The Group’s Favorite Cute Baby is One and a Half Years Old

Chapter 939: , opening a store with children is the right thing to do

Chapter 939: Taking care of children and opening a store

 After going up to the second floor, a batch of the latest wooden baby dining chairs have been set up and are waiting for Sister Ying's acceptance.

 The chairs are all made of the best wood and have lost their smell in advance.

The edges and corners are all polished extremely smooth, and there will be no scratches or barbs at all.

 The workmanship is so good, but the wages are not cheap.

Sister Ying told Jing Shirong, "This batch of goods is customized by the local nobles and will be delivered in the afternoon."

The local nobles live in another area, and Sister Ying rarely goes there.

Jing Shirong knew those nobles. Those people were princes and nobles who had been inherited from the past.

  When the imperial court fought to regain this place, it was not too bloody, but peaceful.

What the emperor means is that as long as they submit sincerely, they will still be given the status of nobles and they will be princes here and still have their salaries.

 The lives of the people will continue as usual, except that the border areas will be replaced by soldiers and horses from the imperial court, and everything else will remain unchanged.

The nobles knew that they did not have enough soldiers and horses, so they had no choice but to surrender.

The local people felt that the imperial court did not attack them, but only sent people to guard the border, so it did not matter whether they submitted or not, and their days went by.

On the other hand, the nobles have always lived in the most prosperous areas, and they rarely come out to have direct conflicts with the third princess.

 After all, the two have nothing to do with each other. If someone protects them, why not do it.

There are some people who refuse to admit defeat and want to fight the imperial court. But looking at the 100,000 soldiers and horses, how can they still have the courage to fight? They can only live in despair.

 They are calm, but their temperament is still a bit wild, and they still bully the common people.

 I just didn’t dare to go too far, for fear that the third princess would find out, so I just beat and scolded her and that was it.

Sister Ying didn’t know much about those nobles, so Jing Shirong gave her some knowledge.

"If those people deliberately make things difficult for you, you don't have to be afraid. I will support you. If you should say something back, you can say something back. You don't have to be angry."

 He didn’t know that these dining chairs were ordered by the nobles. If he had known, he would not have allowed her to take the business.

Sister Ying reassured him. "When we open our doors to do business, people come to our door, so we have to do it."

 Having paid everything including the deposit, let’s just do it.

And they are all things that children need. She also wants other children to use useful baby products, so naturally she will not turn away customers.

She checked the items and asked the shopkeeper, "You can deliver them in person and collect the balance. You can keep the money in your account this month."

The shopkeeper laughed when he heard this.

 “Oh, okay, the little one will go right away.”

 The store implements a commission and after-sales model.

As long as the shopkeeper and waiter have a good attitude before and after sales, they will get a commission for every order.

 With the motivation of money, the waiter and the shopkeeper are naturally full of enthusiasm.

 They packed the chairs, loaded them into the car, and sent them over.

Xiao Miguo seemed to suddenly become cool when she saw her mother busy, so she leaned over and asked Sister Ying to hug her.

Sister Ying was puzzled, "What's the matter? Do you want to choose a skirt? Recently, a batch of little girl's skirts have arrived in the store. It is estimated that they will be sold out as soon as they are released tomorrow."

 Their girls' clothes have always been very popular.

 Some women who love beauty begged her to sell some dresses for women.

 So she designed a few more sets, which were parent-child clothes and were very popular among local women.

Jing Shirong didn’t expect that she managed this maternal and child store so well, and he admired her very much.

“I thought you were busy at home every day, but I didn’t expect the store to look so good.”

Sister Ying gave him a confident look, "That's right."

Although she is at home every day, she also goes out to the store from time to time to inspect the goods, train the employees, and teach them after-sales processing. The results are good.

 In addition, Xiaomi is a good boy and behaves well every time I take her out, so it is convenient for her to do things.

Jing Shirong hugged her and kissed her fiercely, "Why are you so powerful?"

 It is really admirable to be so independent and self-reliant before and after marriage.

Sister Ying smiled and said, "I'll probably follow my mother and work hard."

 She has no time to spare and loves to do something. In addition, I like to open a store, and my enthusiasm will not diminish even after giving birth to a child.

Moreover, Xiao Miguo is growing up day by day and needs more and more things, so she has higher and higher quality requirements for children’s supplies and begins to design them herself.

Such as clothes, shoes, small bags, and tableware, she would hold the little honey fruit in her arms and go to discuss with the master, and she did not miss anything while taking care of the children.

Jing Shirong admired her very much for her special use of time.

Sister Ying saw her father and daughter looking at her with admiration, and she smiled sheepishly.

“Okay, stop looking, go pick out some clothes first, and go out to eat later.”

The family of three hasn’t gone out to go shopping and eat for a long time, but they are still in a good mood.

Especially Xiaomiguo was always smiling and happy.

Sister Ying went to the clothing area to choose clothes for her and asked her, "Do you want to wear bunny clothes or small yellow flower clothes?"

Xiao Miguo is also a girl. She can’t walk when she sees a beautiful little skirt.

 Her eyebrows were tangled, she wanted both.

So she clapped her hands and said, "I want them all!"

Sister Ying smiled, "Okay, that's all."

 The rest of the shoes and socks were also given to her.

 When Xiao Miguo saw so many beautiful dresses, she didn't want Jing Shirong to hug her and struggled to get off.

Jing Shirong put her down, and she took a small skirt and gestured in front of the mirror.

 This mirror is rectangular and very large.

 Sister Ying bought it at a high price.

Although the yellow ones are hard to see clearly, you can still get a rough picture.

  Many women like to come to her house to buy clothes because of this mirror.

Xiao Miguo gestured with her little skirt in front of the mirror. The more she looked at the cuteness of the little white rabbit skirt on her body, she immediately handed it to Jing Shirong, "Daddy, I want to wear it."

Jing Shirong smiled and said, "Okay."

 He went to change her clothes and put on matching shoes and socks.

 The little guy is particularly fond of things with rabbit patterns recently. He can't walk when he sees something with a bunny pattern.

Sister Ying remembered that Xiao Liujin also liked the bunny pattern, so she took a set of the same set back to prevent the two of them from fighting again.

 Packed up the clothes and the three of them went to the street together.

 Looking at the bustling crowd on the street, Xiao Miguo was very happy.

Jing Shirong saw that she was happy and thought about taking her out to play next time.

 “What do you want to eat? I’ll listen to you today because you drank the medicine obediently last night.”

Xiao Miguo was stunned. She didn’t expect that there would be such a reward for drinking the medicine obediently.

So she patrolled the streets with her eyes wide open, and finally chose a snack stall that children loved to eat.

The three of them walked over together and saw that the stall was filled with many strange snacks.

Sister Ying smiled and said, "Okay, just pick whatever you like. Mom is treating me today."

Xiao Miguo's eyes widened happily, "Really?"

You can choose anything?

 Usually I can only choose one item.

Sister Ying praised her, "Yes, because you took the medicine obediently last night."

  She said this because she was afraid that the little guy would have a psychological shadow about drinking medicine.

I want her to feel that if she takes medicine, she will get a gift, so that she will not be afraid of taking medicine in the future.

 After hearing Xiaomi Guo, she really changed her mind about drinking medicine.

 It turns out that taking medicine comes with a gift, which is really great.

 (End of this chapter)

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