Chapter 932: Apply some bitter melon

Jinghan went to get some good wine and food, and put them all on the table. Everyone sat in the courtyard and chatted.

 The old military doctor asked Sister Yang, "Are you going to come back this time?"

Sister Yang looked at Qi Yuanming and said, "Look at him. If he doesn't leave, I won't leave either."

Qi Yuanming smiled sweetly and held her hand, "Me too, I will go wherever she goes."

 The two of them were so affectionate, and everyone laughed.

Mr. Zhong said, "By the way, Your Majesty has given you and Brother Jing an imperial edict, and has given your two daughters the title of County Lord."

In this era, the county master was lower than the princess, but he was not often granted the title. In name, it was the emperor's show of goodwill to his ministers.

But Qi Yuanming said, "If he has the ability, he will make us kings. Wouldn't it be a better sign of goodwill?"

 But he knew clearly that that was impossible.

 Before, he might have been aggrieved and felt that the emperor was unfair.

They worked so hard for him, but in the end they got some insignificant rewards.

 But now that he was used to living a free life, he suddenly realized. I think there is nothing wrong with not getting promoted and getting rich.

 At least they are free and happy here.

If you were an important court official in the capital, you would have a lot to do. It would be better to lead new soldiers here, without having to deal with the intrigues at all.

 It’s just that I suffered a lot for Sister Yang and didn’t earn her a royal wife.

Sister Yang said cheerfully, "What are you talking about? I don't like any madam. On the contrary, I am very happy to be able to grow herbs here."

 Plus having eldest sister and the others here, not to mention how happy I am.

Qi Yuanming felt relieved when he saw that she was really happy.

Everyone saw how affectionate they were and raised their glasses to celebrate.

 “Here, let’s take the first cup and wish you a happy wedding.”

Qi Yuanming accepted it humbly, "Thank you, we will always be happy."

Xiao Miguo and Xiao Liujin saw them drinking and approached them out of curiosity.

Sister Ying covered the wine glass and said, "This is spicy, children cannot drink it."

Xiao Miguo pursed her lips, not convinced.


Sister Ying gave her an example, "Have you forgotten the last time you ate chili pepper and it was so spicy in your mouth?"

Last time the cook made fried rice noodles and put a lot of chili sauce. Xiao Miguo was attracted by the aroma of fried rice noodles and secretly took a bite.

 The bite almost killed her, making her cry and stomp her little feet.

After Sister Ying saw it, she immediately fed her some milk and gave her a piece of gummy candy to hold in her mouth.

Even though the treatment was successful, Xiao Miguo's mouth was still swollen. Even his little face was swollen.

From now on, she won’t dare to eat anything too red.

However, the spiciness of this thing is really compelling, even if you eat the little honey fruit that makes you wiser, you will be attracted again.

But she didn’t drink the wine, so I really can’t imagine what she tasted like.

Sister Ying told her that it was spicy, but she wisely looked at the color of the wine and found that it was not as red as chili peppers.

Then he asked, "It's not red."

Sister Ying yelled, she didn’t expect that the little girl would think of it. She knew how to distinguish the red color of chili pepper from the color of white wine.

“That’s spicy too. It’s not just red that’s spicy, other colors may be too.”

Xiao Miguo was dubious, "Really?" The little face still didn't believe it.

Seeing that she didn't believe it, Sister Ying gave her a small spicy green pepper, "Do you think this is spicy?"

 Xiao Miguo has eaten green grapes and knows that green is not spicy.

 But she had seen the appearance of chili peppers, and it felt a bit similar to this.

So she hesitated, not sure whether it was spicy or not.

Sister Ying handed over the small pepper in a bad manner, "Why don't you try it? Take a small bite?"

As he spoke, he broke open the green chili peppers, and the spicy aroma immediately spread. Xiaomiguo took a step back in fright, "No, no, no, no, no."

She was afraid of that spicy feeling that she couldn't get rid of. She waved her little fleshy hands as if not to come close to me, which made Sister Ying laugh to death.

“You know it’s spicy? Do you want to drink the wine?”

 Xiao Miguo waved her hand quickly, "No more."

They used chili peppers as an example, but Jinghan was much more rough.

 When he saw Xiao Liujin wanted to drink, he immediately raised his glass and drank the wine in one gulp.

 “What are you drinking, kid? Go to the other side.”

 Small six kilograms.

Hum, if you don’t want to drink, don’t drink.

Sister Ying was a little envious when she saw Jinghan drinking happily.

But she hasn’t given Xiaomi a decisive drink yet, so she can’t drink for the time being.

 She looked down at Xiaomiguo and felt that she could be cut off.

How about weaning her off at night?

Xiao Miguo was playing a game of grabbing toys with Xiao Liujin at this time. She didn't know that her mother was going to cut off her food rations, but she was still happy.

 In the second half of the night, everyone was tired after drinking wine, so they went back to sleep.

Sister Ying also washed herself and prepared to take Xiaomiguo to bed.

She remembered what Jing Han had said before about applying some bitter melon juice before going to bed. The effect was good, so she went to the kitchen to apply some bitter melon juice.

Xiao Miguo had been waiting for her on the bed early. She sat obediently on the quilt and looked at her with watery eyes, like a little cat.

 As soon as he saw Sister Ying coming over, his eyes immediately turned into crescent moons with smiles.


Sister Ying knew that she was excited to see the rations, so she smiled helplessly.

When she lay down, the little girl would crawl over and pull her up without lifting her clothes.

When the little fleshy hand tried to pull her clothes, she stretched out her hand to block it and said, "Miguo, you have grown up. You have eight little teeth now. You don't need to drink milk anymore."

Xiao Miguo tilted her head and understood immediately.

 “Woo, Bi Yao.”

She curled her lips and groaned, obviously leaving Ye Nai.

Sister Ying touched her head and reasoned with her, "Look at Xiao Liujin, she doesn't drink night milk anymore and eats meat. Can you stop drinking it too?"

Xiao Miguo curled her lips, whimpered twice, and kept burrowing into her arms.

Even though she usually acts like a little adult and is sensible and obedient, when it comes to eating, she is really like a baby. She can't sleep without eating.

Sister Ying has a big head, and seeing her moaning, she was a little shaken.

 But I thought that I should gradually reduce the amount, so I said, "Then I can only eat five bites at night, okay?"

Xiao Miguo’s eyes were filled with tears and she didn’t quite understand why she could only take five bites.

 Don’t you eat it all the time on weekdays?

Sister Ying coaxed, "Because my mother is sick and it hurts here, I put some medicine on it. It will be very painful for you to take it."

Xiao Miguo was dubious, "Really?"

Sister Ying opened her clothes and showed her, "Hey, it's red. It's hurt here. It hurts."

Xiao Miguo knew what the pain meant, and immediately went over to blow on it, as if this would stop her mother from feeling pain.

Sister Ying felt warm in her heart, but she had to continue acting.

"You can eat it if you want, but I put medicine on it, so it might not taste good."

Xiao Miguo tilted her head, unable to imagine a bad way to eat it.

 But it looked red, as if it was really hurt, so she hesitated.

Sister Ying did not rush her, just waiting for her next move.

Xiao Mi Guo endured it for a while and thought about not eating it.

She endured the addiction and lay back down, eating with her little hands, closing her eyes, and wanted to fall asleep like this.

 (End of this chapter)

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