Chapter 930, Crying Couple

Xiao Miguo watched her performance with a calm face, but the corners of her mouth raised evilly, with a look on her face, "Ah, childish."

 Sister Yang.

 “Hmph, little brat, you’re not cute at all. I won’t play with you.”

 After saying that, he left angrily.

As soon as she left, Xiaomi Guo was curious about where she would go, so she wanted to follow her.

Sister Ying put her down and told her, "Go and supervise your little aunt to see what she is doing."

Xiao Miguo got an errand and immediately followed him excitedly.

 She ran over as a little girl, and when she saw Sister Yang looking over, she even knew how to hide behind the pillar.

 But because the little tangle in his hair was swaying, he was immediately discovered.

Sister Yang covered her mouth and smiled, but made no sound. She wanted to see what she was doing.

 She went into the house to see if Qi Yuanming was awake.

As soon as Qi Yuanming came in, he heard the noise, and as expected, he fluttered his eyelashes and woke up soon.

 He had not slept so peacefully for a long time, and he felt refreshed when he woke up.

 “Hmm~~” Stretch.

 “Are you awake?”

Sister Yang sat on the bed, hugged him, and kissed him twice.

  “It’s so pitiful. It makes me feel so bad to see how tired you are.”

Qi Yuanming shook his head and touched her thin face, "I'm not tired. I'll be happy if you're doing well."

 When he said this, Sister Yang's eyes immediately became wet and she felt guilty.

“Wuwu~Qi Yuanming, it’s all my fault. It’s me who makes you so tired. Wuwu, I’m so useless…”

 She cried when she wanted to, which confused Qi Yuanming.

“Don’t cry, don’t cry, there’s nothing wrong with you, you’ve always been good, it’s my fault, I didn’t take good care of you.”

Sister Yang continued to cry, "No, it's just me. I said harsh words and made you depressed. Seeing that you don't like to eat now, I feel very sad, woo woo."

Qi Yuanming was stunned for a moment. He didn't expect that she would feel guilty about this, so he smiled helplessly.

“No, it has nothing to do with you, it’s just that I have no appetite.”

Sister Yang didn't believe it, "It's my problem. I said it too harshly and made you depressed. If you don't eat in the future, I will feel really guilty. Wow, I regret it."

“It was my fault. Stop torturing yourself and eat well, okay? Woohoo…”

This crying person was so pitiful that even Qi Yuanming cried.

 He also shed tears, obviously he had been holding them in for a long time.

“No, I’m not good either. It’s because I’m too stupid and I can’t always take care of you. I regret it too, wuwu.”

 A grown man whose heart is more fragile than anyone else will cry whenever he can.

Sister Yang felt uncomfortable watching him cry, and felt extremely guilty.

“Ms. sir, I won’t bully you anymore, and don’t take my angry words to heart. We are all fine, okay?”

 Qi Yuanming cried a lot, and he felt much better.

 “Okay, then you should be gentler to me in the future.”

Sister Yang smiled and said, "Don't always take my angry words at heart. I don't mean it. Don't remember them next time."

 If he doesn’t remember serious words and always remembers the angry words that hurt him, wouldn’t it make him depressed?

 Fortunately, the matter was communicated in time, and after a cry, the knot between the two of them was relieved.

 Although I have a cheerful temperament, it is much better if I talk about it.

 “Madam, I’m hungry.”

Sister Yang was very happy after not hearing him ask for food for a long time.

  "Okay, okay, I'll take you to eat something delicious. My eldest sister has prepared so many delicious things for us."

 Qi Yuanming was also happy. "Then let's go together."

Sister Yang hugged him and said, "Okay, let's go together."

The two of them held hands and went to the kitchen sweetly.

Xiao Miguo looked aside and frowned. She really couldn't understand what these two people meant.

 Crying and laughing again? What are you doing? She looked puzzled, shook her head like a little adult, and finally walked out.

 Xiao Liujin saw her coming out and ran over to hug her.


Xiao Miguo shook her head and pointed to the kitchen, "Someone is coming~"

Xiao Liujin’s eyes lit up, “Who is it?”

 “Go to Kankan.” Take a look.

 Xiao Liujin said excitedly, "Okay."

 After saying that, he ran over in a hurry to see who was coming.

As soon as I arrived in the kitchen, I saw Sister Yang and Qi Yuanming who were eating.

 Xiao Liujin had no impression of these two people either.

She walked in curiously and stared at Qi Yuanming and Sister Yang.

Sister Yang saw that she was so fleshy and very cute, and said curiously, "Xiao Liujin is awake? Do you still remember me?"

 Xiao Liujin shook his head and made a milky sound, "It's so beautiful."

Sister Yang held her on her lap in a rare way and said, "According to seniority, please call me Aunt Yang."

  Although they are female relatives, the biological sister and Liu Jin Niang have a good relationship, so they can be called aunt.

Xiao Liujin screamed with a milky voice, "Aunt Yang~"

Sister Yang was excited, "Oh, you are so good."

“I brought you a gift and I’ll give it to you after I finish eating.”

 When Xiao Liujin heard that there was a gift, he immediately waited obediently.

She turned her head and looked at Qi Yuanming, who looked fierce, and said, "Who is this~"

Looking at the milky sound, Qi Yuanming also smiled and rubbed her hair with his big hands, "I am the husband of your Aunt Yang, commonly known as Uncle Yang."

Xiao Liujin tilted his head, "Sheep? What's the sheep?"

 As he spoke, he imitated the sound of a sheep and began to bleat.

Sister Yang chuckled, "Hahaha, this kid is so funny. It made me laugh so hard, hahaha."

Qi Yuanming also laughed, "This kid, Sui Jinghan, is so funny."

Xiao Liujin saw them all laughing and thought he was being praised, so he opened his mouth and smiled, "Hey hey."

Xiao Miguo stood aside and didn’t watch.

She was secretly observing by the door just now. She didn’t expect that Xiao Liujin, an idiot, dared to sit on someone’s lap without even realizing he was being scolded. He really had no sense of protection at all, just a little idiot.

But Daddy said that her cousin is a fool, and she should be more tolerant and protect her to prevent her from being sold and counting the money, so she should be more tolerant.

Qi Yuanming turned around and saw a small knot hidden outside the door.

And the way her chubby little hands are holding on to the door is so cute.

 He said, "Xiao Miguo, come over and have dinner with us."

Xiao Miguo didn’t expect to be discovered, and she was still wondering how he discovered her? She obviously hid it well.

Sister Yang knew what she was thinking as soon as she saw the expression on her face, and she instantly became happy.

  "Even if you are still hiding it, that little tangle of hair has been discovered."

Because her hair was long, Sister Ying tied it up into two small buns.

 Because the ends of her hair are slightly curled and tied into small buns. The buns sway when she walks, which is so cute.

Xiao Miguo didn't expect that it was because her hair was discovered, and her little hands suddenly grabbed her hair, as if she was angry.

Sister Yang didn't know whether to laugh or cry, so she called her over, "Come on, let's eat together. After we finish, my aunt will bring you a gift."

 She bought a lot of players from Jiangnan for the children to play with.

Qi Yuanming helped, "It's true. Your aunt has bought a lot of toys and will get them to you later."

 When Xiaomi Guo heard that there was a toy, she believed them and walked over at once.

 (End of this chapter)

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