Chapter 929, Weird Aunt

 Qi Yuanming is usually cheerful and will speak out whenever something happens, but he rarely feels that he has been wronged so much.

This time, because of Sister Yang’s words, the meal was directly reduced from one bucket of rice to one bowl, which may have really made me a little depressed.

 The two of them are extroverts. It is best to talk things over and resolve the matter. Only when he recovers his mood can he start being a common man again.

Sister Yang nodded and wanted to handle this matter, but she was afraid that if he continued to be depressed, he would be reduced to skin and bones.

 In the evening, when it was getting dark, all the children at home woke up.

Xiao Miguo and Xiao Liujin woke up at the same time, and as soon as they got up, they put on their shoes and came out.

Xiao Miguo, wearing indistinguishable shoes, rubbed her eyes and walked out of the kitchen.


 “Here it is.”

Sister Ying walked over and picked her up, "Are you awake? Go rinse your mouth and wash your face first."

Xiao Miguo hummed, went to the water tank, scooped a spoonful of water and put it in the wooden basin. She picked up the water with her two little fleshy hands and washed her face.

 After washing your face, take a sip of water and rinse your mouth.

 The little appearance was well done, and Sister Yang could see it as soon as she walked out.

“Hey, who’s awake? Is our little county master awake?”

Xiao Miguo raised her head and looked over curiously, "Huh?" Who is this? Why doesn't she recognize him?

Is it the next door neighbor?

Sister Yang smiled and walked over, squatting down and looking at her, "Look who I am, do you still remember me?"

Sister Yang seemed to be only half a year old when she left. Now she is over a year old, so she obviously does not remember.

Xiao Miguo shook her head, her big eyes full of doubts, she really didn’t know who this strange aunt was.

Sister Yang pinched her fleshy face curiously, "Why are your eyes so big? Did you eat too many black grapes?"

 The eldest sister and mother-in-law in the family have big eyes, but her and Seng Geer's eyes are not as big as theirs.

Xiao Miguo probably followed the eldest sister, seeing how her eyes are so big and dark.

And this skin, "Tsk, tsk, tsk, why is it so white? Didn't you get any sun?"

 Look at how she was so tanned along the way.

“And this little hair, it’s actually slightly curly, tsk tsk tsk, you really have some good genetics, you are really awesome.”

“It’s just that the little arms and legs are a bit short, and they don’t look too tall. I don’t know who to follow.”

 Everyone in the family is quite tall, so logically she shouldn't be so short.

Xiao Miguo was not happy at all as she was reviewing her up and down, and she groaned, "Weird."

 After saying that, he turned around and left.

Sister Yang yelled, "Did you just call me a weirdo?"

Hey, hey, the little girl can actually talk.

Xiao Miguo looked at her like a fool, "Of course I can shrink my words."

She is one and a half years old, and her little mouth is very smart. She can speak earlier than the little brother next door.

Sister Yang smiled, stretched out her hand and pinched her little fleshy face, "Look at this fleshy face, it feels so fleshy, let my little aunt kiss it."

 After saying that, he was about to hug her.

Xiao Miguo let out a frightened "Ah" and hurriedly spread her short legs and ran towards the house.

 “Mother, help me~~”

 While running, remember to call out to the adults.

Sister Ying heard the noise and came out to see, "What's going on?"

Xiao Miguo hurriedly ran to her side, grabbed her trouser legs and tried to climb up.

Sister Ying bent down and picked her up.

 “What’s wrong? Why call for help?”

Xiao Miguo pointed outside with a horrified look on her face, "Weird aunt, selling children."

Sister Ying snorted and almost laughed.

 “What’s the weird aunt? That’s your own aunt.”

Xiao Miguo frowned, obviously not believing it.

She shook her head and said in a sweet voice, "Weird aunt, selling children." It was Jing Han who told them about selling children.

 Because one time, Xiao Liujin went directly to the street with a neighbor woman, and Jinghan was so frightened that he hurriedly looked for her.

 Luckily someone came to inform her, otherwise she would have fainted from fright.

Jinghan was very frightened that day. After Xiao Liujin came back, he cursed her and said that if she went with others without the consent of adults, she would be sold.

She scolded her fiercely at that time. It was the first time that Xiao Liujin saw his mother so angry, and he was so frightened that he burst into tears.

Jinghan not only showed no mercy, but also scolded him even more fiercely.

He also said that if she was easily taken away by others in the future, she would be sold by others and she would have no mother in the future.

Xiao Liujin cried loudly, and Xiao Miguo shivered as she watched, remembering the word "sell a child."

Sister Ying was very happy, "She is not a child seller, she is your aunt, my mother's sister."

"younger sister?"

Xiao Miguo tilted her little head, thinking about this relationship.

“Yes, she is my mother’s sister, and she is a member of our family.”

Xiao Miguo remembered that she was Xiao Liujin’s younger sister, and she and Xiao Liujin were cousins. The weird aunt just now is my mother's sister, so we are indeed a family.

So she felt relieved, patted her small mouth with her little fleshy hand, "It's okay then."

Look, he can still analyze it.

Sister Ying was happy, "Okay, let's go play with your aunt."

Xiao Miguo shook her head and said with a milky voice, "No."

That little aunt is so weird, it’s better not to play with her.

Sister Ying smiled and said, "What's wrong with your little aunt?"

Xiao Miguo frowned with a look of disgust.

 “She’s stupid.” She doesn’t seem very smart.

Sister Yang just walked over and heard this sentence.

"Who are you calling stupid? Believe it or not, I will eat you?"

 As he spoke, he opened his mouth wide and let out a childish whimper, as if he wanted to eat a child.

Xiao Miguo wasn't afraid of her. She turned her head away with a look of disgust, so she wasn't afraid of her.

He also muttered, "Idiot."

 Sister Yang.

 Why do you feel despised?

Sister Ying, "It's not the feeling, that's it."

Sister Yang was helpless, "Why hasn't this girl treated me well since she was a child? Is it because I gave her medicine once?"

  Little Miguo accidentally caught a poisonous insect and stuffed it into her mouth, and her face immediately turned green.

Sister Ying was frightened at that time and hurriedly called Sister Yang.

Sister Yang quickly induced vomiting for her. Fortunately, the bug bit her and she threw it away, but she still ate some poisonous substances.

At that time, Sister Yang quickly prescribed Jiedu Powder. The powder was soaked in water and poured directly into Xiaomiguo's mouth.

 The bitter medicinal taste was in the baby's mouth, and it was really killing her. It made her cry loudly.

 Fortunately, after drinking a bowl, everything will be fine the next day.

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief. Only Xiao Miguo still remembered the feeling of being given medicine. From then on, she would not let Sister Yang be hugged when she saw her.

 As soon as I hugged her, I felt like I was going to be drugged.

 So every time Sister Yang hugged her, she would babble and struggle.

 But adults don’t think she’s holding her because she has a grudge. They just think she’s playing with you.

 Small honey fruit.


However, she had almost forgotten what happened when she was a child. She just felt that Sister Yang's breath was a bit like her mother's.

 Her intuition told her that this was one of her own, so she was not afraid of Sister Yang, but she just didn’t want to play with her.

Sister Yang puffed up her face and pretended to be aggrieved, "Why don't you play with me? I'm so pitiful, ugh."

 Pretend to wipe away tears.

 (End of this chapter)

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