The Group’s Favorite Cute Baby is One and a Half Years Old

Chapter 913: , the two sisters are jealous

Chapter 913: The two sisters are jealous

 “Want to touch a horse?”

 Since having a child, Jing Shirong began to repeat words unconsciously when speaking.

  What rice rice, noodles, fruit fruit.

 This meeting is Ma Ma.

Xiao Miguo stood up happily, "I want it, touch it~"

 Look, those who are anxious can speak.

 Xiao Liujin also learned, "Touch~"

They all have to touch the horses.

 Horses are fierce and recognize their owners, so they are generally not allowed to be touched.

Jing Shirong asked someone to pick out the gentlest horse, and then he took them to see it.

“This horse’s name is Xiaohong. Isn’t it pretty?”

This red horse is small in size, with all four legs short. It looks short, but it has a very good temper and can be touched by anyone. The little red horse especially likes children.

Jing Shirong first tried to touch the little red horse. When he saw that the little red horse felt comfortable, he closed his eyes and rubbed his head against him. It was obvious that he was close to people.

Jing Shirong first picked up Xiao Mi Guo and Xiao Liu Jin, letting Hong Ma get familiar with their scent and see Hong Ma's reaction.

Little Red Horse likes children very much. When he sees Xiao Miguo and Xiao Liujin, he starts to jump up and down.


The little red horse meowed happily twice, and took the initiative to come over and smell the hands of the two babies.

Jing Shirong put them in the stroller, and the little red horse immediately came over, as if he wanted to play with them.

Xiao Miguo looked at it curiously. Instead of touching it directly, she grabbed Jing Shirong's hand and let him touch it.

Jing Shirong couldn't laugh or cry. His daughter's cautious temper really let him go.

He took the lead and showed it to the two little guys. "Touch your nose first. Don't put it in your mouth. You may get bitten. Do you know if you touch the top of your nose?"

Horses are different from dogs. They don’t know the importance of severity. If you really put your hand over it, you might get bitten.

The bite is so strong that your fingers will be bitten off.

Xiao Miguo was obviously very cautious and carefully touched the top of the horse's nose. She felt that the touch was okay, and then she smiled happily.


Jing Shirong saw her happy and smiled too.

 It is different when it comes to Xiao Liujin.

 Xiao Liujin expresses his curiosity about new things directly. He doesn’t need anyone to guide him, he just touches them.


 Her little chubby hand touched the horse's nose at first, and then patted the horse's nose excitedly.

When she was clapping her hands, she didn't pay attention and stuck her finger into the horse's nostril. The little red horse immediately shook it off and sneezed at her.

Xiao Liujin was sprayed on his face. He opened his mouth as if he was frightened, and started crying with a "wow" sound.

 Looks bold, but is actually easily frightened and very timid.

Jing Shirong didn’t know whether to laugh or cry, so he picked her up and wiped her.

  "Okay, okay, it's okay, just a sneeze."

Xiao Liujin was still crying and hung on Jing Shirong's body, refusing to come down. She had to be held by her uncle to feel safe.

Jing Shirong had no choice but to hold on.

 But when Xiao Miguo turned around and saw other children riding on horses, she suddenly wanted to try it.


She pointed to the horse's back, meaning she wanted to ride on it.

Jing Shirong was still holding Xiao Liujin in his hand, so he could only put Xiao Liujin down first and said to Xiao Liujin, "How about we watch my sister ride a horse?"

Xiao Liujin was curious, so he sat down obediently.

Jing Shirong picked up Xiaomiguo, put her on the back of the little red horse, and walked around slowly.

Xiao Miguo was very happy. She imitated the way the children in the stable next door rode, making two "da da" sounds, which sounded like "driving".

 She seemed to think the horse was too slow, and she frowned and asked the horse to go faster.

Jing Shirong was very happy, "You are still young, wait until you are older and then ride away. We will be here first today."

 She was not happy when she was suddenly taken away by her biological father, and she protested with "ah da da da".

 After Xiao Liujin saw it, he also wanted to try it.

