Chapter 909: Reconciliation between mother and son

Mr. Zhong was almost angry to death and started arguing with her on the stairs.

“What’s wrong with me? I serve you mother and son diligently every day. Isn’t it my responsibility to take care of you, eat, drink, and poop?”

"I took care of the children and took care of the housework. Even the children's reading and writing were taught by me. You, a grown woman, are in the military camp every day and don't even look at your children when you come home. How dare you criticize my education? "

His eyes widened and he cursed like a tigress.

 The third princess was stunned by his scolding, "Then, don't I hope you can educate her better?"

 She felt that boys should be educated more strictly, rather than doting on them like him.

  It was really shameful to cry over the smallest things. She couldn't bear to see boys crying so easily, so she just said a few words. How could she know that he would be so angry.

 Master Zhong is naturally angry.

He worked hard to educate his children, and they learned very well. He read and practiced calligraphy every day. Compared with other children, he was already very well-behaved.

 Besides, why does a three-year-old child know so many words? Don't you have to learn it word by word? He doesn't think there is anything wrong with his education.

The third princess, a steward, doesn't care about her, but she still has the nerve to accuse him of educational problems. Why?

The third princess was suppressed by his momentum, and she murmured. She lacked the confidence and finally did not dare to speak out to accuse him.

  murmured, "Then don't I want him to be more masculine?"

Boys need to be tougher in order to protect their families and their country.

   What’s the point of always asking for a hug from your daddy?

She still hopes that her son will become a brave and capable general, rather than a crying and weak scholar.

Mr. Zhong knew what she was thinking and rolled his eyes at her, "The child is different when he is young and when he grows up. Although his temperament is not strong now, he is not weak either."

  That person has a gentle temper and is very tolerant towards others. This kind of temper is so good that many people would not envy him.

The third princess was very disgusted. She felt that the man was not a bit manly, so what was wrong with being soft and gentle.

Zhong Da put his hands on his hips angrily, "I am also soft and not masculine. Why don't I get married to a woman like you who looks down on weak men! What, what's the problem!"

 The third princess choked, "I"

 I had forgotten about it.

The son is soft and weak, so he may follow his father.

But this man isn’t that weak either. He’s not so fierce as he is to her. How can he be weak?

Young Master Zhong rolled his eyes at her, "Sister Ying has already said that children have different personalities. Some are born strong, some have a gentle temper, and some are irritable. It doesn't matter what you say. ”

“I don’t want my son to be strong or powerful, I just want him to be safe. Please pay attention to me in the future and don’t belittle him.”

 When children are studying, it is most taboo for parents to belittle them.

What should I do if I suddenly lost my interest in studying and no longer like studying anymore?

The third princess scratched her head, "Can't you?"

 What a big deal.

 When she joined the army, she was scolded countless times, but she didn't think it was a big deal.

 Why is my son so glass-hearted that he can’t even say a word?

Mr. Zhong couldn't make sense to her, so he waved his hand and said, "Okay, you can go down and sleep. I'll call you later if necessary. Also, you are not allowed to belittle your son while he is studying, otherwise I will never be done with you."

 The third princess lowered her head in frustration, "I know, I want to eat something spicy."

Only then did Mr. Zhong remember that she was pregnant. He sighed and said in a better tone, "I'm doing it right now. I'll make you a kebab later. Sister Ying recently taught me how to bake salted pancakes. Do you want to eat them?" ?”

 It’s actually pizza, but without cheese, other meats and vegetables are used instead.

The third princess had eaten it and said, "It's just meat pie, so let's have one."

  She has a huge appetite recently, and she enjoys all kinds of meat. Mr. Zhong sighed and continued to go back to the kitchen to cook.

Before leaving, he asked the third princess, "Go and apologize to your son first and say you didn't mean it. After that, go back to sleep."

The third princess didn’t want to go at first, but Young Master Zhong said to him, “If you don’t go, I won’t sleep with you at night. You can go to sleep by yourself.”

 The third princess likes to sleep with him in her arms recently, and also likes to touch and touch him.

Especially the changes during pregnancy made her suddenly as fierce as a tiger.

She couldn't stand it if she wasn't allowed to sleep in his arms all night, so she reluctantly agreed.


Zhong Da went to the kitchen as soon as she agreed and was not worried about her going back on her word.

The third princess kept her promise and slowly walked upstairs, looking troubled, but she still went in.

   Little Piggy was lying on the table practicing calligraphy, writing stroke by stroke very seriously.

The third princess stood aside and watched for a while, and found that although he wrote slowly, he was very serious, and every stroke was smooth and silky.

Looking at his fleshy profile, he looks very much like his father. He is strong and resilient. He cried so sadly just now, but he still writes seriously. He is worthy of being her son, so let her.

 The third princess nodded with satisfaction, covered the little pig's head with her big hands, and rubbed it, "Mom was wrong just now, and I apologize to you."

 She is a person who keeps her word. She apologized to her son when she said she wanted to, without any coyness at all.

When Xiaozhuzhu heard his mother's apology, he blushed, put down his pen, stood on the chair, and hugged his mother, "I will study hard in the future, don't scold me."

The third princess suddenly felt guilty, "I'm not scolding you, it's because you're used to being rough. Mom doesn't know how to speak softly. You should bear more responsibility in the future and don't take Mom's words at heart. Mom didn't mean it."

Little Piggy naturally doesn’t blame her. His father told him that his mother has a bad temper and has no patience with anyone.

 It was extremely difficult for her to teach him how to learn. He should be grateful.

 Moreover, his mother is doing her best, and he will study hard to become an excellent person in the future so that he can repay his mother.

“Don’t worry, mother, I will work hard to become a better person, and I will provide for you until the end of your life.”

 The third princess;

 Suddenly I didn’t know whether to be happy or speechless.

He rubbed the brat’s head with his big hand and said, “You’d better study hard.”

She was only a few years old and already she was thinking about taking care of her until she died. It seemed that her stupid son couldn't speak either.

“Then don’t worry if I’m going to be cruel to you in the future?”

 Little Piggy nodded, "Okay."

“Mother, don’t be cruel to me in the future.”

 Three princesses.

Does this kid understand or not?

How come she got in?

Little Piggy smiled when his mother looked aggrieved, hugged her, gave her a kiss, and continued to sit back and practice calligraphy.

The third princess didn’t leave either, so she sat aside and practiced calligraphy with him. This time she accompanied him quietly and didn’t say anything offensive.

 Master Zhong came up after cooking and saw this heartwarming scene.

 The third princess fell asleep after reading the book, and her sleep was very unsightly.

The son is writing seriously on the side, looking very serious.

Mother and son rarely cried anymore. He breathed a sigh of relief, kissed each other, and then went down to serve the meal.

 (End of this chapter)

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