The Group’s Favorite Cute Baby is One and a Half Years Old

Chapter 919: , the battle between parents

Chapter 919: The battle between parents

Sister Ying saw that he had such a strong desire to live, so that was the end of it.

  "Okay, you can play, I'll get some snacks."

Xiao Miguo helped her stand up and wanted to follow.

Sister Ying took her two little fleshy hands and led her away slowly.

Xiao Miguo has become more and more stable recently and can stand for a while now.

 I just don’t dare to walk, for fear of losing my balance and falling.

 But with Sister Ying holding her hand, she dared to take a few steps.

Little Piggy saw them leaving and immediately followed them.

 “Auntie, wait for me~”

Sister Ying stood waiting for him, "Come here."

Little Piggy immediately jumped over happily, and the three of them went to the kitchen to have snacks together.

Jing Shirong was competing with the third princess in the toy room.

Jinghan saw them coming out and asked, "Are you the only ones coming out? Where are the third princess and Brother Rong?"

Sister Ying, “I’m playing inside.”

Jinghan chuckled and said, "Are they playing together?"

How can those two ice cube faces still play?

Sister Ying also laughed, "It's a competition. Childish ones are going to die. Let's eat it ourselves and leave them alone."

Jinghan didn’t know whether to laugh or cry, so he held the child in his arms and fed him some water.

 At night, Mr. Zhong came to pick him up.

But Sister Ying said, "Let's eat before we leave. We'll eat finger food in the evening."

Mr. Zhong has been busy all day, so he just wants to have a light meal, so he stays.

 The little piglet nestled into his arms and got intimate.

Mr. Zhong touched his head and asked him, "Are you good today?"

 Little Piggy nodded, "I'm very good, my aunt is my witness."

Sister Ying smiled, "Yes, yes, I testify, he is always good."

 “What about the naughty one?”

Sister Ying pointed to the toy room, "It's inside."

Young Master Zhong knew that the woman would not be obedient to her son when she came out.

 No, just leave your son and go play by yourself.

He walked in aggressively and saw the third princess rolling up her sleeves to compare formations with Jing Shirong.

Looking at her fierce look, you knew she must have lost the competition.

Mr. Zhong sighed and called her, "Stop playing and come out to drink water."

 She is pregnant and doesn’t know how to cherish herself at all.

The third princess was originally unhappy because she lost two games, so she wanted to win back.

However, because you can't calm down because you are impetuous, you can't win.

The more you can't win, the more irritable you will be, and you will lose your temper.

 Fortunately, Mr. Zhong came in time, otherwise the two might have started fighting.

Mr. Zhong came over and pulled her, "Come out and drink some water."

The third princess took advantage of the situation and said disdainfully to Jing Shirong, "I'm letting you go today. I'll deal with you next time."

Jing Shirong was not afraid at all, and raised his chin proudly, "I think my daughter inherited me, she is smart!"

 The third princess didn’t like to hear this.

"Is your daughter smart? My son is much smarter than your daughter!"

Jing Shirong couldn't bear to hear others talk about her daughter, so she immediately quit.

“My daughter is obviously much smarter than your son! And she is only over one year old, so we are obviously born smart.”

The third princess did not admit defeat, "We are obviously smarter, and we can still memorize the Three-Character Sutra. Your family can only eat rice."


Jing Shirong was also angry. He stood up and said childishly, "We know how to make formations when we eat rice. You all only know two formations when you eat rice. Huh, who is smart? You can tell at a glance."

 “Hey! You guy!”

The third princess couldn't bear it and immediately wanted to fight him to the death.

Mr. Zhong was really impressed by her and dragged her over.

"Okay, stop making trouble. Come out and drink water." The third princess was dragged out by him and had no choice but to accept her fate and drink pear water.

Jing Shirong saw that she was deflated, and then he went out triumphantly like a victor.

Sister Ying saw that he was hot and sweating profusely, so she called him, "Go and drink water."


Jing Shirong accepted his fate and went to drink water, take a shower, and then went out to hold the child.

  In the evening, everyone ate finger food together, and then left separately after eating.

Jing Shirong had to go back to the military camp the next day to get busy.

Xiao Miguo saw that he was leaving and immediately wanted to follow.

 “Daddy, daddy~~”

Jing Shirong has been taking care of her personally for the past three days, so naturally she couldn't bear to leave her biological father.

Jing Shirong was a little moved when he saw that she had been hanging on him and refused to come down no matter what.

 “Can’t bear to leave dad?”

This is the first time that my daughter is reluctant to leave him and go out.

 She used to be a little girl and had no memory.

 Now that she has grown up and knows that he is her biological father, she remembers him.

Especially when he comes back, he takes her with him personally.

 If you take care of your child for three days and three nights, she will be able to sense that you are good to her, and she will naturally be reluctant to let you go.

 “No, no, no~”

Xiao Miguo hugged his neck and refused to let him go.

Jing Shirong was moved, but had no choice but to go.

 He put the little honey fruit on the ground, knelt down and said to her, "Daddy has to go to the military camp to do business. You stay at home. Daddy will be back next month."

As soon as Xiaomi Guo heard that he would not be back tomorrow, she immediately jumped on him, using her hands and feet, and refused to go down even though he said nothing.

Seeing this, Sister Ying reached out and pulled her off.

"Okay, your father has to go do some business, so don't make any trouble. He will be back next month."

"No no no no!"

Xiao Miguo pursed her lips, not wanting her biological father to leave.

Jing Shirong had no choice but to stand up and mount his horse. Looking at their mother and daughter reluctantly, "Miguo, be good. Daddy will be back soon. Just listen to your mother at home."

 After saying that, he rode away.

As soon as Xiao Miguo saw that he really left her, she said "Wow~~" and started crying.

That one cried loudly, which made Jing Shirong very distressed.

This is the first time that my daughter has cried so sadly.

Even though he was a tough guy over eight feet tall, he couldn't help but wipe the tears from the corners of his eyes, secretly saying that he would come back early to accompany her next time.

Xiao Miguo was in Sister Ying's arms, crying out of breath, "Daddy, daddy~"

Sister Ying had no choice but to wipe her tears and coaxed her, "Don't cry, don't cry. Your father will be back soon. Let's go back and take a shower first, okay?"

Xiao Miguo shook her head, her big eyes still looking forward, which was the direction Jing Shirong left.

 The little finger pointed in that direction, "Go, go, go~"

Sister Ying had no choice but to take her there.

She thought that the little guy would forget about it after walking for a while.

But this girl has an excellent memory. She walked for a long time without stopping, and her little fleshy hand kept pointing forward.

Sister Ying coaxed her, "Daddy is not here, let's go home? Can we come back next time?"

Xiao Miguo shook her head, "No, no, no."

Her eyes were determined, as if she would not leave until she found her biological father.

Sister Ying was really convinced by her, "Your father is busy at the military camp. Let's go home first. He will be back next month. Mom won't lie to you."

Xiao Miguo tilted her head and looked at her, as if asking, when will the next month be?

Sister Ying counted them for her, "When you get up after a nap, and then get up after another nap, it will be almost done."

She was afraid that her daughter wouldn’t be able to understand it if she said too many numbers, so she used sleeping as an example.

Xiao Miguo seemed to understand, and immediately leaned her head on Sister Ying's shoulder, as if she was about to sleep.

Sister Ying couldn't help but laugh, "Are you going to sleep now? But it's only morning now. You have to sleep at night."

Xiao Miguo tilted her head in confusion, "Da?" She meant to ask why.

 (End of this chapter)

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