The Group’s Favorite Cute Baby is One and a Half Years Old

Chapter 908: , regulating mother-child relationship

Chapter 908: Adjusting the relationship between mother and child

 “Then what’s going on? Why is he crying like this?”

Mr. Zhong was really confused. His son was not injured and was crying like this. He was also confused.

 The third princess looked depressed, "How do I know?"

 She was obviously patient enough to practice calligraphy with him anymore, how could he cry like this?

 I don’t know, I thought she abused him.

Mr. Zhong was full of doubts. He hugged his son and asked, "Okay, stop crying and tell dad what's wrong with you?"

Little Piggy was crying and twitching, but her mood stabilized after seeing her biological father coming.

He paused for a while, and then complained after calming down, "Mom said I'm useless, woo woo, I'm useful. I'm not a fool, woo~"

 Zhong Dashao glared at the third princess angrily, "Why do you say he is useless?! Why is he useless!"

His son is such a well-behaved child, but the stinky woman actually said his son is useless!

Seeing the anger on his face, the third princess felt very unjust and said, "I, am I not teaching him to be stronger?"

 Besides, this is not an unpleasant thing to say.

 She was scolded many times when she was a child, and she has long been used to it. Why can't he stand being called "Little Piggy"?

Young Master Zhong was so angry that he put down his son and glared at her, "Didn't I ask you to teach him to read? Why are you belittling him? Children need to be encouraged. Who asked you to belittle him like this!"

It really **** him off, and it didn't make anyone worry at all.

 Finally she was free at home, so he wanted her to have more contact with his son and cultivate the relationship between mother and son.

Who knew that this idiot would ruin the good family time.

 The third princess was criticized by him, but she didn't know where she was wrong and felt aggrieved.

 “I just want to teach him to write, and I have good intentions.”

She was also aggrieved. For the first time in her life, she had the patience to teach her children to read, but she was scolded. She was also sad.

Mr. Zhong felt a big headache when he saw her like this.

 He looked at his son and asked him, "What's going on? Your mother was kind enough to teach you how to write. Why are you crying so loudly? Is there some misunderstanding?"

  Xiaozhuzhu hugged his neck and described to him, "My mother said that my uncle could finish writing the Three Character Classic at the age of three. She asked me to write three hundred words a day, and said that I was stupid and couldn't even read cursive writing."

 “I feel very sad about what she said. I am not stupid and I don’t want to learn anymore.”

After listening to this, Mr. Zhong could roughly understand that his son was sad after being scolded for being stupid.

Especially the third princess's disgusting tone, which normal people can't stand. It's normal for her son to be sad.

 The third princess was kind-hearted, and her son didn't cry on purpose. He could only rely on her to regulate it.

 He coaxed his son first.

“Your mother didn’t scold you for being stupid, but she thought you could be smarter. Think about it, your uncle could write a Three-Character Classic at the age of three. Isn’t it amazing?”

 Little Piggy nodded enviously, "Well, uncle is so awesome."

“Then do you want to finish writing a Three-Character Classic as soon as possible? Then your mother will be impressed by you.”

 Little Piggy nodded vigorously, "Yes, I want to finish writing."

“Then let’s learn fifty characters a day and write them once in the morning and afternoon. After a month’s accumulation, you will be able to learn one thousand and fifty characters. Think about it, isn’t it amazing?”

 It seemed to be really powerful, and Little Piggy suddenly became excited.

 “Okay, I want to learn.”

“But I want my father to teach me, not my mother.”

His father is gentle when he teaches, but he becomes fierce when his mother teaches him. He doesn’t want his mother to teach him.

Mr. Zhong wanted to ease the relationship between mother and son, and comforted Xiaozhuzhu, "Your mother didn't mean to be cruel to you. It's her first time teaching people to read and write, so she will inevitably be a little impatient, but she still loves you."

"Think about it, has she never taught anyone else to read and write? Did she just teach you one?" Xiaozhuzhu recalled that her mother never let anyone come to her study.

 He was the first person to come to his mother’s study.

Does that mean that his mother loves him?

Mr. Zhong nodded vigorously, "That's not true. Your mother loves you the most. It's just that she has a bad temper. As you know, dad was scolded by her before. But your mother is smart. Wait until one day you can be better than your mother. , she won’t dare to scold you.”

 Little Piggy looked expectant, "Really? Can I be more powerful than my mother?"

Mr. Zhong nodded, "Of course, you are your mother's son. When you grow up, you will definitely be better than her."

 Little Piggy was happy all of a sudden, "Haha, okay, I will definitely be more powerful than my mother in the future. Let her not be cruel to me anymore."

 The little guy suddenly became happy, "Then I'll start practicing calligraphy."

Mr. Zhong kissed him and said, "Well, let's write."

 After coaxing his son, Mr. Zhong looked back at the third princess. It was obvious that she was still angry.

He walked over, hugged her shoulders, and said to her, "Why are you angry? Are you as familiar with your own son?"

 The third princess was angry, "I'm doing this all for his own good. What's wrong with writing three hundred words a day? What's the problem?"

"And you, he is a boy, if you always indulge him like this, you will raise him to waste."

“What can you do with only fifty words a day? You’re not teaching me the right way.”

Mr. Zhong didn’t think anything was wrong, and said to her softly, “He is still young and needs to take his time when writing. Fifty words a day is a lot.”

  It was only twenty words before, but now he is asked to write fifty words twice, which is already very strict.

 But the third princess still felt that he was too kind to a woman.

"You are so kind to a woman, and sooner or later you will turn him into a useless young man."

If you were an ordinary person, you wouldn't be angry to death hearing this sentence.

Who is willing to have others refute his own education methods? Naturally, Mr. Zhong will not accept this argument.

But he knew the virtues of the third princess, which was different from the general knowledge.

Especially because she was still pregnant, he explained to her in a nice voice, "Let him lay a good foundation first, and establish the posture of holding the pen and the temperament of writing."

 “Again, I learn little, but I remember it well.”

If you can’t remember 300 words a day, and forget them the next day, then what’s the use of learning them?

 It is better to solidify the foundation and recognize the whole word first. There is no need to rush for success.

The third princess still felt that his speed of education would sooner or later turn her son into a crybaby and useless young master, so she couldn't help but start talking about him.

“Boys should be raised carefully and should not be hugged at all times. They are already so big and they are still crying. What does it look like?”

 She lowered her voice when she saw Little Piggy turning around to look.

"In short, I don't want my son to be a crying waste in the future. If you can't teach him well, send him to the military camp to teach me."

Young Master Zhong was angry when he saw her being so stubborn. "I've already told you to educate your children slowly. If you are so impatient, it will only make things worse."

“Besides, your education method is not suitable for our son. You don’t have to worry about this. I will teach my son myself. You can just be busy in the military camp.”

 After saying that, he went downstairs directly.

When the third princess saw that he was still angry, she immediately chased him and continued to lecture him.

"You are so cowardly now that you dare to shame me? Do you have to deal with it?"

 Hands are freezing, please vote (▽`)



 (End of this chapter)

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