Chapter 923 Chapter 923, Children’s Sharing

Sister Ying smiled when she saw her bitter and affectionate look.

  "Okay, okay, go and hug your dad, I don't care about it."

 Children all behave in the same way. After clinging to their mother, they start clinging to their father.

 When she was a child, she didn't care about Jing Shirong.

Now that she is older, she has memories, and knows that her biological father is good to her, so she starts to cling to her biological father.

Jing Shirong also doted on her, hugging her and never letting go. He even held her and fed her while eating.

Sister Ying told them not to let go, she just wanted to feed her.

The corn porridge we had for lunch was sweet and glutinous. Sister Ying put the porridge on the baby chair, but she didn’t sit on the baby chair at all.

Just sitting on Jing Shirong’s lap, with his calves crossed leisurely, it’s so comfortable.

Jing Shirong held a spoon in one hand and a bowl in the other. He took a spoonful and blew the hot air before feeding it into her mouth.

 “Come on, open your mouth, ah~”

  The little honey fruit goes well with it, and you can finish the polenta in one bite.

 After Xiao Liujin came over, he saw that Xiao Miguo had a father to feed him, and he immediately wanted to climb on Jing Shirong.

 “Uncle hug~”

Jing Shirong smiled and touched Xiao Liujin’s fat face, “Okay.”

 But Xiaomiguo was not happy. When she reached the possessive stage, she stopped her with both hands and refused to let her come up. "I want it, but I won't give it to you!"

Xiao Liujin was stunned for a moment. He was rejected by her for the first time and curled his lips, a little unhappy.

Just when everyone thought she was going to give up, she said with a chubby face, "I will!"

 After saying that, he climbed up on Jing Shirong’s knees.

Xiao Miguo refused, so he pushed her with his little fleshy hand and said, "Get down!" Get down.

Xiao Liujin refused to listen and became more and more courageous as he fought, "I want it!"

Seeing that she refused to go down, Xiaomiguo was so angry that she opened her mouth to bite her.

Jing Shirong hurriedly stopped him, "Hey, if you don't bite, you won't bite. It will hurt if you bite."

 When Xiao Miguo saw her father speaking for Xiao Liujin, she felt aggrieved and curled her lips, looking like she was about to cry.

Jing Shi Rong has a big head, so he hugs her and coaxes her, "Don't cry, don't cry. It will hurt if you bite someone. If you don't believe me, daddy will bite you and show you."

 Speaking, he picked up her short little fleshy hand and took a bite.

Xiao Miguo’s arm hurts, her eyes well up with tears, and she is about to cry.

Jing Shirong hurriedly carried her out, "Okay, okay, daddy didn't mean it. Daddy also brought you a toy. Do you want to see it?"

Xiao Miguo sniffed and was attracted by the toy, so she stopped crying.

 “Look at the toy sentence.” Look at the toys.

Jing Shirong saw that she was not crying, so he carried her to take out the toys from the bag.

“Now, this is a kite. After dinner, daddy will take you to fly the kite.”

Xiao Miguo saw the kite for the first time. Her big eyes were bright and she tilted her little head to look at him, "Feng Zeng?" Kite?

“Yes, kite, I will take you to fly a kite after dinner.”

Xiao Miguo was happy, "Okay~Daddy let it go~"

Jing Shirong wiped the sweat from his head and secretly thought that his daughter and his son were really different. The little girl's thoughts were really changeable. The process of being jealous and being coaxed into happiness is vividly demonstrated.

Sister Ying saw her bringing out toys and said with a smile, "Is there anyone selling kites here?"

Jing Shirong shook his head, "A soldier in the military camp gave it to his daughter. I bought five of them from him and we will put them out together later."

When Xiao Liujin saw the toy, he was really attracted to it and wanted to get it immediately.

 “Look~Sister, look~”

 Chasing the little honey fruit to see the kite.

Seeing the envy on her face, Xiao Miguo raised her chin proudly and said, "Zi can see~" which meant that she could only look at her, not touch her.

