The Group’s Favorite Cute Baby is One and a Half Years Old

Chapter 936: , Jing Shirong rushed back to give medicine

Chapter 936, Jing Shirong rushed back to give medicine

Jing Shirong shook his head and understood her, "No, you have done a good job."

If it were him, he wouldn't be able to do this, and he would probably be more soft-hearted than Sister Ying.

Moreover, the child is very noisy when she has a fever and cries frequently. Because she feels uncomfortable and has no way to relieve herself, she can only vent her discomfort through crying.

 At this time, the adults must be exhausted mentally and physically, but they cannot fall.

This kind of hard work can only be deeply understood after becoming a parent.

Jing Shirong could imagine her hard work, so he would not blame her.

Instead, he felt sorry for her, "You haven't eaten yet, right? I'll have the food brought over, and you can eat first."

Sister Ying has no strength and doesn’t want to move.

 “I want to lie down for a while.”

Jing Shirong frowned, “It’s okay if I don’t eat.”

When the servant brought the food, he wanted to put Xiaomi Guo down, but she would wake up if he moved, so he could only continue to hold her.

While holding the child, he fed Sister Ying with a spoon.

 “Drink some of the pork ribs and corn soup from the kitchen.”

Sister Ying hummed and drank it weakly.

If Jing Shirong hadn't come back, she might have gritted her teeth and gotten through it.

But as soon as he came back, she relaxed all over, as if the person who solved the big problem had arrived, and she finally breathed a sigh of relief, and then she became limp.

Jing Shirong fed her a bowl of pork rib soup and gave her a meat bun to eat.

Sister Ying finished her buns and an apple, and then she regained her strength.

 “You haven’t eaten either, right? Let’s eat something together.”

Jing Shirong hummed, hugged the child with one hand, and finished the rest of the meal with the other hand. Then he wiped his mouth and felt full.

 After eating and drinking, people feel energetic again.

"It's a good thing you're back, otherwise I'd be exhausted."

Jing Shirong nodded, "Fortunately it's not far away, otherwise it wouldn't be possible if I wasn't at home for a long time."

 Although Sister Ying and her son can handle everything big and small on weekdays, it does take two people to work together when it comes to the children.

If the father treats the child badly, she will naturally not ask for help and will get through it alone.

But Jing Shirong loved his daughter so much, so naturally she wanted to tell him, lest he feel guilty if he found out later.

 Fortunately, the couple were close enough to come and go in time, otherwise Sister Ying would have had a big head.

At this moment, she could especially understand how difficult it was for women whose husbands were not at home to carry everything on their own.

 After Jing Shirong was full, he sat down and wanted to put the little honey fruit on the bed.

 But Xiao Miguo is particularly easy to wake up today, and she will cry whenever she moves.

 There is no other way but to keep holding on.

Even if you have to put her down, you should hold her and sleep with her.

It seems that I am destined to not be able to return to the military camp at night.

Sister Ying asked, "Is it okay if I don't go back?"

 After all, the military camp has its own discipline.

Jing Shirong shook his head, "It's okay. I asked for leave when I came out. Qi Yuanming happened to come back and asked him to take over. I can also ask for a few days of leave."

"That's good."

It’s good if you can ask for leave, so as not to be penalized for being absent for no reason.

“By the way, I forgot to tell you that Sister Yang is also pregnant, but she’s only a few months old, so she probably won’t give birth until next year.”

 This group of them was pregnant one after another, as if they were sprinkled with pregnancy water by the Queen Mother.

Jing Shirong nodded, "I already know."

As for Qi Yuanming's big speaker, as soon as I saw him, I immediately said something.

He said a lot about how wonderful their relationship was as a couple and how much Sister Yang liked him.

Jing Shirong saw him so happy and felt happy for him.

He said to Sister Ying, "Sister Yang is still young. If you don't understand, please take care of her. I'll thank you for your hard work."

