Chapter 934, Xiaomiguo has a fever

Sister Ying snorted, quickly covered her mouth, and smiled unkindly.

 But she was afraid that Xiao Miguo would see it, so she could only pretend to look sad.

“It’s my fault. I didn’t expect to get hurt here. I guess it will be so hard in the future. I guess it won’t taste good.”

“Why don’t you just hold on and endure the hardship?”

Xiao Miguo felt so bitter after hearing this, and cried even more sadly.


 It seemed like I had lost something important, and I couldn’t help crying.

Sister Ying had a distressed look on her face, but she was laughing in her heart.

I didn’t expect my daughter to be so easy to deceive. She is still a baby after all, and no matter how smart she is, she is not as smart as an adult.

Just like that, she hugged her daughter and patted her slowly until she cried herself to sleep. Then she raised the corners of her mouth and smiled like a winner.

“Perfect, try again tomorrow, maybe I’ll quit completely.”

 On the second day.

 Xiao Miguo was languid because she hadn't slept well.

 At night, the milk still tasted like bitter melon. She couldn't drink it anymore, so she stopped drinking it.

I thought I would be able to quit breastfeeding successfully if I continued like this.

Who would have known that on the fourth day, the little one became more and more wilted day by day, and on the fifth day she had a fever.

 Her little round face was burning red and she was not in good spirits. Sister Ying instantly regretted it.

 I regret that I shouldn’t have used this method.

 Fortunately, Sister Yang prescribed some antipyretic medicine, and after taking it, she was fine.

 But Xiaomi Guo no longer likes to eat bitter things, and she cried heartbreakingly when she was given the medicine.

 Sister Ying felt very distressed when she saw this.

 She really didn’t know that Duanyang still had a fever. If she had known, she would have been gentler.

Jinghan saw this and comforted her, "It's okay. Children have to go through this."

  When she first gave birth to her two sons, they all had fevers, and they were fine after taking antipyretics, but the mood of being a mother was quite difficult.

Sister Ying, for example, would mistakenly think that Xiaomi Guo’s fever was caused by her, which made her feel very uncomfortable.

Jinghan could understand her mood and comforted her, "It's okay, just get through this stage and you'll be fine."

Sister Ying said she knew it, but she still felt uncomfortable in her heart.

Especially Xiaomi Guo was so dizzy due to the fever that she couldn’t sleep well.

 Before she had children, she could not fully understand the difficulties of being a mother.

After having children, I personally took care of them, watched them cry, watched them laugh, and stayed with them. The relationship between mother and daughter became deeper and deeper.

 The only thing that can't be endured is when the child is sick. It's hard for parents to have a fever.

Like this, Xiaomi Guosi was lying on her shoulder with a weak look, which made her wish she could feel the pain for her.


  She groaned, obviously feeling uncomfortable.

Sister Ying could only hold her and coax her, and finally couldn't help but want to feed her another mouthful of milk, but there was still a bitter taste of medicine in her mouth, and she didn't want to drink bitter melon-flavored milk anymore, so she immediately turned her head away.

I don’t know if she was thinking of the bitter taste, but her face suddenly turned red and her mouth made a vomiting gesture.

Sister Ying was startled. Just as she was about to say something, she made a "vomit~" sound and vomited.

It seemed like it was the first time she was vomiting. The little girl was startled and started to cry.

 The child felt uncomfortable and cried, and Sister Ying felt even more distressed.

He hugged and coaxed her, "Don't be afraid, it's okay. Just spit it out and it'll be fine. Mom, can I make you a cake?"

I do n’t eat cakes at home often, because it is tiring to hand -made cream and do not eat it on weekdays.

 But Xiaomiguo has tasted the cake and likes it very much. However, because of the high sweetness, Sister Ying doesn’t eat it much for her, but the little girl still likes it.

  Now that I heard that I had cake to eat, I stopped crying.

