Chapter 931, Choosing Toys

Qi Yuanming picked her up and put her on his lap, smiling kindly at her with a square face.

 “Shall we have dinner together?”

Xiao Miguo felt that he was silly and prone to crying, so he was probably not a bad person, so she sat on his lap with a smile on his face and said, "That's alright."

Qi Yuanming was amused by the way he looked at them while they were eating.

 “It’s so funny, kids are so funny.”

Sister Yang also laughed and said, "Yes, you are a kid. I guess you will follow my sister."

Sister Ying just brought in the cooked beggar's chicken when she heard this sentence.

She smiled and said, "I am as smart as a brat, but you are no different. Maybe your children will be so smart in the future."

Sister Yang rubbed her belly and smiled, "It's good to be clever. If you are clever, you won't suffer."

Sister Ying smiled and said, "Just be poor."

 She put the beggar's chicken on the table and said, "Eat it, I made chutney for you. It's delicious with the chicken."

Sister Yang still hasn’t eaten in a big mouth for a long time. She would vomit after eating before.

Today, Qi Yuanming is with me, so I can eat two more bites.

Qi Yuanming first checked to see if she would vomit after eating it. He would not dare to eat until she stopped vomiting.

Sister Yang felt guilty when she saw his appearance, "Don't worry about me. Eat yours first. If you feel appetizing after eating, I might be hungry."

Qi Yuanming's eyes lit up, "Do I still have this role?"

Sister Yang nodded, "Of course, I like to watch you eat the most."

Every time I see him eating big meals and eating meat, he has a strong appetite.

Qi Yuanming remembered that she really liked to watch him eat in the past, and he suddenly had an appetite.

 “Then just watch and eat more quickly when you want to eat.”

Sister Yang hummed, "Don't worry, I've eaten a lot today."

Qi Yuanming has also been hungry for a long time. Although they brought money on the road, there may not be restaurants on the way to eat, and sometimes they have to eat dry food.

  If I see a river, I will catch some small fish and shrimps, but they are all for Sister Yang to eat.

 Seeing that she couldn't eat it, he ate it too.

Now that I have arrived at the place, I have a sense of belonging, and I have talked to Sister Yang, so I am in the mood to eat.

He ate a whole beggar's chicken, a bowl of rice, and meat and vegetables, and finally had a full meal.

Seeing that he was willing to eat, Sister Yang finally let go of her worries.

She held Qi Yuanming's face that had just finished eating, and said, "My husband looks so good when he eats. I like it."

Qi Yuanming smiled shyly, "Yeah, then I'll show you the food next time."

 Xiao Miguo and Xiao Liujin looked at them kissing each other and shook their heads in disgust.


 They still remember the gifts.

Qi Yuanming was also full, so he took them to pick out gifts.

Sister Yang, Mrs. Wu and Mrs. Liang bought a lot for them and put them all in boxes.

Qi Yuanming took out the box and opened the lid, "Now, take whatever you like."

 Xiao Miguo and Xiao Liujin looked at the boxes of toys, and their eyes lit up.

 The two of them lay down one after another to watch, which was very rare.

 Xiao Liujin is an action person. He immediately got into the toys and looked at this and that. He was very happy to choose.

  However, Xiao Miguo’s eyes were very accurate and she directly spotted a small, delicate box.

This small box is square in shape, with carvings of little rabbits on it, especially a small lock on it, which Little Miguo noticed at first glance.

 “Auntie, I want this.”

Sister Yang Yile said, "You only need this? No more picking and choosing? This can only be used to store things. Isn't it very fun?"

At that time, she bought the small box just because it looked good. It should not be considered a toy.

 But Xiaomiguo liked it very much, "I want this."

 She wants this, she is very dedicated.

Sister Yang smiled and said, "There are many more, you can choose two more."

Xiao Miguo’s eyes lit up, she didn’t expect that she could choose two more items.

Sister Ying has taught her one, two, and three. She knows how much three is.

 So she picked up the box and started picking among the toys.

With her sharp eyes, she found a puzzle piece, nine pieces in total, made of wood, and placed in a wooden box.     “I want this.”

 She was very happy as if she had found a treasure.

Sister Yang nodded. "Okay, I'll give you this one, and the last one, take your pick."

Xiao Miguo chose carefully and finally asked for a small hairpin.

Sister Yang saw that little hairpin at a vendor on the way. At that time, she thought it had a cute little butterfly on it, so she bought it.

 Unexpectedly, Xiaomi Guo also liked it.

“Wow, Xiaomi Guo has such a good taste. She chose all the ones that my aunt likes. She deserves to be from our family.” They all like the same things.

Xiao Miguo was also very happy when she was praised.

On the other hand, Xiao Liujin searched around in the pile of toys but couldn't find anything he liked. Finally, he saw the three toys in Xiao Miguo's hand, which seemed pretty good.

 She immediately leaned over and winked at Xiaomiguo. "Sister~"

 Fortunately, this time I knew not to rob, and I also knew how to negotiate.

 Xiao Miguo knew from the look in her eyes that she was interested in his toy.

She had a big intuition. Why did she have to have such a big box of toys?

She hid the toys behind her back, pointed at other toys to Xiao Liujin, and asked her, "Send a few of them."

Xiao Liujin curled his lips and said aggrievedly, "I want it from you."

Xiao Miguo knows that she likes the new and hates the old, so she doesn’t give it to her.

 “I’ll help you choose the nest.”

 She glanced over and saw a beautiful little hairband with embroidered butterflies on it.


 Xiao Liujin’s big eyes lit up, he really liked it.

 “Okay, I’d like to introduce one.”

Xiao Miguo brought her a small skirt and a pair of sleeves, both with bunny patterns, very cute.

 Xiao Liujin fell in love immediately, "I like it~~"

 If you like it, you will change it immediately.

 “Auntie Gang~”

Sister Yang didn't know whether to laugh or cry, so she knelt down to help her change.

Jinghan went out just now and will come back when he hears some noise and comes over to take a look.

 “Yo, are you back?”

Sister Yang smiled and said, "No, it's finally here."

Jinghan was quite happy to see them coming back, "Have you eaten? I packed some food and drinks. Can you eat some later?"

Sister Yang nodded, "Okay."

 Xiao Liujin saw that his mother had come back, so he immediately showed her a sleeve with a bunny pattern.

 “Mom, it’s rabbit paper~”

 His big front teeth are coming out when he smiles.

Jinghan was very happy. "You like it so much? Have you thanked Aunt Yang?"

It was only then that Xiao Liujin remembered to say thank you.

 “Thank you, Aunt Yang~~”

 “You’re welcome, as long as you like it.”

Xiao Miguo breathed a sigh of relief when she saw that she liked it.

 Fortunately, her little toy was saved.

Brother Zheng and Brother Yuan also came over. Sister Yang brought them toys for the older children. The two brothers also liked them very much.

 The rest will be sent to Little Piggy.

 After Mr. Zhong received the gift, he naturally wanted to come and visit.

Even the old military doctor heard that Sister Yang was back and came to see her immediately.

Sister Yang and the old military doctor have been friends for many years. The two of them once discussed the issue of herbal medicine together, and they had a great conversation.

He is naturally happy to have Sister Yang come back this time.

 When everyone gathers together, drinking is inevitable.

Qi Yuanming hadn’t drank for a long time, so he got excited when he saw so many people.

 (End of this chapter)

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