Chapter 922, like a little adult

Xiao Miguo hummed like a little adult and sat leisurely on a small chair drinking soy milk.

 It's still dark, everyone is sleeping, only she and the cook get up early.

 The cook steamed a drawer of steamed buns for her, broke them open and cooled them and put them on a wooden plate for her.

“Eat steamed buns with soy milk, don’t choke.”

  Xiao Mi Guo Milk said "Okay", holding the bun in one hand, taking a bite of the skin first, chewing a few mouthfuls, and then drank a sip of soy milk, which stopped choking.

  She ate a whole steamed bun with a bowl of soy milk, and then she was full.

The cook was busy washing vegetables and asked her, "Are you full? Do you want to drink soy milk?"

 Xiao Miguo shook her head, "Let's compete."

The cook smiled and said, "There are dried sweet potatoes. You can chew them and grind your teeth."

Xiao Miguo hummed, took a plate of dried sweet potatoes, and walked towards the door.

 Seeing her chubby belly outside the door, everyone laughed, "Are you full?"

Xiao Miguo hummed like a little adult and continued to sit on the chair waiting for Jing Shirong to come back.

 While waiting, I gnawed on dried sweet potatoes without any delay.

 After Jing Shirong woke up in the morning, he finished his work and came back.

He came back on horseback, but when he got near his home, he dismounted and led him, for fear of waking up the people nearby. After all, it was still not bright yet.

 After arriving home, he moved even more quietly, fearing to wake up the sleeping people in the yard.

 Seeing him coming back outside the door, he helped him lead his horse.

 “The general is back?”

Jing Shirong hummed and asked them, "Have you all eaten?"

 The man outside the door nodded shyly, "I've eaten. By the way, the young lady is still waiting for you inside."

Jing Shirong was stunned, "Is that girl awake?"

You actually came out to wait for him?

Jing Shirong was a little excited and hurriedly opened the door and went in.

As soon as I arrived in the yard, I saw my daughter sitting on a chair, facing the door. Because I was sleepy, my little head was biting and biting, and it looked like I was about to fall off the chair.

Jing Shirong rushed over to catch her.

Xiao Miguo fell into a familiar embrace in a daze, half asleep and half awake, with round eyes open.


Jing touched her head with fatherly affection, "Well, daddy is back, why did you wake up so early?"

Xiao Miguo has been waiting for a long time and is already sleepy.

She couldn't help but doze off, put her head on her father's shoulder, mumbled and fell asleep.

Jing Shirong clearly heard her say, "Daddy, give me a hug."

My heart instantly softened into a ball of cotton, filled with sweetness.

 “Well, daddy is hugging you.”

 He carried Xiao Miguo in and put her on the bed.

 Looking at the little guy's trouser legs, which were one long and one short, he couldn't help but help her adjust them.

 Looking at her left and right shoes, she wore them backwards, obviously she was wearing them herself.

There are also small pearls in her hair, I guess she brought them too.

Children of this age like to imitate the most. She probably learned how to dress herself after seeing the way Sister Ying dressed.

But I didn’t get enough time, so I wore my shoes and clothes backwards.

Even the hairpin has been tucked into the back of her head, which shows that she has average grooming skills.

 But she was able to get up early to greet him, and Jing Shirong was particularly touched.

  I have said before that my daughter is my father's little cotton-padded jacket, but he has not felt it yet.

Now that his daughter got up early in the morning to pick him up, Jing Shirong deeply felt the happiness of having a child.

 He went to change his clothes, take a simple shower, and come over to sleep with them.

 The family of three slept soundly and did not get up until noon.

Sister Ying woke up first, said "Hmm~" and stretched herself to see if the child was on the bed.

 Seeing that the child was still there, he stretched himself.

 It was only when I reached halfway that I realized that Jing Shirong was actually there.

 She rushed over happily, "Ms. sir, are you back?"

Jing Shirong also smiled and kissed her, "Well, I'm back."

Sister Ying was about to kiss him a few more times, but he blocked her slightly, "Don't crush the child." Then, he put her aside, one block away from him.

Sister Ying.


She was about to say something to him, but she saw him pick up the little Miguo with a gentle look on his face, then put it on his chest, patted it gently, and kissed the little head, showing the affection between father and daughter.

Sister Ying didn’t know whether to be jealous or jealous.

Sourly said, "You have changed your mind."

 “Don’t even love me anymore.”

 I only loved her before, and I kissed her as soon as I came back.

Now that I have a daughter, it is really too much to hold her and push her away.


"You put your daughter down and hug me now, and I will forgive you, otherwise you won't be able to hug me in the future."

Jing Shirong clicked his tongue and whispered to her, "I'll hug you later, and you can sleep for a while."

Sister Ying said sourly, "No, I've had enough sleep, and now I want you to hug me."

  It was Xiaomiguo who clung to her before, but Sister Ying was so clingy that she had no time to take care of Jing Shirong.

At that time she didn’t understand how Jing Shirong felt.

Now that he was leaving her alone, she had to put aside all the children in her eyes, and she immediately understood how he felt.

“Woo, why are you hugging me~”

The mother-in-law is still jealous.

Just as Jing Shirong was about to say something, Xiaomiguo woke up.

As soon as she opened her eyes, she saw a face she had not seen for a long time.


 “Daddy is fat?”

She suddenly woke up, hugging Jing Shirong's neck happily and giggling.

Seeing that she was happy, Jing Shirong also smiled, "Yes, daddy is back. Are you happy?"


The little girl was so happy. She hugged Jing Shirong's neck and didn't let go. Instead, she rubbed her little head against his face, like a kitten.

Sister Ying feels envious and jealous in her heart.

 She stretched out her hand to pull the little honey fruit off. "Daughter, come and give me a hug."

 But Xiaomi Guo changed her mind and refused to go down. She held Jing Shirong's neck tightly with her little hands and refused to let go.

 “Bi Yao, I want daddy to hold me.”

 Look, children really have one mood every day.

 Before, I was stuck with Sister Ying every day and would not let anyone come.

 Now that he is older, he suddenly starts to cling to his father. My mother-in-law doesn’t care about it anymore.

Sister Ying just feels like a lemon in her heart.

She pretended to threaten, "Come here and give me a hug, or you won't have anything to eat at night."

 The little guy is so big that he still needs night milk.

 Xiao Miguo was a little hesitant when she heard ******.

 She looked at her father, whom she had not seen for a long time, and then at her mother's breast, wondering what to choose.

Jing Shirong was generous and told her, "Go ahead and let your mother hug you."

It's okay if he didn't say that. As soon as he said that, Xiao Miguo suddenly felt that daddy was better, so she hugged daddy and never let go.

 “Bi Yao, I want daddy to give me a hug.”

 After saying that, he hung his hands and feet on Jing Shirong.

Jing Shirong said happily, "Okay, okay, daddy will hug you, don't be in a hurry."

Sister Ying was sour, "Okay, you two, can you two team up to bully me?"

 Having said that, he started to play the sad drama.

"I worked so hard to feed you in vain. You don't recognize your mother in the blink of an eye. I'm so sad. Alas, it seems that I don't need to feed you ****** in the future. You'd better not drink milk at night. Let’s stop this.”

When Xiao Miguo heard that she couldn’t drink night milk, she loosened her hands and glanced at her mother with a resentful look. Then she slowly and leisurely looked back three times, as if she was being forced to go over.

 (End of this chapter)

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