Chapter 917, Children’s Excitement

Jinghan looked at his ugly face and smiled helplessly, "Okay, finish feeding her quickly and let the three of them go to the toy room to play."

Jing Shirong sighed, fed Xiaomi Guo, wiped her hands, and then let her down.

"You three go to the toy room and play by yourself. Daddy is going to wash Mommy's hair. Xiaomi is a good boy."

When Xiao Miguo heard that her father was going to help her mother wash her hair, she originally wanted to follow her, but Xiao Zhuzhu picked her up like a toy and carried her to the toy room.

Xiao Liujin was even faster. He crawled to the toy room and chased after her.

  Piggy first went to empty the toys out of the box and told them, "Today we are going to stack building blocks."

 This box of building blocks was made by Sister Ying who drew a picture and had it carved.

 It looks like a small castle.

 Little Piggy likes to play this the most, so he starts to pile up.

 Xiao Liujin and Xiao Miguo watched it for a while, and after learning it, they immediately decided to pile it up themselves.

Xiao Miguo’s round eyes were observing how the little piggy built the building blocks, and her little hands followed suit.

The first time she put a thin piece of wood on the bottom, and the second thick piece on top, but it fell down all of a sudden.

 She whimpered after falling down, unhappy.

 Finally, she looked carefully and found that the blocks her brother built were thick at the bottom and thin at the top.

So she seemed to have learned the essence, first put the thick wood block at the bottom, and then put the smaller piece on top.

 After trying a few pieces, she finally succeeded. She clapped her hands happily and applauded herself.

After seeing it, Xiaozhuzhu also applauded her, "Wow, Xiaomiguo is so good. It can be stacked up to three pieces. It's great."

  Xiaomi Guo was praised, her little round face looked up, and she felt a little proud. "Da." Not bad.

She was so happy that she wanted her parents to come and see her.

So she crawled to the door and wanted to go to the next room to ask Jing Shirong and the others to come over.

Sister Ying also got up at this time and was hanging on Jing Shirong's body.

After Xiao Miguo came in and saw the two hugging each other, she immediately crawled over and "shaked~" for a walk.

 Speaking, he pulled the sleeves of Sister Ying and Jing Shirong.

Sister Ying was curious, "What, are you jealous? Don't you allow daddy to hug mommy?"

Usually, whenever Xiao Miguo sees someone hugging her, she will burst into tears and not allow others to hug her mother.

Even Jing Shirong is not allowed to be hugged, otherwise she will cry.

At this moment, she pulled her sleeve. Sister Ying thought she was jealous and deliberately refused to let go.

"Don't let me go, don't let me go, mother belongs to my father, so I won't hug you."

Xiao Miguo was so focused on asking them to see the results of her building blocks at first that she didn’t even notice them hugging each other.

 It was only when I heard Sister Ying say this that I realized what I was doing.

The big round eyes looked at the hand of the father holding the mother, and immediately crawled between the two of them, and took the father's hand away with the small fleshy hand.

 “Da da!” No hugging allowed.

Sister Ying teased her and deliberately hung her around Jing Shirong's neck, "Just hug her."

Xiao Miguo almost cried in anger, "No, no, no!"

Sister Ying refused to listen and wanted to hug her.

 “Just a little bit, I want to hug you.”

Xiao Miguo curled her lips and was about to cry.

 In the end, Jing Shirong felt sorry for her and immediately stopped hugging her.

“Okay, okay, daddy won’t hug your mother, daddy will hug you.”

With that said, he let go of the hand holding Sister Ying, picked up Xiao Miguo and brought her over, "Daddy, can I hug you?"

Xiao Miguo also liked her father, so she snorted and rested her little head on her father's shoulder.

Jing Shirong couldn’t laugh or cry, and asked her, “Why did you come in? Aren’t you playing with toys?”

Xiao Miguo suddenly remembered, yes, she wanted to show her parents her work.

