Chapter 935, Xiaomiguo drinks medicine

As soon as Xiaomi Guo smelled the bitter and nauseating smell, she immediately frowned, turned her face away in fear, and buried her head on Sister Ying's chest.

  “Bibi wants to drink medicine.”

 She was so resistant that Sister Ying was unable to do anything.

 She can't feed her alone.

I can only ask Jinghan to come over and help.

Sister Yang also came together, including Xiao Liujin, who came to watch the fun.

Sister Ying put down the medicine and coaxed Xiao Miguo out first. "Be good, Miguo. After you finish taking the medicine, I will ask someone to call your dad. Can you ask your dad to come back and stay with you?"

As soon as Xiao Miguo heard that her father was coming back, she raised her head and looked at her mother with pure thoughts.

 “Did you call daddy fat?”

She also wants to kiss her father. If her father can come back, she will naturally be happy.

Seeing that she listened, Sister Ying hurriedly brought the medicine over and coaxed, "How about you drink the medicine first? Just a small spoonful, and you'll be fine after eating it."

Xiao Miguo shook her head resistingly, and her whole little head hid directly in her arms. Like a little ostrich, she thought that as long as she couldn't see the medicine, the medicine would not come to her.

Sister Ying was helpless and stretched out her hand to pull her out.

 But when she pulled it, her reaction got worse. She whined twice and used great strength with her little hands to hold on to Sister Ying's clothes and not let go.

The strong one, Sister Ying, couldn't even pull it.

Jing Han saw this and rushed over to help.

“Xiao Mi, be good, if you drink the medicine, your father will come back. If you drink the medicine, you won’t feel uncomfortable after drinking it.”

 Speaking, he stretched out his hands to pull her off.

  “Bibi, Bibi!”

The little guy struggled hard and would probably cry loudly if he pulled any harder.

Jinghan didn't dare to be so cruel, so he could only slow down his strength and continue to persuade, "Then let's ask your father to feed you medicine, okay?"

Xiao Miguo was about to cry, but when she heard that her biological father was coming back, she held back her tears.

 “Yes, I want daddy to get fat.”

Sister Ying sighed and could only ask someone to call Jing Shirong back.

 Fortunately, Jing Shirong happened to come back from patrol and rushed back as soon as he heard about this.

He came back quickly, and when Xiao Miguo heard the sound of horse hooves outside the door, she dared to stick her head out of Sister Ying's arms.

 “Daddy is fat?”

Sister Ying nodded and carried her out.

 “Yes, your father is back.”

 Sister Ying was relieved that Jing Shirong could come back.

 As soon as I arrived at the door, I saw Jing Shirong coming hurriedly in a dusty state.

 “Are you okay?”

He hurriedly walked towards them to see if they were okay, mother and daughter, and he was relieved when they found nothing.

 “Daddy hugs~”

 When Xiaomiguo saw him, it was like seeing a life-saving straw, and she hurriedly sought protection.

Jing Shirong held her in his arms, "Why do you have a fever when you're so good?"

When someone went to inform him just now, his heart skipped a beat, and he hurried back because he was really worried.

At this moment, I saw that my daughter was sick and her little face was red. It looked like she had a fever, and I felt very distressed.

 “Did you catch a cold?”

Sister Ying shook her head, "No, I've been weaning her for the past few days. I thought it was almost successful, but who knew she suddenly had a fever."

Jing Shirong sighed, "Isn't she making trouble?"

He knew that his daughter was obsessed with breasts, but he felt that it was mysterious to end her love immediately.

But Sister Ying said, "I put some bitter melon juice on it, and she almost vomited after taking a few mouthfuls, and she didn't want to eat it anymore."

This method is effective, but the little girl is completely disgusted with the taste of bitter melon, which is also a headache.

Jing Shirong comforted her, "It's okay. There are children who have never eaten bitter melon-flavored milk and don't like to eat bitter melon. That's okay." Jing Shirong said, "Why did you get a fever?"

Sister Ying sighed, "I don't know either. My cousin said that Brother Zheng and Brother Yuan were like this in the past. She said that some children would have a fever after being pregnant, and it would be fine if it goes away."

“But the problem now is that she doesn’t take medicine. She cried so much when she was fed for the first time that I no longer dare to feed her.”

 Forcibly feeding is very simple, but I just can’t get rid of it and feel uncomfortable.

Sister Yang originally said of her, "She won't get better if you don't give her medicine. You'd better be cruel and just feed her and coax her and she'll be fine."

Sister Ying knew it was fast, but seeing her daughter crying like this would inevitably make her feel uncomfortable, so she wanted to wait for Jing Shirong to come back and let him coax her to see if she could feel better.

After hearing this, Jing Shirong let out a long sigh, "Oh... let me give it a try."

 He carried Xiaomiguo into the house and asked her, "Is Xiaomiguo sick now?"

Xiao Miguo leaned in his arms and nodded weakly.

  “Better than taking medicine.”

Although I feel weak, I still remember the taste of the bitter medicine and obviously don’t want to drink it.

Jing Shirong thought of a way, "In this way, you can put some sugar in your mouth first, and then drink the medicine. This way it won't be bitter. Can we try it?"

Xiao Miguo was dubious, "Really?"

 Isn’t it bitter after taking sugary medicine in your mouth?

Jing Shirong nodded, "Yes, let's eat something sweet first."

Sister Ying hurriedly went to get her candied fruit and asked her to put it in her mouth and chew it.

Little Miguo recognized the candied fruit, so she put it in her mouth and chewed it with her eight little teeth. It was indeed very sweet.

Taking advantage of this moment, Jing Shirong picked up the medicine in the spoon and said, "Quick, open your mouth."

Xiao Mi Guo instinctively opened her mouth, but before she could react, she swallowed the bitter medicine in her mouth.

 Before she had time to suffer, another candied fruit was stuffed into her mouth.

 “Chew quickly.”

She hurriedly chewed the candied golden jujubes, and she felt much better after eating it. The sweetness suddenly diluted the bitterness.

Sister Ying breathed a sigh of relief when she saw this.

 The whole person sat down as if paralyzed.

 “Oh my god, I was so confused that I forgot there was such a way.”

But Jing Shirong had to feed the medicine in quickly and accurately, otherwise the little guy would definitely refuse if he was a step too late.

Jing Shirong smiled helplessly, "I hope things will be fine tomorrow."

 It is really tiring for parents to feed their children medicine.

Jinghan laughed at the side and said, "Let me tell you, you guys dote on her too much. At the critical moment, you have to be quick and accurate."

She just drank it like six kilograms of medicine without saying anything.

But the result was that it left a lot of psychological shadow on Xiao Liujin, who would cover his mouth every time he saw the medicine pack.

Like this moment, she was watching from a distance and didn't dare to come over.

Jing Han looked at it nonchalantly, as if this method was indeed a bit rough, and he felt guilty and dared not say anything.

  Everyone was tired after a long day, so they went back to rest, leaving the three of them in the house.

Jing Shirong held Miguo in his arms, brushed her teeth, and then held her to sleep.

His shoulders are broad, and Miguo feels very safe in his arms.

 After a while she fell asleep.

Sister Ying was completely relieved when she saw her sleeping.

 Limply lying on the bed, not wanting to move.

 “I’m so exhausted.”

 When a child is sick, parents are the most tired. She feels even more tired than going out all night to make money. She has no energy to speak.

Jing Shirong could imagine the hardship, so he came over to lie with her with the child in his arms.

"You have worked hard."

Sister Ying shook her head, "I'm too soft-hearted. If I had drank it earlier, there wouldn't have been so many problems."

 (End of this chapter)

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