Chapter 938: The art of tying hair

Jing Shirong didn’t expect that she could really spell it out and knew how to get the angles right. He was very surprised.

 “Awesome, you did it successfully.”

Unexpectedly, she was so observant at such a young age that she could put together a nine-piece puzzle. Jing Shirong felt particularly proud.

 “That’s great. As expected of my daughter, she’s so smart.”

Xiao Miguo looked at the Nine Palaces puzzle pieced together on the surface and was shocked that she could complete it.

Her eyes widened, the corners of her mouth raised, her eyes full of happy smiles, and she kept giggling while holding the pieced together pattern.

 “Daddy’s nest is ready~~”

Jing Shirong smiled lovingly, "Yes, you've done it."

 “I want to check it out for my mother~”

 Speaking, he picked up the puzzle and showed it to Sister Ying.

Having taken only two steps, she stopped, turned around and threw herself into Jing Shirong's arms, asking him to hold her.

 “Daddy hugs~”

Jing Shirong smiled, "Okay, daddy will hug you."

 Speaking, he picked her up and went to the kitchen to find Sister Ying.

Sister Ying is eating at the moment. She will have to go to the maternal and child store later. She recently bought a high-end wooden baby high chair, which can be placed for feeding.

The goods had been ordered in advance. She was going to go over and inspect them. If there were no problems, she would have them delivered to the owner's house.

At this moment, I saw Jing Shirong coming in with Xiaomiguo in his arms, and asked with a smile, "What's wrong? Why don't you play for a while longer?"

Xiao Miguo held the assembled puzzle and handed it over, presenting the treasure and saying, "Mom, this is awesome~"

Seeing her proud face, Sister Ying took the puzzle and looked at it, "Ah, have you finished it? That's great."

 She didn't help the little one with the puzzle before, she just watched her movements and wanted to know how she thinks.

 The puzzle was put together today. It was probably her father who reminded her.

But that’s fine, it would be great if she can understand it and have the ability to execute it.

“Mom will go to the store later, and you can play with your dad at home.”

 Xiao Miguo shook her head, "Let's go together."

 She likes spending time with her parents the most.

Sister Ying thought it was not too busy, so she agreed.

 “Okay, let’s go together.”

 “I’m going to change clothes first.”

She went back to the house, changed into the clothes she was going to wear, and dressed up a little.

Xiao Miguo liked to watch her dress up the most, so she immediately leaned over and leaned in front of the dressing mirror to watch her draw her eyebrows.

Jing Shirong took the eyebrow pencil from her and wanted to help her draw it.

Sister Ying pressed his hand and said, "You'd better comb my hair."

This guy's makeup skills are really not to be complimented, just let him comb his hair.

Jing Shirong smiled and took the comb to comb her hair without forcing it.

“By the way, comb Miguo’s hair and I’ll tie it up for her later.”


Jing Shirong glanced at Xiao Miguo’s chicken coop-like hair, hugged her and sat on his lap, took the comb and started to comb her hair.

Because the ends of her hair were slightly curly, once Jing Shirong combed her hair, her hair was still curled and she couldn't comb it straight.

Jing Shirong wondered, "What's wrong with her hair? Why can't she always comb it straight?"

Sister Ying chuckled and said, "She has naturally curly hair. It's not like you don't know."

Jing Shirong naturally knew, but he thought it was normal for a newborn child to have curly hair and that it would be fine if he grew older.

 But Xiaomiguo has grown so big, and her hair is not straight, but rather curly, which makes me puzzled.

Sister Ying said to him, "What's so strange? Look at the local children, don't they all have curly hair?"

Jing Shirong clicked his tongue and said, "The land and water support the people. The curly hair of the local people is the result of their ancestors having curly hair, so they can naturally be inherited."

 But most children in Beijing have straight hair, and curly hair is rarely seen.

Sister Ying pointed to herself, "I had curly hair when I was a child." She also had curly hair when she was a child, and even now her hair is curved at the end.

Jing Shirong recalled that when Sister Ying was a child, she seemed to have two small curls. It seemed that her daughter had inherited it from her.

“Besides, curly hair is so cute, I like it anyway.”

Xiao Miguo parroted, "How cute, I like it~"

“Look, your daughter likes it too.”

Jing Shirong smiled and said, "Okay, okay, as long as you like it."

 He took the hair tie from Sister Ying and carefully helped Xiao Miguo braid her hair.

The hand holding the sword is a bit clumsy when used to tie the child's hair.

The stern face couldn't help but become serious, he pursed his lips and pricked her very seriously.

Sister Ying had already finished dressing up. When she looked back, she saw her man tying up her daughter's hair seriously.

Although she looks serious, the effect of the pricking is not satisfactory. The two small knots are tied crookedly, one up and one down, completely asymmetrical.

 Xiao Miguo enjoyed it very much and wanted to look in the mirror.

Sister Ying chuckled and said, "It's your first time for your father to whip you, so don't dislike it."

Xiao Miguo felt something was wrong as soon as she heard this and immediately wanted to look in the mirror.

She climbed up to the dressing mirror, looked closer, and saw that the two little knobs on her head were up and down, not aligned at all.

And the hair is not neatly combed. One is combed so tightly that the scalp is hanging up, but the other is so loose that it won't fall off. I don't know how dad did it.

 Small honey fruit.

She curled her lips and wanted to cry, but thinking about her father's good intentions, she stopped crying and held Sister Ying's hand.

 “Mother, give me a piercing.”

I also know how to ask Sister Ying for help.

Sister Ying was happy. She looked back at Jing Shirong, and saw that he had a disappointed look on his face, and she obviously felt that she had done a good job.

  She whispered in Xiao Miguo's ear, "Your father managed to tie it up for you. He would be so sad if you took it apart."

Xiao Miguo's eyelashes blinked when she heard this. She looked back and saw that her father had a disappointed look on his face, as if he would cry if she took off her braids.

She couldn't help but sigh, like a little adult,

 “Forget it~”

Look, how much you feel sorry for people.

Sister Ying lowered her head and kissed her, "It's great. It makes people feel bad. So don't break it today, and we'll break it tonight."

Xiao Miguo hummed, ran to Jing Shirong with her short legs, and continued to hang on him.

Jing Shirong was happy to see that she didn't dislike her craftsmanship.

Xiao Miguo saw him smiling and shook her head helplessly, secretly thinking that her father was really fragile and he still needed her to coax him.

But forget it, who calls him the biological father? Just coax him.

Sister Ying wanted to laugh every time she saw the little girl sighing like a grown-up, but she still held it back.

 “Okay, pack up and let’s go.”

Jing Shirong hummed and went to lead the horse.

Sister Ying also rides one herself.

Xiao Miguo hasn’t ridden a horse for a long time, so she is very happy to sit on a horse.

The little short hand is holding the horse's rope, and the milky voice is milky, "Drive~"

The horse didn't listen to her, but Jing Shirong groaned, and the horse started to move.

Sister Ying wore a veil to save herself from the sun.

A family of three rode two horses and walked slowly down the street.

When they arrived at the store, Sister Ying dismounted her horse and Jing Shirong helped her tie the horse up before entering the store with Xiaomiguo in her arms.

The shopkeeper saw them coming in and came to report with a smile.

“Master, everything is here. It’s upstairs. Come and take a look.”


Sister Ying went upstairs first, followed by Jing Shirong and Xiao Miguo.

 (End of this chapter)

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