Chapter 925, The Emperor’s Thoughts

 The second prince suddenly panicked when he heard the queen's analysis.

 “Then what should we do?”

  Originally, my father was cold and indifferent to other princes, and looked a little distant, but he was still close to him and would ask him to have dinner with him from time to time.

Now that he has done a few things wrong, his father has begun to become cold towards him.

 Does this mean that he is beginning to fall out of favor?

The second prince panicked, "Mother, what should we do?"

He failed to solve the problem of dealing with the flood last time, and it was the prince who finally solved it.

Because of this, the father did not summon him for several days, and seemed to be reconsidering his ability.

Coupled with the fact that today the father suddenly bestowed a title on the third emperor sister's child, doesn't it mean that the father begins to pay attention to the prince and the third emperor sister?

The queen was also panicked, but she still stabilized herself.

"Don't be impatient. I'll go back and ask your grandfather about this first to see what your Majesty has been up to recently."

"Is it useful? My father doesn't seem to like summoning people from my grandfather's family these days."

 In the past, the queen's natal family could be said to have a single hand over the sky, and sometimes they did not even give the emperor face.

 The emperor used to be patient.

 But since the third princess stabilized the border, he has one less layer of worry.

 In addition, Murong Yun made him a lot of private money, which made his treasury sufficient and he suddenly had financial resources.

 Including Jing Shirong and Qi Yuanming, his soldiers and horses were trained to be very strong, which completely freed him from worries and gave him confidence.

Nowadays, the emperor does not pay attention to the queen family at all.

 Now that he has military strength, financial resources, and abundant food and grass, he has nothing to fear.

As long as Jing Shirong does not rebel against the third princess, it will be fine for him to sit on the throne until he dies.

 Hence, he no longer looked down upon the queen family, and would sometimes directly refute their suggestions without even giving them face.

Once the queen's nephew insulted a decent woman, he immediately imprisoned the boy and beat him fifty times without giving him any face. He was very angry.

Even if the father-in-law and his family come to plead for mercy, he can just ignore it.

 This is the basis of strength.

The queen also understood that her mother's family had been indifferent to the emperor recently and could not find a good way.

  She was determined to reconcile, but this year another group of young and beautiful beauties came into the palace. She, who is old and slutty, cannot be favored by the emperor at all.

 In addition, in the past few years, relying on the blessing of her mother's family, she was not gentle to the emperor, which naturally aroused his disgust.

But now that his son has fallen out of favor, there is no other way to wait. He can only go back to his parents' home and discuss with them to see if there is any way to make the second prince the heir apparent.

When the emperor heard the news, he sneered, "Let them do whatever they want."

Anyway, as long as the queen's family gives him a handle, he will definitely uproot his father-in-law's family without leaving any room to see how arrogant they can be.

 He still remembered the proud face of his father-in-law.

The personal **** saw that he was angry and calmed him down, "Don't be angry. It's hard to live a happy life. Don't make yourself angry."

The emperor snorted coldly, "Of course I won't make myself so angry, so as not to let those wolfish ambitions succeed."

 He has his own set of rules.

First send Murong Yun to a neighboring country to earn money and fill his treasury.

Jing Shirong and Qi Yuanming were also transferred there. The soldiers and horses were well trained and the food and grass were abundant. Naturally, the neighboring countries did not dare to attack.

 In addition, the third princess now has a child, and the distance between her and him is reduced, so she is no longer a threat to him.

He took this step after step, which seemed simple, but secretly he was worried.

 Because he was not sure that Young Master Zhong could expand the grain and grass supply, and he was also afraid that if the expansion of the grain supply and grass failed, the soldiers and horses would be deprived of food. Once the soldiers and horses have nothing to eat, he has to buy food and grass out of his own pocket.

This happens again and again, and within three years, the treasury will be empty.

 Fortunately, Jing Shirong has a capable daughter-in-law who can actually feed the chickens, ducks and geese.

 Even the pasture is well controlled.

Nowadays, the pigs, horses, cattle and sheep are all well raised, and the vegetables are growing very well.

The emperor once felt that Jing Shirong had some insight and the wife he married could actually be of great help to the court.

With this thought in mind, I simply gave Xiaomi Guo the title of County Lord of Le'an, and also rewarded the County Lord with what he should have.

The personal **** said something more, "General Jing's daughter was given the title of county lord, but what about General Qi's?"

 After all, both of them are generals and they both contributed.

Moreover, a large number of herbs in the military camp were cultivated by General Qi's daughter-in-law. It would be unjustifiable not to reward her for such a great contribution.

 The emperor frowned, but he forgot about the reckless man.

"Then let's give the county lord a title together. But if he gives birth to a daughter without giving birth, I can't blame me."

Personal eunuch

 It seems that the emperor still resents Qi Yuanming for contradicting him.

However, he did not dare to point it out. He silently took the imperial edict and sent someone to deliver it quickly.

When Sister Ying received the imperial edict, she was surprised, "County Lord?"

 “Or the head of Le’an County?”

Sister Ying is a little confused and doesn’t know what’s going on.

Jing Shirong raised the corners of his lips and snorted disdainfully.

“I’m just a county boss, so don’t be nervous.”

He and Qi Yuanming have done so many major things that are beneficial to the court. As a reward, the emperor should have given him and Qi Yuanming promotion and nobility.

But the old emperor obviously had his own little idea, that is, he would not allow them to be promoted to official positions, but instead gave their daughters the title of county head.

 It was a gift in name, but it actually inhibited his and Qi Yuanming's progress.

Hearing this, Sister Ying clicked her tongue and said, "Sure enough, **** is still spicy when old."

The old emperor was afraid that Jing Shirong and Qi Yuanming would get stronger as they got along, and he didn't dare to let them continue to rise, and he didn't dare to chill their hearts, so he gave rewards to their children, telling them that it was nothing if they said it, and it was nothing if they didn't tell it.

Sister Ying hugged him distressedly, "The old emperor is too cunning. I've made you tired, but he's still just a little general."

 In her opinion, the reason why the emperor did not let them become famous in the capital was probably because he was afraid that they would win the hearts of the people.

  In name, it is easier for low-key people to handle cases, but in fact, they are trying to prevent them from winning the hearts of the people and deliberately suppress their reputation.

Jing Shirong raised the corner of his mouth with a sneer, "I don't care about these things, but if everything is plotted against me, I will inevitably feel unhappy."

 He did these things not all for the sake of the emperor.

 After becoming a general, he had a sense of responsibility and naturally wanted to protect his family and country. Not only for the court, but also for the innocent people.

 After having a wife and daughter, he has a greater sense of responsibility, and naturally he will not let neighboring countries attack him, so it is his duty to train new soldiers and patrol the borders.

 He was sincere in his treatment of the new recruits, not as nasty as the emperor thought.

Sister Ying felt sorry for him and hugged him, and angrily cursed the emperor, "The emperor is so scheming, he will be tricked sooner or later."

If Jing Shirong and Qi Yuanming were not generous, a person with a small tolerance and ambition to climb up would definitely be disappointed if he was not promoted after working hard to do so many important things regardless of life.

How can you sincerely work for the emperor?

 (End of this chapter)

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