The Group’s Favorite Cute Baby is One and a Half Years Old

Chapter 914: , sisters who dislike each other

Chapter 914, sisters who dislike each other

After taking them to see the horses, Jing Shirong took them to a tea shop to sit, order some refreshments and feed them to the two little guys.

The waiter at the shop saw him taking care of two children by himself, and asked with concern, "Why are you taking the children out by yourself? Where is the child's mother?"

Jing Shirong answered while feeding the child, "I'm busy at home."

 Actually, I am sleeping at home, but there is no need to tell outsiders.

When the waiter heard this, he thought his mistress was busy at home, so he didn’t ask any more questions.

Xiao Miguo and Xiao Liujin were full after eating soft and sweet snacks and drinking a bowl of goat milk.

 I feel like sleeping as soon as I’m full.

Jing Shirong also drank a bowl of milk tea and a plate of snacks, and then prepared to go back.

 He pushed the stroller and took the two children back. When he got home, the two children fell asleep.

Sister Ying has already gotten up and is drying toys in the yard.

 After she woke up, she and Jinghan took out all the toys in the house, washed them, dried them in the sun, and sterilized them.

At this moment, I saw Jing Shirong pushing the child back, and came over to ask him, "Are you going to see the horses?"

Jing Shirong nodded, "I went to see them. They had a lot of fun."

Sister Ying lowered her head and looked at the two little guys, "Are you all asleep? Didn't you make any noise before going to bed?"

Jing Shirong shook his head, "I fell asleep when I was tired. There was no time to make trouble."

Sister Ying covered her mouth and snickered, "Looks like it's good to take them out to play, to burn off their energy." It is estimated that they can sleep until night.

Jinghan also came to see them, "What did you feed them? Their bellies are bulging."

 “Goat’s milk, and dessert.”

Jinghan picked up Xiao Liujin and said disgustedly, "The saliva in her mouth is so dirty. I'll go wash her off."

Sister Ying also picked up Xiaomiguo and went to wash her.

Jing Shirong followed behind, as if paralyzed by exhaustion, "You can wash me up later, I'm so tired."

  No matter what hard work he did in the past, he never complained that he was tired. Today, when he took his children out and played only one project, he felt exhausted.

Sister Ying gently washed the sweet fruit and put it on the bed before coming over to talk to him.

 “Are you so tired?”

Jing Shirong didn't want to move at all, "I'm really tired, I don't even have the energy to wash."

 “Madam, help me~”

 Speaking feebly.

Sister Ying had no choice but to go over and help him.

"Then let me wash your hair. Look at how sweaty you are."

Jing Shirong hummed, lay down on the chair, and asked her to serve him.

Jing Shirong closed his eyes in enjoyment because he had been married for such a long time and was dissatisfied with being served like this by her.

 “My lady’s technique is so good~” It’s so comfortable that it makes you want to sleep.

Seeing that he was so easily satisfied, Sister Ying suddenly felt a little guilty, "I'm busy taking care of the children on weekdays, so I've neglected you. I'll see how tired you are."

 After saying that, she kissed his face distressedly.

Jing Shirong smiled silently, raised his head and kissed her back, "I'm fine, just stay well with your child."

 He is the type who silently contributes to the family, the type who takes it upon himself when he is tired and suffers, and never complains.

 Occasionally, she clings to Sister Ying because she is clingy. She wants to kiss and hug her until she goes to sleep.

 When you are clingy, you are especially clingy.

Sister Ying was kicked so hard by his kiss that she couldn't breathe. She finally let go and took a breath.

While washing his hair, I asked him, "Did your daughter make trouble for you when you went out during the day?"

Jing Shirong shook his head, "No, she has always been very well-behaved." "On the contrary, Xiao Liujin never stopped, just like my cousin when she was a child."

Jinghan was a child with unlimited energy when she was a child, and she especially liked to play with him, which annoyed him and wanted to beat her.

 But he is a thick-skinned person, and he will not leave even if he says nothing, just wants to play with him.

Now that they have grown up, it is her child who clings to his child. What a bad fate.

Sister Ying chuckled.

“I also think Xiao Liujin looks like my cousin.”

 He is cheerful, hot-tempered, impatient, likes new things, dares to try, but is easily frightened, and has a typical silly and naive personality.

Jing Shirong wanted to laugh when he thought of Xiao Liujin crying when he was frightened.

“That girl is determined to be protected by Miguo when she grows up. If you don’t believe me, wait and see.”

They are obviously cousins, but when they grow up, Xiao Miguo will definitely be the boss, and Xiao Liujin will be the one hiding behind Xiao Miguo.

Especially she is very good at pretending to be powerful. When Xiaomi Guo is around, she dares to curse at others. Once people glare at her, she will immediately hide behind Xiaomi Guo.

This is not the first time this has happened.

Jing Shirong sometimes takes them for a walk in the alley, and occasionally encounters a few naughty children who want to bully babies smaller than them when they see them.

At that time, Xiao Liujin was sitting in a stroller, cursing and spitting on those annoying boys, which was very powerful.

 But when someone really rushed over, she immediately hid in Xiaomi Guo’s arms for protection like an ostrich.

 Xiao Miguo always had a twitching look on her face every time she was pushed out to use as a protective umbrella.

 Secretly, my stupid cousin is really good at causing trouble.

You don’t even have ten teeth, yet you dare to curse at others.

 When someone was about to hit her, she immediately hid in her arms and pricked her head so that she couldn't see it and pretended that others couldn't see it either.

 In the end, an adult had to come out and wipe her butt.

Speaking of this matter, Jing Shirong and Sister Ying chuckled and couldn't help but laugh.

Sister Ying said with a smile, "Xiao Miguo sometimes doesn't want to play with her. I think she's stupid and can't play with any toys well, so I don't want to play with her."

However, Xiao Liujin didn't understand the meaning of retrogression. She followed Xiao Miguo wherever she went, and she couldn't get rid of her.

 The two sisters’ playful nature is quite fun.

Sister Ying said, "Although Xiao Miguo always dislikes Xiao Liujin, she is still looking for Xiao Liujin when he disappears."

 Once two sisters suddenly got into a fight while playing with toys. The two cursed each other for a long time, and finally started fighting.

The little baby didn't know where to look when fighting, and his chubby hands were waving randomly, and in the end both of them received a slap on the face.

In the end, they were so angry that they cried loudly. After Sister Ying and Jing Han separated them, they stopped playing with each other.

 But the next day, Jinghan took Xiao Liujin out to buy things. Xiao Miguo woke up and couldn't see Xiao Liujin, and wondered where she had gone?

Sister Ying saw her staring at Xiao Liujin's room and asked her with a smile, "Do you want to play with your cousin?"

Xiao Miguo hummed proudly, "No, no."

 It means she doesn’t want to play with that idiot cousin.

Sister Ying feels that her daughter is tsundere. He obviously wanted to play with Xiao Liujin, but he refused to admit it.

She was also bad. She deliberately teased her and said, "Don't you like the idiot Xiao Liujin? Your aunt has already taken Xiao Liujin away. She will not come back and won't bother you anymore. How about it? Can't you open it?" happy?"

Xiao Miguo vaguely understood the meaning of not coming back, and her round face was a little dull for a moment.

 “Dada?” That idiot cousin will come back in the future? Really?

Sister Ying nodded seriously, "Yes, I won't come back. You don't like playing with her anyway, so it's a good idea not to come back, right?"

 While talking, observe her expression.

 (End of this chapter)

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