Chapter 918, The talents of babies

From the beginning, Little Piggy was calm, and then his eyes widened in surprise as the three princesses built cool buildings.


I didn’t expect that my mother could not only wield a sword, but also be so good at building blocks.

The third princess saw his surprised look and felt a little proud, "What? Do you like it?"

 Little Piggy nodded, "I like it~"

The third princess proudly raised her chin and said, "Then I'll get you some more."

 After speaking, he built five building block models with different formations for him, "If you like, I can also build twenty different shapes."

 Little Piggy was even more surprised, "Twenty kinds??"

Oh my god, he plays with building blocks every day, and he can build a building with a height of seven or eight stories, or a trapezoid at most. He didn't expect that his mother can actually build so many shapes, and they are all so high and they don't fall down. It's really amazing.

His eyes widened and he suddenly became envious.

 “Why does my mother know this?”

The third princess looked at her son's admiring eyes and said proudly, "It's not a big deal, as long as you know the formation, you can make any shape."

 She just doesn't understand the ways of the world, but she has perfect scores in all skill books.

 Little Piggy looked at her with admiration, "What formation is it?"

 He has never heard of it.

The third princess snorted, "Formation and military tactics are very profound things and difficult to learn."

 If you have no talent, learning will be in vain.

ˆLittle Piggy is very interested, "I want to learn, mother will teach me."

This was the first time that the third princess was so admired by her son and asked for advice. She felt very comfortable. She raised her chin and said proudly, "Okay, then I will teach you two moves."

 “Let me teach you how to set up a cone formation first.”

 The conical formation must have a sharp forward and strong wings. It can use the elite forward to attack the enemy in a narrow front, break through and split the enemy's formation, and expand the results of the battle on both wings. (from Baidu)

The third princess said as she laid out the formation.

 Little Piggy’s eyes lit up when he heard this, with admiration in his eyes.

The third princess saw that he was listening carefully, as if he understood, and asked curiously, "Can you understand what I said?"

Logically speaking, his father never taught this kid the art of war, so he shouldn’t be able to understand it.

 But Little Piggy said, "I understand. If we attack from here, we can defeat the enemy."

 Speaking, he picked up a small toy as a human figure, came out of the formation, and knocked down the toys on both sides.

The third princess was surprised, she didn't expect that he really understood.

 “Did your father teach you this?” Otherwise, how could he know it?

 Little Piggy shook his head, "No, daddy didn't teach me."

He was just at the beginning of learning to practice calligraphy and had never learned the art of war at all. Being able to understand may be a gift.

The third princess thought it was amazing. She arranged several formations for him and asked him, "If you are trapped in it, how will you get out?"

 Little Piggy thought for a moment, then took the toy inside and walked out through a breach.

 “Go here, there is a loophole here.”

 The position he pointed to is indeed the disadvantage of this formation, and it is also a point that can be exploited.

The third princess did not expect that her son, whom she always considered stupid, was quite talented in formations.

 She was very happy, "When you go back, you start to learn Sun Tzu's Art of War from me."

Since your son has a talent in this area, he should learn from it.

Little Pig Pig didn’t know what Sun Tzu’s Art of War was, and thought it was the same as the Three Character Classic, so he agreed without thinking.

Xiao Miguo watched for a long time, and was also interested in the formation, so she crawled over and imitated the little piggy to take out the trapped toys from the breach.

Jing Shirong was surprised, "Honey fruit?"

How can my daughter do it too?

The third princess also clicked her tongue, "It happened by mistake." Her son is already three years old, so it is normal for him to understand a little.

 But Xiaomiguo is only over a year old and can’t speak clearly. Can’t he understand her?

Jing Shirong felt that his daughter was extremely talented.

“Who says we don’t understand? Maybe my daughter does.”

The third princess does not believe in evil, "What can a child who still eats melons know? Don't sell melons to the old lady and boast about yourself."

This guy has been very bad since he became a father. He talks about how smart and powerful his daughter is every day.

Actually, no one took him seriously. They just thought that he was a father for the first time. They thought that their children were good in every way and did not take his words at all.

Jing Shirong saw that they didn't believe it, so he immediately set up a formation and asked Xiaomi Guo to crack it.

“Daughter, come here, the little toy is trapped, come and rescue it.”

Xiao Miguo looked at the formation blankly, her expression a little dazed, as if she was stumped.

The third princess snorted, "She's still young." She didn't understand what it meant.

Jing Shirong snorted angrily, "Who said we were young? Let's show them the honey fruit."

Xiao Miguo pondered for a moment, then crawled over, pushed aside the formations on both sides with her little fleshy hands, and then used a stick to pull the toy out from behind.

 The third princess was surprised to see that she did not take it from the front, but from the year behind.

 Because she was right to do this. This formation cannot be broken from the front. Instead, the hostages can be rescued with the help of tools from the back.

 But the third princess still thought it was a coincidence.

 “Perhaps she felt it was far away, so she used the stick.”

Jing Shirong snorted, "No. We are smart, but it's useless if you don't admit defeat."

 The third princess naturally refused to admit defeat.

 Her son didn't know how to do formations until he was three years old. Others can do it when he is more than one year old. Is this a blessing?

 So the two began to compete.

 Each of them sets up their formation toys aside.

Little Piggy and Little Miguo looked at each other, wondering what happened to their parents?

The two of them tilted their heads and looked at Sister Ying at the same time, "Da?" They meant to ask her, what happened to them?

Sister Ying snorted and said with a helpless smile, "It's okay, they are just playing, don't pay attention to them."

 Speaking, he started playing with them with other small toys.

Jing Shirong and the third princess arranged a formation, and wanted to grab the children and come over to compete.

Sister Dan Ying glared at her like a tigress, "Huh? What do you want to do?"

Jing Shirong and the third princess immediately retracted their hands out of fear.

The third princess was not convinced and said to Jing Shirong, "You don't care about your woman? Are you going to let her **** on your head?"

  How come you, the head of the family, don’t look like a man at all?

Jing Shirong didn’t fall for this trick, “Aren’t you afraid that you’ll tell her off?”

The third princess refused to admit defeat and said, "I will say what I say."

So she turned around, trying to scare Sister Ying with her cold eyes, "What about you?"

Sister Ying raised her lips like a little witch, "What? Are you looking for trouble?"

She was smiling, but her smile was like that of a man-eating devil. The third princess felt a little weak in her legs for no reason, so she simply pushed Jing Shirong up.

 “He said you were nosy and didn’t treat him like a man.”

 Jing Shi Rong.

 You are trying to harm me.

The third princess is a little shy, she is your woman anyway, you have to take care of her.

Jing Shirong dared not care. He shrank his neck and said in fear, "Madam, don't listen to the nonsense of the third princess. How could I think so? Are you hungry? Take the children to have snacks. I'll be here."

 (End of this chapter)

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