Chapter 915, Baby’s Feelings

 When Xiao Miguo heard that Xiao Liujin would never come back, the toys in her hands suddenly no longer smelled good.

She stared at the door blankly, her expression a little disappointed.

 Actually, my stupid cousin isn’t that bad.

Although she was very noisy when she was here, cried and made noises, and also liked to quarrel with her.

 But it’s a bit more lively with her around.

 But mother said she would not come back.

 I suddenly feel a little sad when I think about it.

So she pouted her little lips, whined twice suddenly, lay on Sister Ying's body, and tears fell down.

 “Yo yo, are you really crying?”

Sister Ying did not expect that a child over one year old would have so many emotions. It was strange.

Seeing her crying so sadly, Sister Ying quickly comforted her, "Okay, okay, mom lied to you. My cousin will be back in a while, so stop crying."

Xiao Miguo's big eyes looked at her dubiously, as if asking her, "Da?" Really?

Sister Ying nodded, "Really, I'll be back in a minute."

 Xiao Miguo stopped crying now.

  Pointing to the snot from her nose, she asked Sister Ying to wash it off.

Sister Ying took her to wash her, and Xiao Liujin came back soon.

As soon as she came back, Miguo smiled and even took the initiative to hand over the toy.

Xiao Liujin didn’t expect her to be so enthusiastic, so he immediately started playing with her with a smile.

 She also gave the new toy she bought to Xiaomiguo to play with.

 The two sisters suddenly reconciled.

 But after a while, the noise started again.

Sister Ying is used to it.

Jing Shirong also smiled after hearing her description, "It seems that the children are all of the same virtue."

 When you are good, you wish you could wear a pair of trousers, but when you quarrel, you just attack without mercy.

They are the ones who fall in love and kill each other.

 But Xiaozhuzhu has a good temper. No matter how Xiao Liujin and Xiao Miguo bully him, he always smiles, like a big brother, and is very generous.

Jing Shirong saw Sister Ying praising Xiaozhuzhu and hummed, "That kid? Not bad."

  At any rate, she is better than the third princess, and her temper is okay.

However, Xiao Miguo liked to play with him, so when she saw the boy, she immediately abandoned him as her biological father, and Jing Shirong became jealous.

Sister Ying laughed. "Why are you arguing with a child? How old is he?"

Jing Shirong snorted, rarely childish, "I am also a baby, my wife's baby."

This sticky energy is the original fruit of Xiaomi fruit.

 But Sister Ying still liked her so much that she kissed her.

 “Forget it, I forgive you.”

Looking at this pretty face, I’ll wait a little longer and give Xiaomiguo a younger brother and sister in the future. Don’t waste such pretty genes.

Jing Shirong didn’t expect that he could still have this effect. He raised his eyebrows and said, “Aren’t you afraid of pain?”

 Before, he was afraid that she would not want to suffer again after being hurt once, but he did not expect that she would still have this intention.

Sister Ying snorted arrogantly, "I myself have brothers and sisters. I feel that multiple children have multiple brother-sister relationships, which is good for the children. It's okay to have another child."

 The main thing is that she can make money, have an income, and be able to raise children. The important thing is that she likes children, so having a few more is no problem.

If you are the kind of person who doesn’t like children and just thinks that having more children will help you to prevent old age but you don’t have money to support them, forget it, otherwise you won’t be able to give your children love and food, and it won’t be fair to them.

Jing Shirong had no feelings for children before, but since he had a daughter, he gradually fell in love with the baby.

 Not only Xiaomi Guo, he is also very good to Xiao Liujin.

 Because I have personally raised and raised children, I have a deeper emotional bond with the children, and I also have a deep understanding of the relationship between father and daughter, and I have a father's love.

 He gradually fell in love with children and was very tolerant of them. He thought it would be good to give Miguo a younger brother and sister.

As long as Sister Ying's physical condition allows, she can give birth if she wants. He will be responsible for helping to take care of her, and all the money will be spent on them.

Sister Ying saw his arrogance and smiled, "Are you Jing family members used to being arrogant? You don't even blink when you give money." The same goes for Xiao Liujin. With a big wave of his hand, he said to him any favorite toy. I gave it without any hesitation.

Jing Shirong didn’t notice that the Jing family had this problem, but everyone in the family did this, so he didn’t think there was anything wrong.

Sister Ying saw that his eyes were round and he tilted his head to look at her with a puzzled expression. He looked more and more like a honey fruit.

“It is said that a daughter is like her father, and your daughter is really like you.”

 Clingy, stubborn, conscientious, smart, and sometimes a little silly.

 The most important thing is that he is kind-hearted. He looks cold and ruthless on the surface, but he is actually the softest.

Especially his generosity and pride towards the person next to him is what all women like.

 I'm really glad that I could catch him first, otherwise it would be a big loss for him to marry another woman.

Sister Ying smiled and held his face, "Yeah~" I'll give you Masaki in a moment.

Her eyebrows were suggestive, and Jing Shirong understood instantly and immediately licked her upper lip, "What did you say?"

Sister Ying teased him charmingly, "Of course, I said so."

The couple looked outside together and saw that Xiao Miguo was still sleeping, so they immediately went to do something bad.

At night.

As expected, Xiaomiguo didn’t get up until very late.

 She slept for most of the day, and now she was fully recharged and became drowsy.

 Let’s find our parents as soon as we get here.

 But there was no sign of father or mother on the bed at all.

 She rubbed her eyes with a puzzled look on her face, "Mother?"

Sister Ying is sleeping in the next room at the moment.

Jing Shirong, on the other hand, heard her voice and stood up immediately.

 “Are you awake?”

Xiao Miguo grinned when she saw her biological father, "Daddy~"

 The little one was sitting cross-legged on the bed, happily reaching out to Jing Shirong.

Jing Shirong reached out to hug her and rubbed her messy hair.

 “Have you had enough sleep?”

"are you hungry?"

Xiao Miguo rested her head on his shoulder and made a milky sound, "Hungry~"

Jing Shirong touched her belly and found that it was indeed flat.

  "We eat rice with meat and meat at night. Do you want meat or meat?"

Xiao Miguo likes meat the most, so she nodded happily, "I want it."

Jing Shirong first took her to wash her face, then took her to Sister Ying's room and asked her, "Madam, do you want to get up to eat?"

Sister Ying waved her hand, not wanting to move.

 “You eat first, I’ll eat later.”

Jing Shirong blushed and hummed, holding her daughter in her arms and going out first.

Xiao Miguo tilted her little head, with a puzzled look on her face, "Da?" Why didn't Mom eat it?

Jing Shirong coughed and explained awkwardly, "Your mother is sleepy. Let her sleep first and let's eat first, okay?"

 “I’ll bring food to your mother later. Huh?”

My dad's voice is so gentle, of course, Xiaomi has no opinion.


Jing Shirong breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that his daughter was obedient and carried her to eat.

Jinghan also came to eat with Xiao Liujin in his arms.

The family had dinner together, but Murong Yun had something to do and didn't come back. As soon as Xiao Liujin saw Xiao Miguo coming out, he wanted to sit with her.

Jing Shirong sat the two of them down together, took the spoon and started feeding Xiaomi Guo.

Xiao Miguo eats by herself when she and her mother eat.

But if her biological father is here, he will definitely feed her, so he will be like an old man, with his buns raised and his little feet, leisurely waiting for her father to feed her.

 (End of this chapter)

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