Sister Ying chuckled and said, "What are you talking about? She is my own sister, how can I not take care of her?"

Jing Shirong also laughed, "Look at me, I regard her as Qi Yuanming's daughter-in-law, and that is my sister-in-law. I couldn't help but give her a few more instructions, but I forgot that she is also your biological sister." Sister Ying gave him a cute look, "They say one pregnancy makes you stupid for three years, and you're not bad at all."

Jing Shirong chuckled, "Yes, yes, I have been stupid for three years."

As long as she is happy, it doesn't matter what she says.

“But what should I do if my fever doesn’t go away even after I drink it tomorrow?”

 It is okay to give medicine once or twice, but it will be difficult if it is given more often.

Jing Shirong frowned, "Let's continue using this method."

The little guy already knows that eating candied fruit is not bitter, so he thinks he can accept it a second time.

And Sister Yang’s medicine shouldn’t be too bad, so maybe she’ll be fine after just one night.

Sister Ying nodded, "I hope so."

 She sincerely hoped that her daughter would be well the next day, "Amitabha."

The couple prayed together and chatted for a long time before falling asleep one after another.

 On the second day.

 When the sky was slightly bright, Jing Shirong was the first to wake up.

 The first thing I did when I woke up was to touch my daughter’s forehead. When I saw that the temperature of her little head was normal, I breathed a sigh of relief.

He dared not sleep last night. He woke up several times in the middle of the night and touched Xiao Miguo's head every time. He dared not sleep until he saw that it was no longer hot.

 After sleeping for a while, wake up and give her a look, then feed her some rock sugar and snow pear water to drink.

After taking care of him all night, the fever finally stopped the next day, and the little guy's face also regained a little color.

Jing Shirong breathed a sigh of relief, and then he felt completely at ease, closed his eyes and fell asleep.

 After he fell asleep, Sister Ying woke up.

Jing Shirong stayed up all night to take care of his daughter last night, and she would take over in the morning.

 She first changed Xiaomiguo's diaper and then wiped her body.

 After she's been served, go to the kitchen and cook some meat porridge for her.

 Made her some more rabbit-shaped snacks, and then came back to wash herself.

Xiao Miguo went to bed early last night, and she woke up right after Sister Ying had finished cooking.

 As soon as I wake up, I will be dazed for a while, kick my calves, turn over and see if my mother is there.

 But when he turned around, his mother had disappeared.

She groaned and was about to cry, but Jing Shirong's big hand stretched out to hold her over.

 “Dad is here, let’s sleep with him for a while.”

When Xiao Miguo saw that her father was still there, she was very happy. She walked over, hugged Jing Shirong's neck, and called her affectionately, "Daddy~"

Jing Shirong raised the corners of his mouth and smiled, "Well, daddy is here."

With her biological father here, Xiaomi Guo was indeed very safe, holding Jing Shirong in her arms without letting go.

 “Daddy hugs~”

Jing Shirong circled her with his big hands, "Well, daddy will hug you."

She was so good, Jing Shirong's heart softened, and he turned his big face to hers, "Does your head still hurt?"

Xiao Miguo shook her head, "It doesn't hurt~"

 “Daddy doesn’t take medicine.”

Look, I still remember it.

Jing Shirong smiled, "As long as you don't get sick, you don't need to take medicine. Besides, only when you get sick can you get better by taking medicine. Medicine is a good person."

 She is still young, and she cannot understand even if I explain too much to her. She can only be described as a good person.

Xiao Miguo tilted her head, "Is Yao Yao a good person?"

She was confused. How could such a bitter medicine be a good person?

Jing Shirong touched her head and explained to her, "Look, you drank medicine last night, won't you feel better today?"

“That’s your aunt’s medicine saving you.”

Xiao Miguo was stunned for a while, obviously she still couldn't believe this fact.

 “Auntie’s medicine?”

“Yes, your aunt is very powerful. The medicine she prescribes can save people.”

 (End of this chapter)

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