Like a little six-pound pug, he nodded slowly, "Just look at it, don't touch it."

Xiao Miguo had forgotten about the quarrel with her just now, so he generously handed the kite to her.


Xiao Liujin saw how beautiful the kite she handed him was, and wanted it very much. He looked at Jing Shirong with watery eyes.

 “Uncle, I’m going crazy~” Kite.

Jing Shirong stretched out his hand and was about to give it, but he saw Xiao Miguo staring at him with a look on his face, "How dare you give it to me?" Jing Shirong was shocked because the look in his daughter's eyes was exactly the same as that of her mother.

Sister Ying whispered in his ear, "Let her give it herself, and don't get involved."

 The little girl will be angry if he does give it to her soon.

 After all, in her eyes, her father’s things are just for her.

 Since it was given to her, how could it be given to others.

 If she gave it to someone else, she would not be her father's treasure, and her father would not love her.

Thinking about it like this will make you cry sadly.

Jing Shirong was ashamed. He didn't expect the little girl to have so many thoughts on her mind.

 But he was still cautious and listened to Sister Ying. He gave the burden to Xiaomi Guo and asked her to divide it.

"Daughter, these are all given to you by your father. Look at who you want to give them to, and divide them yourself."

 Speaking, he took out all the kites and distributed them to her.

Xiao Miguo felt relieved when she saw that the remaining four kites did not have the fermented wine in her hand.

 Plus, so many kites belong to her. She has so many, so it’s not impossible to share them with her brothers and sisters.

So she took the most beautiful one in her hand, and then distributed the others to Brother Zheng and Brother Yuan, as well as Xiao Liujin.

 “Now, give it.”

 Give Xiao Liujin a small bee.

As soon as Xiao Liujin got it, he was very happy and said, "Thank you, sister~"

 Also know how to say thank you.

Xiao Miguo also smiled, "You're welcome." You're welcome.

Sister Ying said to Jing Han, "Look, if you want your child to learn to share, you must at least give her more things. Otherwise, it's just a kite, and she won't be willing to take it out."

  If she had ten kites in her hand, she would naturally be willing to give out nine. If there is only one, what else does she have if she is separated? Naturally, I couldn't bear it.

Jinghan nodded, "Yes, there is only one, and naturally he is her treasure. How can I give it up?"

 Some adults say that children are selfish when they see them not sharing.

Jinghan would always say something like this when he saw this kind of scene, "If you are not selfish, then share all your money. If you are not willing, then you are selfish."

The man choked and ran away in despair, even if he was not willing to take out his few silver coins.

 This is true even for adults, let alone children.

However, some children are really very generous, and they are willing to give up even if they only have one thing left in their hands.

But every child is different, so there is no need to compare.

 After everyone finished eating, they were ready to fly kites.

Sister Ying sent someone to call the little pig out to play with her.

 When Little Piggy heard that he was about to fly a kite, he was very happy and ran over immediately.

 He was out of breath from running, but he was happy when he saw the kite in Xiaomiguo's hand.

 “Sister Miguo, do you want to fly a kite?”

Xiao Miguo nodded, "Yes, brother, give it~"

 She also left one for Little Piggy.

ˆXiaozhuzhu took it with both hands and was very excited, "Thank you sister, I like it so much~~"

Xiao Miguo grinned when she saw that he liked it.

 Waving his hands generously, "Something~" It's okay

 She looks like a little grown-up, and it’s fun to see Sister Ying.

After arriving at the lawn, Jing Shirong first pulled up Xiaomi Guo’s kite. After running for a while, the kite started flying.

The children were very excited to see it, jumping up and down and shouting, "Fly, fly~"

 Xiao Miguo and Xiao Liujin screamed with excitement.

“Ah ah ah, daddy, I want to take it, take it.”

Children speak with unclear articulation and do not know how to pronounce words. Some words are made to imitate their pronunciation and are deliberately written incorrectly. They are not really typos.



 (End of this chapter)

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