annoyed because the third princess didn't send him letters for anything.

After all, Jing Shirong sends letters back to Jing's family every month, but he has nothing. It's like he has no daughter. How can he not be jealous?

 “That boy Jing Shirong writes letters home every day and sends them home, and there are portraits of his children one after another. Can’t the unfilial daughter follow suit?”

The personal **** helped me by saying, "The third princess has always been rough-tempered, so I guess she can't."

The emperor knew that she couldn't do it, but he was still unhappy, "Every man who is a tall man can do it, so why can't she?"

Even Qi Yuanming knows how to do it, but she is an unfilial daughter who doesn't write home letters. It's not intentional.

 “Does she still hate me?”

Father and daughter have been quarreling and hating each other for so many years. The emperor was worried that the unfilial daughter still hated him, and he felt a little melancholy for a while.

The personal **** comforted, "No, the third princess is living a good life now. After having a child and becoming a mother, she will understand your difficulties."

 The emperor sighed, "I hope so."

 There was such a stalemate in the past few years, but now it has finally stopped making trouble, so we really can’t ask for too much.

"take it easy."

Seeing that he was getting older and focusing more on his children, the personal **** wrote a letter telling Mr. Zhong about this matter.

Mr. Zhong didn’t expect that the emperor would still have this piece of cake, so he went to tell the third princess about it.

When the third princess heard that she was going to write a letter home, she looked confused and asked, "Why are you writing this?"

 She has been in the army for so many years. When did she write a letter home?

 Besides, what is a letter from home? She doesn't know at all.

Mr. Zhong knew about her past. After the third princess joined the army, the emperor didn't show any concern for her. He even despised her as a good princess who didn't want to be a soldier.

 The third princess thought that her father was unreliable, so joining the army was the most suitable thing.

 The two of them couldn't talk to each other inside and outside, so naturally they had nothing to say.

 In addition, because of the prince's affairs, there was a huge quarrel, and there was even a hint of a fight, and they became even more incommunicado.

Now that the third princess has gotten married and started a business, she has a child, and her mentality is a bit more peaceful, but she is not at the level of being a caring little cotton-padded jacket.

 She treats her son carelessly, and she doesn't know how to ease her estranged father.

Mr. Zhong knew that she was a real straight woman, so he didn’t embarrass her and wrote a letter home by himself.

 He wrote down all the trivial daily life of Little Piggy and the situation of the third princess at home.

 Including how the third princess childishly quarreled with her son, Ling Ling always wrote ten pieces of paper.

 After the emperor received it, he still couldn't believe it.

 “The one from the naughty girl?”

 The personal **** shook his head, "It's from the consort."

 The emperor was obviously disappointed, but he was still remembered.

 The personal **** laughed after reading all the trivial details in the letter.

“Look, the third princess is still the same as she was when she was a child. She doesn’t let anyone in at all.”

The kind that even his own son would not let go of.

The emperor also laughed when he heard this, "That child is strong and has a stubborn temper. He doesn't know who to follow. He is not lovable at all."

 The personal **** felt that the third princess was like an emperor, especially cold and ruthless. When they are in love, they are silly and don't know how to express it. The father and daughter are exactly the same.

 The emperor knew what he was thinking by looking at his expression and snorted coldly. "Who cares? If you have the nerve to write about some trivial things, I won't care to listen."

The personal **** smiled and said, "Then the slave sent a reply to the Prince Consort and told him not to send it next time?"

 Said, he was about to go down.

The emperor was displeased and called him to stop him, saying, "You have a lot to do every day. Come serve tea. Don't you see that I'm hungry?"

 (End of this chapter)

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