The Group’s Favorite Cute Baby is One and a Half Years Old

Chapter 926: , the child is different every day

Chapter 926: Children look the same every day

Sister Ying thought for a while and suddenly said, "If the emperor is so guarded against us, he won't let us go back for the rest of his life, right?"

Since he is so afraid that Jing Shirong and Qi Yuanming have real power, he probably won't let them go to Beijing to develop, right?

If this is true, will they never be able to go back in this life?

Jing Shirong knew the emperor's little thoughts thoroughly and comforted her, "It's okay, don't think too much."

Although it is true that I cannot return to Beijing at the moment, if my parents retire and return to their hometown, they can come here to see them.

Or you can take them over and live together.

 And it’s nice to live here.

Life here is very peaceful. Although the streets are not as prosperous as the capital city, the weather is very changeable, and the food and clothing are not as good as the capital city, but the family is safe and the children are free, which is good.

Although the capital city is prosperous, there are many sophisticated people and many rules, making it uncomfortable for children to go there.

  It would be better to be here, free and live a more relaxed life.

Sister Ying listened to his description and nodded in agreement.

 “It seems to make sense.”

This place is indeed not prosperous enough. The only lively thing is a small market.

But there are no rules here. The children play freely and she doesn't have to follow those complicated rules. It's good to think about it.

The only drawback is that it is inconvenient to visit my parents because the journey is far away.

 Fortunately, Jing Shirong trained a flying eagle for him, so that he could send family letters much faster.

 Sister Ying is happy if she can communicate with her family from time to time.

Jing Shirong hugged her and kissed her, "As long as you are happy."

Counting the days, Sister Yang and the others are almost here.

 “Yes, the day is coming soon.”

 When Sister Yang comes, the day will be lively.

 “I wonder if Xiaomi Guo still remembers her aunt. If not, there’s still something to be happy about.”

You must know that Sister Yang likes to tease Xiaomiguo the most.

Every time Xiaomiguo wouldn't let her hug her, she would deliberately hug her and throw her into the sky, which scared Xiaomiguo until she screamed.

Sister Yang would laugh so hard every time she saw Xiaomi Guo screaming, hahaha, it was so loud that it woke up the neighbors.

Jing Shirong thought about this scene and said, "When she comes back, you will have a lot of fun."

 If the Jing family leaves by then, there will be no fear that she will be without company.

Sister Ying nodded, "Yes, but when will cousin and the others leave? I can't bear to leave them."

She and Jinghan get along day and night, and their relationship is very close, just like biological sisters.

When Jing Shirong was not at home, they would always accompany each other. They had a deep relationship, so naturally they couldn't bear to be separated.

Jing Shirong doesn't know about this either. "It mainly depends on Murong. If he is finished with his work, he will probably go to Jiangnan to see his mother first, and then return to Beijing to look at the account books."

 He is a busy person and does not just stay in one place.

Plus his mother is in Jiangnan, Murong Yun will definitely take the children back to Jiangnan to see his mother.

Sister Ying nodded, "There are always differences between people, I understand."

Jing Shirong hugged her lovingly, "Follow me and you will suffer."

Since they got married, he has allowed her to travel around with him, but he has not allowed her to enjoy any blessings. It is because he is not qualified.

Sister Ying turned around and rubbed his neck, "What nonsense are you talking about? There is something wrong with you. I am very happy."

“Besides, I am very happy living here. I eat delicious food and drink spicy food every day. Why am I not happy anymore?”

Could it be that having a crowd of servants and being clothed in gold and jade is considered a blessing?

 This kind of companionship is happiness to her.

Jing Shirong looked at her little face that was so easily satisfied and smiled helplessly, "Mi Guo is like you, easily satisfied."

Sister Ying also laughed, "That's good."

 People who are easily satisfied are also more likely to be satisfied with their happiness.

As he was talking, Xiao Miguo woke up with a hum.

Sister Ying saw her groaning and turning over, and she looked for milk.

 She walked over and patted her back first, trying to make her fall asleep without milk. However, the little girl was humming and half asleep, but she was able to follow the scent and crawl to her body.

She closed her eyes and went to pull off Sister Ying's clothes without her asking her to speak.

Sister Ying had no choice but to feed her and said to Jing Shirong, "It's time to wean her off, but there is no good way."

 The main reason is that she doesn’t like to forcefully terminate the child’s life, but wants to let nature take its own course.

Jing Shirong thought the same way, "It's only over a year old, let it take its course."

   Both husband and wife dote on their children, and they can't help but be cruel at first sight.

Xiao Mi Guo hummed and ate for a while. After being satisfied, she let go on her own, turned around, and climbed onto Jing Shi Rong again. Like a little puppy, she lay directly on Jing Shi Rong's chest and fell asleep.

Sister Ying was speechless. She turned back and glared at the little girl, "Is she going to throw it away after using her?"

 When I’m full, I just leave her and run to my biological father. That’s too much, huh.

Jing Shirong was also happy, "Didn't you say that children change around?"

  Before, I clung to Sister Ying and wouldn’t let go, even after feeding.

Now I am still eating, but I also want to find him as my father.

 It probably varies from stage to stage.

Sister Ying nodded, "I guess so."

 She tried to reach out and grab the little honey fruit.

However, as soon as he was restrained, he suddenly felt a sense of crisis. He held Jing Shirong's neck tightly with his two small hands and couldn't pull it off.

If she had to pull hard, she would look like she was about to cry when she opened her mouth. Sister Ying was so frightened that she did not dare to pull.

  "Okay, okay, I won't talk anymore, you can go to sleep."

The little mouth that was just about to cry slowly closed, and now she fell asleep completely peacefully.

Sister Ying felt indescribable when she saw how clingy she was to her biological father.

  A little sad and a little weird.

 It seems that the emotions of becoming a mother are mixed.

Jing Shirong smiled, "Me too."

 Becoming a father or a mother for the first time, you have many emotions, all kinds of emotions, and each time is different.

With him by his side, Sister Ying smiled and said, "Fortunately, I have you with me."

 When husband and wife get along, he can understand her and accompany her, and all the suffering is worth it.

 The three of them hugged each other and slept together, and the moon outside the house smiled.

 Another month has passed.

Sister Yang’s carriage finally arrived.

As soon as Sister Ying heard the noise, she happily ran out to take a look.

 Children also came out to watch as if watching the fun.

 “Sister Yang~~”

I called out twice, but Sister Yang didn’t come out.

Sister Ying was still surprised, "What's going on?"

Qi Yuanming hurried over, holding sour fruit in his hand, and hurriedly came over to explain, "Sister, Sister Yang is suffering from morning sickness. She probably doesn't have the strength to get up."

Sister Ying was startled, "What? She's pregnant now??"

my God.

She originally thought Sister Yang would give birth to her baby in two years, but why did she get pregnant just after they got married?

Sister Yang was also very wronged. She didn’t want to do it so early.

However, everything is possible.

 This child was conceived accidentally.

It was the first time for both of them to get married, and they didn’t know much about pregnancy, so they accidentally got involved.

Even if you are pregnant, you cannot abort it, you can only take good care of it.

 (End of this chapter)

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