Chapter 921, can walk

When going down the steps, she did not dare to go down. Instead, she turned her back and climbed down backwards.

 In the eyes of adults, the steps are not high, but in their eyes, they are very high.

Even Xiao Liujin will habitually run a little slower when he runs up the stairs, after all, he has fallen too many times.

 After the two little guys can walk, they no longer need to be held by adults, and they walk around every day without being held.

 After walking steadily, start running.

 The two little girls ran in the yard every day, chasing each other while running, giggling and laughing, it was very lively.

 Another month has passed.

Sister Ying helped Xiao Miguo finish drawing the last circle on the calendar and told her, "Once the circle is drawn, your father will be back tomorrow."

 In the second half of the month, Sister Ying took Xiaomi Guo and insisted on drawing circles on the calendar, hoping to make her develop a good habit of perseverance.

Xiao Miguo watched her mother draw circles every day, until she saw the circles finished with her own eyes, she also breathed a sigh of relief. It's like the things you persisted in are finally done.

Sister Ying showed her the finished calendar and told her, "Your father will be back tomorrow. Are you happy?"

 “Is Daddy coming?”

 One month longer, the vocabulary will be a little larger. She understood Sister Ying's words and was a little happy, "Daddy is fat?"

Sister Ying touched the little knot on her head and said, "Yes, your father will be back tomorrow."

Xiao Miguo grinned happily, stood up and wiggled her butt.

 “Daddy is here~”

 Xiaozui kept repeating this sentence, so cute.

Sister Ying kissed her little fleshy face fondly and said, "Okay, go to bed. You can see your dad when you get up tomorrow."

As expected, Xiaomi Guo lay down obediently and muttered, "Ming Dian, Dannieng Electric Knife, Daddy."

Because her articulation is not clear yet, her mouth is full of typos, but Sister Ying can understand it.

 “Yes, I’ll see you tomorrow, go to sleep.”

Xiao Miguo happily closed her eyes, muttered something in her mouth, and soon fell asleep.

Sister Ying touched the little knot on her head, untied her hair tie, and combed her hair lovingly.

 The little girl’s hair was slightly curly, and she had an amazing amount of hair when she was born. She was already able to tie her hair into pigtails when she was more than one year old.

 Unlike Xiao Liujin, Xiao Liujin had no hair when he was born and only had some hair when he was one year old.

Now Xiaomiguo has thick hair, and Xiaoliujin looks envious. He pulls Xiaomiguo's hair every time, which is really envy and jealousy.

 Sometimes I see Xiao Miguo braiding her hair, so she takes Jinghan’s hand to braid her hair.

Jinghan was in a dilemma. Looking at her hair that wasn't too long, she really couldn't decide what to do.

 Xiao Liujin cried sadly when she saw that she couldn't make it up.

 “Woo woo, mother is so bad~”

  She often cries, but not sadly, but she cares more about her hair. I don’t know if girls are born with a love of beauty.

I comb my hair in front of the mirror with a comb every day, and I even know how to put a hairpin in it.

However, because her hair was not thick enough, the hairpin could not be pinned on and kept falling off. She was so angry that she cursed at the hairpin.

Jinghan saw that she cared so much about her hair, so she specially asked for a recipe and would make her some black sesame paste from time to time.

If Xiao Liujin didn't eat, Jing Han would just say, "Eat this to grow your hair." Xiao Liujin would eat it immediately.

Xiao Miguo looked at her and saw how easy it was to deceive her. She raised the corner of her mouth in an evil way, as if to say that this idiot cousin was really easy to deceive.

Xiao Liujin doesn’t care if she is cheated. Anyway, as long as she can grow her hair thicker, she is willing to eat anything.

Until today, her hair has grown a little longer. She looks beautiful in front of the mirror every day. She even points to Jing Han’s earrings and wants to get her ears pierced.

Jinghan immediately smiled when he saw that she even had pierced ears. “Why do you love beauty so much? It’s up to you.”

 Xiao Liujin looked at the mask on his mother's face and thought to himself, "Isn't it up to you?"

Jinghan laughed and said, "It will hurt to have your ears pierced. Are you really not afraid?"

 She remembered that her ears were pierced not long after she was born, so she had no memory.

If it were bigger, I might be scared.

Jinghan touched Xiao Liujin’s earlobe. It was quite big and soft, but he didn’t know if she would touch it randomly after the earlobe was pierced.

Because Xiao Liujin had never experienced it before, he was not afraid at all. He even held the earrings and gestured on his ears. He looked so pretty. He had no idea about the pain of having his ears pierced.

Jinghan was a little hesitant because he was afraid that he would make her cry.

She went over and asked Sister Ying, "Xiao Liujin wants to pierce his ears. Do you want to pierce Miguo's ears?"

Sister Ying hesitated, "Getting stabbed at such a young age? She will cry to death."

Jinghan also frowned in fear, "If you cry, you will definitely cry, and if you don't get pricked now, you will have to get pricked later. It's better to feel pain early than later."

Sister Ying is a little afraid.

Since the child has been raised so big, she has been dropped a few times, and the number of times she has seen blood is very small, so she does not dare to do so.

Jinghan was also afraid and asked her, "How old were you when you had your ears pierced? I seemed to have had my ears pierced when I was about six pounds, so I don't have much memory."

Sister Ying recalled that she seemed to have had it pierced when she was ten years old.

At that time, she was like a boy, jumping up and down. Mrs. Wu couldn't stand it. Thinking that she was too old, she took her back and had her ears pierced.

The local people pierce their ears by grinding the children's earlobes with their fingers until they become red and hot, and then the problem is solved by inserting a needle.

The pain is a little bit, but after the pain passes, it will be fine after two days.

 But some people with sensitive constitutions may get inflammation or something.

She was in relatively good health, but she was still inflamed. Fortunately, Wu prepared anti-inflammatory powder in advance.

Jinghan was also afraid that her daughter would get infected, so she said, "Otherwise, forget it, wait until she is older."

The child is still young now. If he has no resistance, he will lose more than he loses if he gets sick.

Sister Ying nodded, "It's safer this way, then make it bigger before pricking it."

In fact, it’s okay not to have it pierced, but girls love beauty, so wait until they are willing to get pierced.

 The next day.

 When the sky was slightly bright, Xiao Miguo fluttered her eyelashes, hummed twice and woke up.

She still remembered that Jing Shirong was coming back today, so as soon as she woke up, she sat on the bed, yawned a little, and was in a daze for a while.

 After I was in a daze, I looked at my mother and saw that she was still sleeping, so I rolled back and got out of bed.

Because she was wearing pajamas, her pant legs were one long and one short, and the short ones were still pinned to her legs, but she didn’t care and walked outside half asleep.

 The doorman saw her coming out and smiled lovingly, "Miss, are you awake?"

Xiao Miguo hummed like a little adult, then moved a chair, sat on the chair like an old man, looked out the door, and waited for her biological father to return.

 Everyone outside the door laughed, "It's not bright yet, and it's still a bit cold. Can you go back and put on your clothes first? You won't catch a cold later."

 Xiaomi Guo thinks about it, the weather is a bit cold.

So she walked slowly back to the room with her hands behind her back, like an old man, took a big coat, put it on herself crookedly, and also put on small shoes.

 But the shoes are on backwards and the trouser legs are still one long and one short, which shows that my dressing ability is not good.

 She put on her coat and walked to the kitchen, remembering to bring something to eat so as not to go hungry.

The cook saw that she was awake and brought her a bowl of hot soy milk.

“It’s still hot, blow it on before you drink it. Aunty will steam the buns for you.”

 (End of this chapter)

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