Seeing that she was not crying, Sister Ying quickly asked someone to beat the eggs.

 She has to do the rest of the steps herself since no one knows how to do it.

She put Xiaomiguo down and said, "Sit aside and watch while mom makes a cake for you." But the sick Xiaomiguo was very clingy and cried as soon as she was put down.

 “Woo woo woo, don’t don’t, don’t, don’t~”

Sister Ying sighed and could only forget it.

“Okay, okay, if you don’t come down, my mother will hold you.”

 There was no other way, she could only hold her with one hand and make cake dough with the other hand.

Xiao Miguo lay lazily on her shoulder, eating it with her little hands, her little face was red because of the fever.

Sister Ying was making the cake embryo for her. After the cake embryo was ready, she would spread the cream.

 “Look at Miguo, mommy has made so many little flowers for you.”

 The tools used to make cakes are still there, but I can take them out, wash them and still use them.

 She added safflower powder to the remaining cream, stirred it into pink, and put it into the flower frame.

 Then squeeze out the shape of a small red flower with one hand.

Xiao Miguo looked at it and she felt a little more energetic.


Seeing that she was interested, Sister Ying breathed a sigh of relief and said, "Yes, little Huahua, do you want to take a look?"

This flower frame is made by a blacksmith. It is not complicated at all. Even if there were no disposable bags in ancient times, this would be more troublesome.

 She is a bag made of gauze used to steam steamed buns, with a layer of paper used to wrap snacks inside.

But she wasn’t going to eat these flowers either, she was just using them to please her daughter.

 She put down the honey fruit and made a small butter flower for her to see.

 “Want to try it? Mom will teach you.”

Xiao Miguo hummed weakly and stood on the chair to do it.

Sister Ying held her little hand, squeezed a small pink flower, and then praised, "It's awesome, the little honey fruit can even make flowers."

Xiao Miguo tilted her head and looked at the numerous butter flowers. She felt better and then smiled.

 When she smiled, Sister Ying finally felt relieved.

He hugged her and said, "I'll eat some cake and then sleep. I'll be fine tomorrow."

What Xiaomi Guo is concerned about is, "Will you take the medicine tomorrow?"

 It turned out that I was afraid of taking medicine.

Sister Ying sighed, "If you don't have a fever tomorrow, you don't need to take medicine. You have a good sleep at night, and if you don't have a fever tomorrow, you won't take any medicine."

Xiao Miguo touched her forehead with her little hand. It was indeed a little hot.

 She touched Sister Ying's face again and found that her face was cold, much cooler than her own.

So she leaned her head over and pressed it against Sister Ying's forehead, trying to cool down.

Sister Ying couldn't help but laugh, "Little clever devil, what are you doing?"

 Xiao Miguo looked serious and said, "I'm sick." Treat it.

 The little tongue cannot tell the difference between a rolled tongue and a curled tongue, but the brain can understand it very clearly.

Sister Ying kissed her little face lovingly, "Good medicine is bitter, and your illness will be cured after drinking it. When you are cured, you will no longer need to drink medicine."

Xiaomiguo was scared when she heard her talk about medicine on the left and medicine on the right. Her little fleshy hands kept shaking, "It's better to ask for medicine than to drink medicine."

Sister Ying had no choice but to ask, "Drink a little more tonight and let your father come back to see you tomorrow after drinking, okay?"

Xiao Miguo originally swore not to drink it, but when she heard that her father would only come back after drinking it, she hesitated.

 The little round face was confused as to whether he wanted to drink it again.

Sister Ying fed her some cake first, and the sweet milk aroma suddenly filled her taste buds, and she regained her appetite, "Good time."

 “If it’s delicious, eat more.”

 I fed him a few more pieces of fruit one after another.

 Wait until she is full before preparing to give her powdered medicine to drink.

Sister Ying put the antipyretic powder into a spoon, mixed it with some water, and stirred it. The bitter smell came out immediately.

 (End of this chapter)

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