The Group’s Favorite Cute Baby is One and a Half Years Old

Chapter 920: , the stubbornness of the Jing family

Chapter 920: The Jing family’s stubbornness

Sister Ying coaxed her and said, "You have to go to bed at night to do the math. You can't do it now while sleeping."

Xiao Miguo seemed to understand, pouting, feeling that this matter was too difficult.

Sister Ying was afraid that she would cry again, so she continued to coax her, "Let's sleep together every day. Your father will be back by the end of next month."

“Mom will make a calendar for you when she goes back. When you go to sleep, she will draw a circle for you. Your father will come back when all the circles are drawn.”

Xiao Miguo heard it was amazing and wanted to go back and draw circles immediately.

Sister Ying is true to her word, take her back and make a small calendar for her.

 Write down the number of days until Jing Shirong comes back, make a square grid and write down the number of days each day.

 Then draw the first red circle.

“Now, today is the first day, let’s draw a circle, and when you wake up the next day, draw another circle.”

Xiao Miguo looked at it for a while, feeling like it was magical.

So she took a pen and started to draw.

Sister Ying stopped her, "You can't paint now. You can only paint after the sun goes down."

Xiao Miguo tilted her head and thought for a moment, "Da?" Can you paint only after the sun goes down?

Sister Ying nodded, "Yes, let's paint again after the sun goes down."

Xiao Miguo understood, so she sat obediently in front of the calendar and waited for the sun to go down.

Sister Ying saw her little one sitting in front of the calendar, and she was inexplicably cute, so she took a drawing board and paint to draw a picture of her sitting and waiting for the sun to go down.

 When Jinghan came over, he was very happy when he heard about it.

"Your Miguo values ​​​​love. Unlike Liu Jin, this little heartless one. When her father went out, she howled twice symbolically, and immediately went to play with her brother. She was never sloppy. Her father I’m so angry, hahaha.”

Sister Ying knew this and laughed when she heard this.

 “I think this kind of character is pretty good.”

 Be carefree, be able to pick it up and put it down, so that you won’t live too tiringly.

 On the contrary, being too emotional will hurt yourself.

 She would also rather her daughter could be less heartless.

 It’s a pity that like her father, she is an emotional person.

Jinghan told her not to worry, "Your Miguo only has feelings for you. She has no feelings at all for others and won't even look at them. This is the same as Brother Rong, so don't worry."

 The people of the Jing family are all virtuous and only have feelings for people who are good to them.

For others you don’t like, don’t let them have any emotion at all.

Sister Ying thinks about Xiao Miguo’s behavior. It seems that she only has feelings for those who love her.

Others who play well with her on weekdays, in fact, she can turn around and leave calmly. Those who know the difference between closeness and distance are called clear.

 And children are different every day. Who knows what the future will be like, so there is no need to worry so much. Just do some ideological education in advance.

 In the evening, the little girl had dinner and looked at the calendar again. She still remembers it.

Sister Ying made a bet with Jing Han, "How long can she remember?"

 Children are mostly impatient and will forget something within two days at most.

Sister Ying bet for three days, "She should still remember it tomorrow, but as time goes by, she will inevitably be affected by other things, and she will probably forget it."

Jing Han thought so too, but still voted for the Jing family bloodline, "Then I'll bet for five days."

The Jing family has a stubborn temper, and Xiaomiguo is smart, so he should be able to remember it for five days.

 “If you lose the bet, please go shopping.”

Jing Han waved his hands grandly, "No problem."

 So at night, Xiao Miguo saw the sun going down and immediately went to draw a circle on the calendar.

Sister Ying gave her a pen and drew a circle with her little hand.

“Okay. It’s been a day today and we’ll continue tomorrow. Your dad will be back when all the drawings are finished.”

Xiao Miguo was very happy and would not let go of the calendar. She would put the calendar on the bed at night.

Sister Ying smiled when she saw her stubborn look, "Okay, okay, just put it on the bed." On the second day, the little girl still remembered to draw the calendar.

On the third day, she still remembered it, but instead of sitting in front of the calendar, she went to play with Xiao Liujin.

Sister Ying feels that her time limit has come to an end.

Jinghan wanted her to hold on for a few more days. She had made a bet with her sons.

 On the fourth day, Xiaomi Guo no longer looked at the calendar and was doing her own thing.

Just when everyone thought she had forgotten, she crawled to the edge of the bed, stood up holding the edge of the bed, then climbed onto the bed, took a small pen, and drew a circle on the calendar.


This kid’s memory and patience are really scary.

 Most babies don’t have this patience.

 Just look at the comparison of Xiaolijin’s Chiguoguo.

Let her play with a toy for a while. In less than a quarter of an hour, she will get bored immediately, throw it away, and never play with it again.

 On the fourth day, Xiaomiguo was still like this.

 I don’t look at the calendar during the day, nor do I keep track of it. Only when it's time to go to bed do you draw circles.

Sister Ying was greatly surprised, thinking that her daughter’s self-discipline would make her a strong woman in the future.

 But she did not stop her, but silently supported her in doing it.

 It was not until seven days later that she gradually turned her attention to other places.

 Because she is learning to walk.

 Her balance was not stable at first, and she fell down after taking one step.

 Now I can slowly walk three or four steps.

Sister Ying was sitting in front, waiting for her, and stretched out her hand towards her, "Miguo, come here, mother, come here."

She stretched out her hand and made a hug gesture towards her. Xiao Miguo stood up immediately and stumbled towards her.

She took one step at a time, stumbling, and finally ran into Sister Ying's arms, laughing.

Sister Ying was also very happy. She hugged her and kissed her, "It's great. I just took seven or eight steps. It's great."

Xiao Miguo is also very happy and walks every day when she wakes up.

Now she doesn’t want anyone to hold her, so she has to walk alone.

Even if you fall down after taking two steps, you still have to walk on your own.

Sister Ying did not help her, but just watched from the side. When she saw her falling, she told her, "See if there is any pain. If not, pat her clothes and get up."

Xiao Miguo touched her **** and felt it didn't hurt, so she dusted it off and got up and started walking again.

 Not only her, Xiao Liujin will also leave.

 She stumbled and wanted to run away before she could walk steadily.

Jinghan was startled every time he started running, and he hurriedly chased after him.

The more you chase her, the more excited she becomes, laughing and running away.

Then there was a thud, and someone who didn’t pay attention fell straight down the steps.

 It would definitely hurt if she fell. She let out a cry and cried loudly.

Jing Han scolded her angrily, "If you haven't walked steadily yet, just imitate others and run. If you don't fall, who will you throw? That's right!"

 Xiao Liujin still cried, but after crying he was fine.

She has always been heartless. After crying, she continued to run, laughing while running. Just like before, she was not scared at all. There was no concept in her character of learning from mistakes.

Jinghan didn't even bother to scold her, because she didn't have a long memory at all, so she just let her do whatever she wanted.

 Xiao Miguo was very cautious, and only after walking slowly and steadily did she dare to go far by herself.

If she had to go down the stairs, she still didn't dare to go down directly for fear of falling and chewing the mud.

 (End of this chapter)

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