 “Uncle tweeted~~”

 Meaning to let Jing Shirong hold her, she wants to ride a horse.

Jing Shirong couldn’t laugh or cry, “Aren’t you afraid?”

 Just now I was scared to tears by the red horse, but now I want to ride it immediately, which shows that I am heartless.

Xiao Liujin was really heartless. He stretched out his hand towards him and was about to ride him. He seemed to have forgotten who was crying out of fear just now. Jing Shirong put her on the horse, and Xiao Liujin screamed "Ahh~" excitedly.

Her excitement seemed to resonate with the pony, and the little red pony suddenly started running.

Jing Shirong hurriedly picked her up. Let the horse run away.

Xiao Liujin was stunned for a moment by the jolt, and then cried again...


 Crying so loudly that the adults around him laughed.

Even Jing Shirong couldn’t help it.

“You really follow your mother’s temper, you are heartless and a little fool.”

Xiao Liujin cried for a while and then became thirsty. He relied on Jing Shirong for a drink of water.


Jing Shirong took out the pear syrup from her mother's bag and gave her and Xiaomiguo some.

 After drinking Xiaomi Guo, I saw that Xiao Liujin was still hanging on my father, and I was immediately unhappy.

 “Ah da da!”

She glared at Xiao Liujin and tried to stand up, trying to pull Xiao Liujin off.

When Xiao Liujin saw that she was about to pull him off, he immediately curled up his fat legs to prevent them from coming down.


 Also making faces at Xiaomiguo.

Xiao Miguo was so angry that she grabbed the wooden edge of the stroller and stood up, "Ah da da da!" Get off here.

Standing on tiptoes, he pulled Xiao Liujin’s hind legs.

With a small six-pound monkey, it can climb up flexibly but refuses to go down.

Xiao Miguo couldn't hold her and almost cried in anger.

 “Woo woo, daddy~”

Jing Shirong felt happy when he saw that she was jealous.

“What’s wrong? You won’t let daddy hug your cousin?”

Xiao Miguo grabbed Jing Shirong's clothes angrily, pouted her red mouth, and said angrily, "Da da da da da da!"

 Meaning: Come down here, dad is not allowed to hug her.

Jing Shirong understood and put Xiao Liujin on the stroller.

 Then hug the little honey fruit.

 As soon as Xiaomiguo came to his biological father, he stopped being angry. He hummed, holding her biological father's face, "Ah da da" and said, "Don't hug her next time."

This jealous little look amused Jing Shirong.

He lowered his head and kissed his daughter, "Okay, don't be angry anymore. Daddy can just hug you."

 Xiao Liujin cried aggrievedly when he saw that he was thrown into the stroller.

 “Wow, wow, uncle Jiujiu~~”

Jing Shirong had a headache and turned around to ask Xiao Miguo, "Look at your cousin crying, she's so pitiful."

He didn’t say he wanted to hold Xiao Liujin, he just said she was crying pitifully.

Xiao Miguo looked back and saw that her cousin was crying really hard, and the snot almost flowed into her mouth. It was so disgusting.

And her voice was so loud that her head was buzzing from crying, so she waved her hand and said generously, "Da."

 Hug me if you want, it’s so noisy.

Jing Shirong understood what his daughter meant, suppressed a smile, and picked up Xiao Liujin.

“Okay, okay, stop crying, uncle will hug you.”

 As soon as the little six pounds came up, I stopped crying.

 But he cried too hard and even started to whimper.

Xiao Miguo couldn't stand it anymore, so she took out the handkerchief from her father's arms and wiped her nose with disgust.

 “Dangdang.” Dirty.

 Xiao Liujin was so concerned about her that he grinned and became happy all of a sudden.


Like a little fool, crying and laughing sometimes.

Xiao Miguo had no choice but to wipe her nose resignedly.

I thought to myself that this cousin is too childish and I won’t go out to play with her in the future.

 But Xiao Liujin was very clingy to her, and there was no way he could get rid of her.

 (End of this chapter)

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