So she pulled Jing Shirong and walked to the toy room.

Jing Shirong understood a little bit and stood up to go with her. Sister Ying also went over to take a look.

As soon as he arrived at the toy room, Xiao Miguo's eyes were bright and she pointed at the three-high pile of building blocks in front of her, hoping that Jing Shirong would take a look.

 “Daddy, daddy~”

 He kept shouting "Daddy", his little round face was very excited.

Jing Shirong didn’t know what she wanted him to see, so he walked in to take a look.

Xiao Miguo was so excited that she wanted to come down and crawled on the ground by herself.

She just crawled over and happily pointed at the pair of building blocks to show off, with a smile on her face.

Jing Shirong took a look and said, "Ah, how can my daughter be so good? Can she even build a three-story building?"

 And he also knows how to lay the foundation. The lower part is done steadily and won’t fall off at a glance.

Xiao Mi Guo was very proud and was about to let Sister Ying see it too. Unexpectedly, Xiao Liu Jin reached out with a chubby hand and wanted to take the one next to her, but accidentally knocked down her three-layer building blocks.

 Jing Shi Rong.

 He covered his face and said to himself that he was going to finish.

Sure enough, Xiao Miguo’s originally happy face changed when she heard the sound of wood collapsing, and she immediately started crying.


Mother didn’t even see it, she actually fell down, woo woo woo.

She was crying so sadly. She turned around and saw that the culprit was still holding her building blocks in his hand, and he was about to bite it.

Jing Shirong hurriedly picked her up and said, "It's okay, don't cry. If it falls, we will rebuild it. This time, my parents will sit here and watch you build it. Come on, rebuild it for your parents to see."

Xiao Miguo thought this idea seemed okay, so she stopped crying.

She sniffed and waited for Sister Ying to sit down before starting to pick up the blocks.

  While riding, I also took a look at the bad guy Xiao Liujin, his round face was very wary.

Seeing that Xiao Liujin wanted to get closer, he immediately stopped her from getting closer.

Xiao Liujin seemed to know that he was in trouble, so he sat aside calmly, feeling very guilty.

Sister Ying suppressed her laughter and encouraged her, "Okay, my dear, let's get started."

As soon as Xiao Miguo saw that her parents wanted to watch it, she immediately became energetic and wanted to do it all over again.

 She selected a few of the best wooden blocks to lay the foundation, and then stacked them one by one, until she reached the fifth block.

Jing Shirong and Sister Ying immediately praised her, "Wow~~ My daughter is so awesome, she actually built it to the fifth floor~" and it didn't fall down.

Xiao Miguo was also surprised that she could reach the fifth floor. Seeing the envious and adoring looks on her parents' faces, she was immediately happy.


 She climbed into Jing Shirong's arms and was very happy.


  meaning to give it to them.

Jing Shirong accepted it happily and said, "Thank you, daughter. Daddy likes it very much."

Sister Ying nodded in agreement, "Mom likes it too, it's great."

 Xiao Miguo suddenly became happy when she saw that they all liked them so much, "Hey hey~"

 The happiness of a child is so simple. Parents will be very happy if they praise you.

Upon seeing this, Little Piggy immediately went to fetch the third princess over.

“Mom, look, do you like the building blocks I built for you?”

The third princess was originally listening to Jing Han's lecture on parenting. She was pulled over by her son and took a look at the neatly built but featureless building blocks on the ground. She blurted out, "It's just average. There's still a lot left to be desired."

Little Pig.

 He was a little embarrassed to touch his little finger, after all, so many people were watching.

Moreover, my mother has very high standards. Maybe the building blocks he built are really bad.

 He sighed, seeming a little discouraged.

When the third princess saw this, she remembered what Jing Han had just said about teaching children to practice it, so she sat down, removed the blocks, and said to the little pig.


 Then he built an indestructible circular city wall as quickly as possible.

 (End of this chapter)

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