Chapter 916: A daughter is like her father

Jing Shirong blew the rice to cool down, cut the meat into small pieces, put it on a wooden plate, and gave Xiao Miguo a spoon to play with while he sat across from her and fed her.

Xiao Miguo opened her small mouth and took a bite when the spoon was handed over to her. It was a leisurely meal.

 When Xiao Liujin saw that she had a biological father to feed her, he immediately wanted one too.

 “Uncle Jiujiu~”

Jing Shirong saw this and fed her a spoonful of rice.

 Xiao Liujin opened his mouth and ate happily.

Jing Han couldn't help but roll his eyes when he saw this, "Aren't you bullying? Just now I fed you food and you didn't eat it. Now your uncle will feed you and you will eat it?"

 If a girl is bad, she will be bullied.

Xiao Liujin pursed his lips, ate his hands and pretended not to hear.

Jinghan laughed angrily and pretended to scare her, "Don't eat what your uncle feeds, or I'll get angry."

 Xiao Liujin looked back at her face, studying the truth of her words.

Jing Shirong was also mean and deliberately handed over the spoon, "Here, ah~"

Xiao Liujin looked at his mother and then at his uncle. His little fat face was confused as to whether he should eat or not.

 The group of people were looking at her, curious about her choice.

Before she could make a choice, Xiao Miguo turned her father's spoon over and ate it in one bite.

 Then he gave Xiao Liujin a look that seemed to say, "I can only help you so much."

 But Xiao Liujin obviously misunderstood and thought she was provoking him.

 Yelled angrily.

 “Da da da.” Who asked you to eat my food!

  Small honey fruit;

 “Da da!” Idiot! I'm obviously helping you.

 Xiao Liujin didn't believe it, "Da da!" This was clearly a provocation.

 Xiao Miguo was speechless, "Da da." Idiot.

 How could she have such a stupid cousin. It really **** her off.

Xiao Liujin thought she was causing trouble and kept getting angry. Finally, he turned his head away, snorted and ignored her.

Xiao Miguo groaned and became very angry. With a "hum", she also turned her little head away and ignored her.

The two of them were back to back, neither paying attention to the other, making Jing Han and Jing Shirong laugh until they died.

 “No way, these two girls are too funny.”

Having them do this every day makes me laugh out loud.

Jing Shirong also laughed, secretly saying that the children were so funny, they were so funny.

After practicing calligraphy today, Xiaozhuzhu applied to come and play with her sisters. At this moment, she was holding the hand of the third princess.

The third princess rarely had a vacation, so Master Zhong asked her to take her son out to play to consolidate the parent-child relationship.

 The third princess thought it would be good to spend time with her son, so she took him out.

As soon as I entered the door, I heard the sounds of laughter and laughter in the room, and the corners of my mouth raised.

She looked down at the little piglet, and then at her slightly swollen belly. She thought that if there was another child in the house, it would probably be so lively, and it was rare to touch her belly to exude maternal love.

Seeing this, Little Piggy smiled and kissed her mother's belly, "Mother, are you good, little sister?"

 The third princess nodded, "She's very well-behaved and doesn't cause trouble at all."

 After all, the fetus could eat, sleep, and didn't vomit or faint. She thought the child was well-behaved and probably a caring person.

 Little Piggy said jealously, "I feel sorry for you too, and I'm also good."

 The third princess rubbed his head with her big hands, "Yes, yes, you must be good too."

Although she doesn't like her son to be jealous all the time, she is her biological child after all, so she should be tolerant, lest she make him cry and the man will quarrel with her again when she returns home.

She doesn't dare to offend him now. She is obviously the one who is pregnant, but the guy has a bigger temper than her, especially when it comes to his son. She really can't say anything about it. She was scared now and simply stopped talking.

Little Piggy thought she had gotten better, so he stretched out his hand to hug her, raised his little head, and smiled silly.

The third princess looked at his stupidity and raised the corners of her mouth, thinking that her son's clinginess was not so bad. Who said she was so charming? It would be difficult for her son not to be clingy to her.

Little Pig.

 It seems that my mother is also quite narcissistic.

Jinghan heard the commotion and came out to see them. He greeted them, "The third princess is here. Come in and sit down."

 “Have you eaten the little pig?”

Jinghan enthusiastically brought them bowls and chopsticks.

 Little Piggy nodded, "Eat, I came to play with my sister."

Jinghan smiled and gave him two fruits and snacks, "I bought these in the morning. Try them and they are quite soft."

 Little Piggy said politely, "Thank you, aunt~"

 “So good.”

Jinghan touched his head and asked him to sit opposite Xiao Liujin and the others.

When Xiao Liujin saw his brother coming, he was very happy. He said "Ahhh" twice and asked Xiaozhuzhu to hug him.

Little Piggy walked over like a big brother and petted her little head lovingly, "Where is Little Liujin eating?"

 Xiao Liujin hummed twice, indicating yes.

Xiao Miguo was relatively calm. When she saw Little Piggy, she tilted her head and looked at him. There didn't seem to be much fluctuation.

 Little Piggy smiled and leaned over to talk to her, "Xiao Miguo, why don't you call me, I am your Brother Pig."

Xiao Mi Guo then hummed, her round face tilted her head to look at him, and finally handed the spoon over, "Dah?" Do you want to eat it?

 Little Piggy waved his hand, "I'll just have some snacks, you can eat them."

Seeing that he didn't eat, Xiaomiguo took the spoon back and continued playing.

Jing Shirong was surprised, "Why are you so cold today?"

 Wasn't it true that when you saw Little Piggy before, you were so excited that you even wanted him as his father?

  Why are you not enthusiastic at all today?

Jinghan smiled and said, "She didn't see Piggy's enthusiasm. She clearly crawled over out of curiosity when she saw the toy in his hand."

This girl is only passionate about her father and mother. Others just watch her quietly. When have they ever seen her passionate?

Jing Shirong couldn’t laugh or cry, “No way?”

According to his observation, his daughter seems to be able to play with anyone, so how could she not be enthusiastic?

Jing Han smiled, "When you and Sister Ying are away, she can be with anyone. When you two are here, have you ever seen her leave your arms to find someone else?"

 The little girl is closest to her parents, followed by their familiar elders.

 She will only get excited and crawl over when something fun happens, otherwise she will still choose to stay in her parents' arms.

When Jing Shirong heard this, he suddenly had mixed feelings. He didn't know whether to be happy that his daughter was sticking to them, or worried that his daughter would not get along with them.

Jinghan smiled and said, "No, she is just cautious and will not play with others right away at first. But after observing for a while and seeing that the other person has a good personality, she will start playing with them."

 This is different from Xiao Liujin.

Xiao Liujin didn’t care whether he recognized him or not, he just crawled over and joined immediately, without asking whether he wanted to or not, he was very familiar with him.

Miguo, on the other hand, is more rigorous. With her round little face, she always observes others first. If the other person is more lovable or kind, she is willing to take the initiative to play with them.

If the other person is a naughty and naughty child, she will immediately turn around and crawl away without leaving her eyes. She is very smart.

Jing Shirong was very pleased after hearing this.

“Looking at her temperament, she follows me, she is exactly the same as me.”

He was not a proactive person when he was a child. He would only be willing to play with someone else if they liked their character. Otherwise, he would not like to play with other children.

It seems that my daughter is the same as him.

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 (End of this chapter)

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